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ICD-9 487; ICD-10 J10,11
Related Topics: Protecting Yourself During the Cold and Flu Season, Avian Flu, Vaccine Preventable Diseases and SARS

2006 - 2007 Texas Influenza Surveillance Information

Influenza Surveillance Report for MMWR Week 52

The flu activity level for the week ending December 30, 2006 is “regional”. Regional activity indicates that 2 or more but less than half of the regions are experiencing an increase in ILI and lab-confirmed (by culture) flu has been identified in those regions.

Flu reporting for week 52 was limited due to the holidays.

The DSHS laboratory isolated influenza A/H1 in only two specimens collected during week 52 from Bexar and Smith Counties. No influenza B was isolated. HSR 1 reported culture confirmed flu A and B in Lubbock County. HSR 2/3 reported culture confirmed flu A in Dallas and Tarrant Counties. Scott and White Laboratory reported culture confirmed flu B in a specimen from Brazos County. The Air Force Institute for Operational Health (AFIOH) reported no culture confirmed flu during week 52.

Reports were received from all 11 Health Service Regions (HSRs) for week 52. HSRs 1 and 7 reported an increase in flu activity from the previous week. For a map of Health Service Regions, please visit the following website:


No institutional outbreaks or school closures were reported for week 52.


Sixty-one sentinel providers reported influenza-like illness (ILI) for week 52. Of all patient visits during this week, 6.47% were due to ILI. The baseline for Texas is 3.71%. The baseline is the mean percentage of patient visits for ILI during non-influenza weeks for the previous three seasons plus two standard deviations.

Percentage of Influenza-Like Illness (ILI) Reported by Sentinel Providers in Texas
as of 01/12/07
Week # Reporting Age
over 64
Total ILI Total
2006-40 60 71 120 65 9 265 15228 1.74
2006-41 58 104 126 93 14 337 16202 2.07
2006-42 76 250 187 154 44 635 24995 2.54
2006-43 76 219 188 153 20 580 23063 2.51
2006-44 71 235 254 164 39 692 22374 3.09
2006-45 70 356 249 182 42 829 22458 3.69
2006-46 70 495 312 228 62 1097 23837 4.60
2006-47 75 450 227 236 95 1008 19782 5.09
2006-48 77 442 275 301 70 1088 24189 4.49
2006-49 83 374 325 283 96 1078 24010 4.48
2006-50 71 387 380 252 80 1099 21973 5.00
2006-51 64 349 256 177 50 832 16562 5.02
2006-52 61 460 199 264 104 1027 15868 6.47

Percentage of Visits Due to Influenza-Like Illness,
Texas Sentinel Providers Surveillance Network,
2006-2007 Season


Statewide Influenza Activity For the Week Ending December 23, 2006

(MMWR Week 52)
Influenza in Texas Map

Map Legend 1                Map Legend 2

*Influenza activity level corresponds to current MMWR week only and does not reflect previous weeks’ activity.

Last Updated: Thursday, February 01, 2007

Texas Department of State Health Services - Infectious Disease Control Unit
1100 West 49th Street, Suite T801, Mail Code: 1960 PO BOX 149347 - Austin, TX 78714-9347
(512) 458-7676 - Fax: (512) 458-7616 -

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