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Related Topics: Protecting Yourself During the Cold and Flu Season, Avian Flu, Vaccine Preventable Diseases and SARS

2006 - 2007 Texas Influenza Surveillance Information

Influenza Surveillance Report for MMWR Week 40

This is the first official report for the 2006-2007 influenza season. The flu activity level for the week ending October 7, 2006 is “no activity”. This does not mean that flu is not occurring in the state, but rather, at very low levels.

Reports were received from all 11 Health Service Regions (HSRs) for week 40. For a map of Health Service Regions, please visit the following website:


During week 40, no culture confirmed influenza A or B was identified by the DSHS laboratory or reported by any other laboratories in the state.

During week 40, five hospital laboratories across Texas reported conducting 155 influenza tests (both antigen and culture) to the National Respiratory and Enteric Virus Surveillance System (NREVSS). No positive tests were reported.

No institutional outbreaks or school closures were reported for week 40.

Thirty-seven sentinel providers reported influenza-like illness (ILI) during week 40. Of all patient visits during this week, 2.44% were due to ILI.

Percentage of Influenza-Like Illness (ILI) Reported by Sentinel Providers in Texas as of 10/13/06
Week # Reporting Age 0-4 Age 5-24 Age 25-64 Age over 64 Total ILI Total Patients % ILI
2006-40 37 60 107 59 7 233 9525 2.44

For more information on flu surveillance activities in the State of Texas, please visit our main surveillance page.

Last Updated: Friday, October 27, 2006

Texas Department of State Health Services - Infectious Disease Control Unit
1100 West 49th Street, Suite T801, Mail Code: 1960 PO BOX 149347 - Austin, TX 78714-9347
(512) 458-7676 - Fax: (512) 458-7616 -

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