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HIV/STD Program Website


HIV/STD Program Annual Reports
Yearly report to the Texas Legislature and the general public outlining the activities of the DSHS HIV/STD Program.

Texas HIV/STD Surveillance Report
Yearly report of HIV and STD infection in Texas.

Epidemiologic Profiles
Summaries of the most relevant, complete, and recent information on HIV disease trends in Texas.

Border Reports
A brief overview of Texas/Mexico border region data along with statistical breakouts for these various border regions.

Texas Perinatal HIV Transmission Epidemiologic Profile
Includes data and information for Texas and each of the Public Health Regions from 1999 through 2001.

1998 Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System HIV/AIDS Section and Sexual Behavior Module
Report on two sections of the BRFSS telephone survey: HIV/AIDS and Sexual Behavior.

AIDS Dot Maps
Distribution of AIDS cases across the state of Texas showing the spread of AIDS between 1986 and 2001.

1997 Survey of Childbearing Women in Texas
Results of the most recent in this series of HIV seroprevalence studies.

HARS HIV/AIDS Cases Annual Data
Detailed crosstabulations of various demographic variables for cumulative, living, and newly-reported cases of HIV Infection and AIDS.

HOPWA Annual Report
Report on HOPWA (Housing Opportunities for People with AIDS) program.

2006 Texas HIV/STD Prevention Area Action Plans
Describe the priority needs for preventing HIV infection and the spread of STDs in Texas.

Area Comprehensive HIV Care Services Plans and Needs Assessments
Comprehensive plans and needs assessments for the six geographical HIV/STD service areas in Texas.


Last Updated September 25, 2007


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