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HIV/STD Program Website

Resources for HIV Medical and Psychosocial Support Services Contractors

Clinical Standards
CDC standards for the treatment of HIV and STDs.

Program Reporting Forms
DSHS-required reporting forms for contractors.

Program Evaluation Tools
Program evaluation tools used by DSHS.

HIV services taxonomy for data collection/reporting and unit cost calculation of HIV-related medical and support services.

Clinical Resources Team
Includes HIV/STD standards and procedures.

Texas HIV Medication Program
State ADAP program.

Quality Management
Guidance for quality assurance and quality improvement.

HIV/STD Services Directory
Directory of HIV and STD services available in Texas.

HOPWA (Housing Opportunities for People with AIDS) manual.

Area Comprehensive HIV Care Services Plans and Needs Assessments
Comprehensive plans and needs assessments for the six geographical HIV/STD service areas in Texas.

Administrative Agency Structures
Administrative agencies support HIV services in Texas.

Statewide Coordinated Statement of Need (SCSN)
Process used to identify and provide suggested strategies to address HIV care issues.

Reporting Suspected Abuse and Neglect of Children
Information for health care providers.

Resource Links
A resource list of websites that may be helpful for physicians, contractors, or clients.

Contract Awards Adobe pdf document
List of agencies contracted by DSHS under the 2007/2008 HIV Prevention Awards.

Technical Assistance Bulletins
Information for contractors.

Records Retention
DSHS guidelines for retaining records by contractors.

HIV/STD Brochures
Listing of HIV/STD brochures available free of charge from DSHS.

HIV/STD Conference
Biennial statewide HIV/STD conference.


Last Updated October 18, 2007


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