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Texas State Board of Examiners of Professional Counselors
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Texas State Board of Examiners of Professional Counselors


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Board Policy regarding Use of Technology

Texas Occupations Code, (Chapter 503, Sec 503.210), requires the Texas State Board of Examiners of Professional Counselors to “implement a policy requiring the board to use appropriate technological solutions to improve the board’s ability to perform its functions. The policy must ensure that the public is able to interact with the board on the Internet.”

The board’s administrative attachment to the Department of State Health Services (DSHS) significantly limits the board’s ability to independently implement technological solutions for the operation of its program. Additionally, DSHS information technology services are centralized under the auspices of the Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC). The board depends on the technological infrastructure and solutions provided by HHSC and DSHS in order to perform its functions. The board is committed to providing input to DSHS regarding the program’s website and general technological needs that the board may identify.

It is the board’s policy that the public is able to interact with the board on the Internet. Any person may use the board’s website to send electronic mail with questions, concerns, or information requests. The public may download a consumer complaint form from the website and submit it as an e-mail attachment. The public may review information on the website, including lists of license holders and license holder disciplinary actions. License holders may use the Internet to complete the jurisprudence examination. The board shall provide information about its activities, such as copies of its agendas and minutes, in accessible formats on the website. Additionally, a license holder may use www.texasonline.com to apply for or renew a license or to report a change of address to the board.

The board is committed to working collaboratively with DSHS and HHSC to improve or implement technological solutions to enhance its ability to perform its functions and to maintain and improve public services available on the Internet.

Negotiated Rulemaking and Alternative Dispute Resolution Policy

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Last Updated October 24, 2006

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