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Texas Board of Orthotics and Prosthetics
Apply for a New License - Prosthetist or Orthotist Requirements

Board of Examiners for  State Board of Examiners for Orthotics and Prosthetics
Board of Examiners for  State Board of Examiners for Orthotics and Prosthetics


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Academic requirements for a prosthetist or orthotist license. The applicant must hold:

  • a bachelor’s degree in:
    • prosthetics and orthotics from a college or university educational program accredited by the Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs (CAAHEP) while the applicant attended the program or a college or university educational program accepted by the board as having educational standards equal to or exceeding CAAHEP standards; or
    • any subject and a prosthetic or orthotic certificate from a practitioner educational program accredited by CAAHEP while the applicant attended the program, or a practitioner education program accepted by the board as having educational standards equal to or exceeding CAAHEP standards; or
  • until January 1, 2005,
    • an associate degree in prosthetics and orthotics from a college or university accredited by a regional accrediting organization such as Southern Association of Schools and Colleges, or
    • an associate degree in any subject from a college or university accredited by a regional accrediting organization such as Southern Association of Schools and Colleges, and:
      • six semester hours of anatomy and physiology
      • six semester hours of physics or chemistry
      • three semester hours of trigonometry or higher mathematics
  • Postgraduate requirements for the prosthetist (or orthotist) license.
  • The applicant must submit an affidavit, signed by the prosthetist(s) or orthotist(s) or prosthetist/orthotist(s) who directly supervised the applicant, attesting to the applicant's successful completion of not less than 1900 hours of clinical prosthetic or orthotic residency, or 4500 hours of post graduate clinical experience, if applying with an associate degree before January 1, 2005. See the rules §821.31 Standards, Guidelines, and Procedures for a Professional Clinical Residency.
  • If any of the clinical prosthetic or orthotic residency is completed on or after January 1, 1999, the supervising prosthetist(s) or orthotist(s) or prosthetist/orthotist(s) must be licensed.


Last Updated June 9, 2005


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