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Texas Board of Orthotics and Prosthetics
Continuing Education-General Information

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Effective date. The first continuing education period begins after the first license renewal. Continuing education is not required to obtain an initial license. After that, a licensee is required to attend continuing education activities as a condition of license renewal.

Continuing education periods. The continuing education period begins the first day of the month following the licensee's birth month. Continuing education periods are two years in length, coinciding with the license renewal period.

Requirements. Licensees are responsible for obtaining continuing education credit that meets the requirements of of the board rules at 22 Texas Administrative Code, § 821.35. Licensees are responsible for maintaining proof of completion of his or her own continuing education credits. Attendance and completion of the following number of continuing education credits are required:

Type of License
Number of Hours Required for Each CE Period
prosthetist or orthotist license
prosthetist and orthotist license
prosthetist or orthotist assistant
prosthetist and orthotist assistant
prosthetic or orthotic technician
prosthetic and orthotic technician

Determining continuing education credits. For seminars, lectures, presentations, symposia, workshops, conferences and similar activities, 50 minutes is considered one credit.

  • Course work completed at or through an accredited college or university is credited based on eight credits for each semester hour completed of credit. Continuing education credit is granted for a grade of C or better.
  • Self-study modules (with or without audio/visual aids) may account for up to 25% of the credits required.
  • Distance learning activities, audiovisual teleconferences, and interactive computer generated learning activities provided a documented post test is completed and passed.
  • Instructing or presenting in activities in the first three categories listed above. Multiple presentations of the same program or equivalent programs may only be counted once during a continuing education period.
  • Writing a book or article applicable to the practice of prosthetics and/or orthotics, four credits for an article and eight credits for a book will be granted for a publication in the continuing education period in which the book or article was published. Multiple publications of the same article or an equivalent article may only be counted once during a continuing education period. Publications may account for 25% or less of the required credit.
Reporting of continuing education credit. At the time of license renewal, licensees file a continuing education report on a form provided by the board. A representative sample of the licensees renewing during each month is selected at random for auditing continuing education credits. The following procedures apply to the audit.
  • At the time the renewal notice is sent to the licensee, the board notifies the licensees selected for an audit.
  • If selected for an audit, the licensee submits certificates, transcripts or other documentation satisfactory to the board, verifying the licensee's attendance, participation and completion of the continuing education credits claimed on the report form.
  • The documentation is furnished at the time the renewal and continuing education report forms are returned to the board.
Failure to timely furnish the required information, or knowingly providing false information during the renewal or audit process are grounds for disciplinary action against the licensee.

Failure to submit required documentation satisfactory to the board is considered the same as failing to meet the continuing education requirements.

Failure to complete the required continuing education at renewal time. The board will notify a licensee if the person fails to complete the continuing education requirements. If the licensee does not obtain the credits before the expiration of three months after the date the notice was given, the board may take action to suspend or revoke the license. Notice is sent to the last address on file with the board.

The licensee is responsible for completing and reporting to the board the additional continuing education credits required within the three-month period after notice was given. Credits earned during the additional three months only apply to that continuing education period and may not be carried over to the next period.

Failure to complete the continuing education credits after three months. The board notifies the licensee that the board intends to suspend or revoke the license for failure to complete and report the required continuing education. The licensee is offered the opportunity to show compliance with the continuing education requirements. The licensee may request a formal hearing on the proposed suspension or revocation. The times and procedures for showing compliance and the formal hearing are set out in §821.39 of the rules. Failure to timely request a hearing will result in the waiver of the opportunity for a formal hearing.

Qualifying exemptions from the continuing education requirements. The following licensees are exempt from the continuing education requirements if the qualifying event occurred during the 24 months immediately before the license expiration date. The licensee is responsible for submitting an affidavit stating the licensee meets the criteria for the exemption accompanied by proof satisfactory to the board:

  • a licensee who served in the regular armed forces of the United States of America
  • a licensee who suffered a mental or physical illness or disability that prevented the licensee from complying with the continuing education requirements
  • a licensee who suffered a catastrophic event such as a flood, fire, tornado, or hurricane that prevented the licensee from complying with the continuing education requirements
Licensees employed as faculty in programs accredited under the Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs (CAAHEP) or prosthetics and orthotics programs having educational standards equal to or greater than CAAHEP are exempt from 50% of the continuing education requirements.

Untrue documentation. Untrue documentation or information submitted to the board subjects the licensee to disciplinary action.

Unacceptable activities. Activities unacceptable as continuing education for which the board will not grant credit are:

  • education incidental to the licensee's regular professional activities such as learning occurring from experience or research
  • professional organization activity such as serving on boards, committees or councils or as an officer
  • continuing education activities completed before the renewal period
  • activities described in Acceptable topics and Acceptable types of continuing education completed more than once during the continuing education period
  • activities in which the licensee did not attend, participate, or complete
  • performance of duties that are routine job duties or requirements
  • self-directed study activities that did not include a post test
  • self-directed study activities that exceed the 25% limit as described in Acceptable activities
  • activities not offered or approved by a state, regional or national prosthetic and/or orthotic organization, allied health organization, or not offered by a regional accredited college or university

Last Updated June 9, 2005

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