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What is Radon?

Radon is an odorless, colorless, radioactive gas that develops with the natural breakdown of uranium in soil and rock. Radon can migrate through permeable rocks and soils and eventually seep into buildings or be relased into the atmosphere. Radon is measured in units of picocuries per liter (pCi/l) of radon in the air.
figure showing the decay chain for radon








What are the Health Risks Associated with Radon?

The only known health risk associated with Radon is the potential to develop lung cancer.
In addition, smoking combined with radon exposure greatly increases the risk for developing lung cancer.

sketch of house with arrows, depicting radon gas,  flowing through


How are You Exposed to Radon?

Radon that seeps into homes may accumulate there and decay into radioactive, chemically reactive particles that attach themselves to dust in the home environment. If inhaled over a long period of time, these radioactive particles may cause damage to the lung tissues and increase the risk of developing lung cancer.

The Texas Indoor Radon Survey

In 1991, the Texas Department of Health, Bureau of Radiation Control (BRC) commissioned a statewide survey of indoor residential radon to determine the extent of the problem in Texas, and to identify potential "hot spots." When viewed on a statewide basis, the radon measurements from nearly 2,700 randomly selected Texas homes were relatively low -- averaging 1.0 pCi/l of air. The threshold of concern, according to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) guidelines is 4.0 pCi/l air.

Picture of Cover of Texas Indoor Radon Survey and link to survey
Click on the picture of the cover
for the complete survey.
2553KB - 26 pgs.


Is Radon a Problem in Texas?

In Texas, the average of radon in homes is within national norms; however, when examined on a county-by-county basis, several areas of Texas are identified where local geology is suspected of contributing to the potential for elevated levels of indoor radon.

The Panhandle area of Texas, especially those counties clustered in a band through its center, is shown to have moderate potential for indoor radon. This area of the state is the only area to report any sizable number of homes with radon levels above 20 pCi/l of air, but, on the average, these areas fall within the "Moderate Potential" zone.

Texas has no areas of "Highest Potential," according to the United States Environmental Protection Agency standards.

Texas map of radon zones showing that Texas is in either the low to moderate zone for radon potential

Click on map for larger image

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How Can I Test for Radon?

There are two principle radon testing methods for home use. The most commonly used method is the short-term charcoal canister test that passively absorbs small amounts of radon over 3-7 days. The canister is subsequently analyzed by an EPA-approved lab.

The other method is a long-term (one month - one year) alpha--track test that detects radiation from radon and is then analyzed by an EPA-approved lab.

Where Do I Get a Radon Test Kit?

The Texas Department of State Health Services has a limited number of test kits available on a first-come, first-served basis.  To order your Radon Test Kit contact Kay Soper at 1-800-572-5548 ext. 2428 or email .

Test kits might be found at your local hardware store, depending on the demand for kits in your particular area.

For further information on how to order a Radon Test Kit contact: 1-800-SOS RADON or 1-800-55-RADON.

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United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Radon Site

Who Can Test or Fix Your Home?

EPA Radon Hotline listings


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Texas Department of State Health Services, Radiation Control Program
1100 West 49th Street - Austin, Texas 78756-3189 - (512) 834-6688 or (512) 834-6770

Last Updated June 25, 2007

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