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How to apply for a new license

Guidance for submitting an amendment to your license

Radiation Safety Officer Change

Information required to terminate a site or license

Information to add a storage site

Agency Accepted Training Courses


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The Industrial Licensing Program issues licenses that authorize the following uses of radioactive material:

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How to Apply for a New License

General Information

  • Submit a completed and signed Application for Radioactive Material License, BRC Form 252-2.

  • Submit a completed and signed Business Information Form, BRC Form 252-1.

  • Provide detailed operating, safety and emergency (O,S & E) procedures appropriate for your use of radioactive material. From the links above, you will find a specific Regulatory Guides and/or guidance information for completing the application and what information should be included in your O, S & E procedures.

  • Submit appropriate fee. A nonrefundable fee shall be submitted with each new application. Refer to §289.204 to determine the fee that should accompany the new application. Review of the new application will not begin until the proper fee is received by the agency. The check or money order should be made payable to the Texas Department of State Health Services.

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Information Needed to Amend a License

  • No fee is required to make a change to your license.

  • Clearly describe what changes you want to the license.

  • Provide written justification for the change.

  • Sign the request. The request must be signed by the radiation safety officer or an officer of the company.

  • Reference your license number in the request.

TIP: Submit separate requests. Avoid submitting a request for an amendment which involves changes to more than one license and/or a registration. Do not address other TDH related issues in your amendment request (i.e. Response to a Notice of Violation, fees, etc.)

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Radiation Safety Officer Change

If there is a change in the radiation safety officer (RSO) after the license is issued, the request for an amendment to the license should be made prior to changing the RSO or immediately after the RSO listed on the license is no longer performing the duties of the RSO.

The request to change the RSO must be signed by the old RSO or by an officer of the company.

To find out what specific RSO qualifications must be submitted, choose the link above for the radioactive material use your license authorizes.

This Agency maintains the policy of directing all Radiation Control business through the RSO. The RSO should be stationed in Texas where he or she will be accessible during emergency situations and maintain surveillance over the radiation safety program.

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Information Needed to Add a Storage Site

To designate a new site, the following information must be submitted and approved prior to storing radioactive material there.

1. Provide the physical address, zip code and phone number for the new location.

2. Provide a description of the type of building the storage area is located and a drawing that shows where the radioactive material will be stored within the building.

3. Provide a description of the storage area to include dimensions and shielding.

4. Specify the distance of work stations in the vicinity of the storage area along with an approximation of time spent at the stations in one week.

5. Provide an indication of where Caution - Radioactive Material warning signs are posted.

6. Describe who has access to the storage area.

7. Describe the security measures taken to prevent the unauthorized removal of radioactive material from the secured area. (e.g., locks, alarm system, cameras etc.)

8. Provide a specific description of the areas adjacent to your proposed storage facility (i.e., residences, businesses, vacant lots, pasture, etc.).

9. If the proposed storage facility is not owned by your company, provide a copy of a letter from the owner of the property stating that they are aware that you are storing radioactive material on the property.

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Information Needed to Terminate a License
or a Site from a License

  • Provide a written statement requesting termination of a license or specific authorized site, prior to vacating the premises.

  • If radioactive material stored at the site listed on the license, was transferred to an authorized recipient, provide records documenting the transfer. Each transfer record must indicate the isotope, the activity of each source, model number of each device and/or sealed source, and serial number of each device and/or sealed source. The transfer record must also indicate the name, address and license number of the transferor and transferee, the signatures of a representative of the transferor and transferee and the date of transfer of the radioactive material.

  • Provide a copy of the most recent leak test record for each sealed source that was stored at the facility, if only sealed sources were used. Otherwise, a closeout survey for the facility where radioactive material was stored and/or used must be submitted.

The agency reserves the right to conduct a confirming radiation survey and facility evaluation prior to the release of controlled areas for unrestricted use. It is the licensee's responsibility to decontaminate facilities to levels allowing release for unrestricted use. If residual radiation levels or contamination levels exceed the applicable release limits contained in 25 TAC §289.202, your license will not be terminated until release limits have been met.

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Agency Accepted Radiation Safety Training Course List

A list of accepted radiation safety training courses is available as a courtesy to you. We do not recommend one course over another. It is a resource for you to use to find the course that best suits your needs or used to verify previous training documentation for new radiography employees.

The list of Accepted Radiation Safety Training Courses is divided into use categories; Industrial Radiography, Well Logging and Tracer Studies, Well Logging Only, Portable Gauge, Fixed Gauge, Spinning Pipe and X-ray Fluorescence.

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Texas Department of State Health Services, Radiation Control Program
1100 West 49th Street - Austin, Texas 78756-3189 - (512) 834-6688 or (512) 834-6770

Last Updated September 27, 2006

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