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Uranium and NORM Licensing Programs " "

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The Uranium and NORM Programs are responsible for licensing uranium recovery facilities in the state of Texas and Naturally Occurring Radioactive Material (NORM) decontamination activities.

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Uranium Licensing Program

The Uranium Licensing Program coordinates with the technical assessments staff, and various local, state and federal agencies concerning requests for a new application, amendment or termination for uranium recovery facilities. The following information is reviewed before a license will be issued to a uranium recovery facility.

  • Authorized activities.

  • Facility organization.

  • Radiation safety controls and monitoring.

  • Access control and security.

  • Operational and environmental health physics procedures.

  • Technical assessments.

  • Financial security documentation.

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Regulations and Guidance Documents

The regulations governing Uranium facilities are 25 Texas Administrative Code §289.260 " Licensing of Uranium Recovery and Byproduct Disposal Facilities." You can view or download them from the rules page.

Refer to the following guidance materials to assist you in completing the forms and preparing necessary documents and information.

  • Guidelines for the Preparation of Environmental Reports and Safety Evaluation Reports for In-Situ Uranium Recovery

You may also find additional information and guidance documents from the United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission.

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NORM Licensing Program

There are three agencies responsible for regulating different aspects of NORM. The following is an attempt to clarify each agency's role, what regulations apply and whom to contact for more information or questions.

1. Texas Department of State Health Services, Radiation Control Program, Radiation Safety Licensing Branch, Technical Assessments Group 2. Railroad Commission of Texas

3. Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ)

  • Regulates disposal of all NORM, except oil and gas. Their rules are currently in the developmental stage. For more information, see http://www.tceq.state.tx.us/.

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Applications process for Mobile NORM Decontamination of Equipment under DSHS, includes submission of:

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For Questions Contact the Following Individuals

Uranium Licensing

NORM Licensing

(512) 834-6688 ext. 2210

Vacant Position
(512) 834-6688 ext. 2208

Uranium Compliance and Inspection

NORM Compliance and Inspection

(512) 834-6688 ext. 2011

(512) 834-6688 ext. 2011

Open Records

Submit written requests for information or to receive copies of specific files/correspondence, email or telephone to schedule times for review of Austin files at (512) 834-6688 ext. 2202.

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Texas Department of State Health Services, Radiation Control Program
1100 West 49th Street - Austin, Texas 78756-3189 - (512) 834-6688 or (512) 834-6770

Last Updated September 27, 2006

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