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(Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex, TB, M. tuberculosis)
ICD-9 010-018; ICD-10 A15-A19
Related Topics: High Incidence Counties
TB Reporting
Call our toll-free number at
1-800-705-8868 to report a case of TB

Programs and Activities

Community-Based Tuberculosis Screening

Local health departments in selected urban and border counties receive funding from the Tuberculosis (TB) Program to establish a TB screening program in methadone drug treatment centers, HIV early intervention centers, homeless shelters and other organizations that serve high-risk groups. Individuals identified with latent TB infection are referred to the appropriate health department for treatment and other follow-up as appropriate.

Correctional TB

The Correctional TB Program provides technical assistance to all county jails and other correctional facilities covered by Chapter 89 new window of the Texas Health & Safety Code new window (the statutes) and Title 25, Part I, Chapter 97, Subchapter H new window (the rules) of the Texas Administrative Code new window. These correctional facilities must have an approved TB control plan. The Correctional TB Program also consults with correctional facilities when they have a case of TB within their facility to facilitate identification of persons with risk of exposure and to facilitate continuity of care upon release or transfer. For more information about ensuring continuity of TB therapy for detainees of the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) see SOP 8.13.1, Appendix V (new window MS word, 28 KB) | (PDF PDF, 21 KB).

Court-Ordered Management

The TB Program assists local and regional health departments with the process of obtaining court ordered management of TB (quarantine) for patients who are unable or unwilling to adhere to treatment recommendations of their local health authority in accordance with Chapter 81, Subchapter G new window of the Texas Health & Safety Code (begins with Section 81.151).

Drug-Resistant TB (DRTB) Monitoring and Control

The DRTB Program coordinates, tracks, and monitors all reported laboratory confirmed drug-resistant TB cases throughout their course of treatment. The program works with medical providers to ensure rapid notification of the drug resistant status. It assists the provider in obtaining expert TB consultation to assure that the patient is provided with an adequate treatment plan and that the provider is aware of DSHS policies and requirements relevant to drug resistant TB. Consultations by designated TB experts are recommended and strongly encouraged for all cases with resistance to isoniazid only, rifampin only, or both isoniazid and rifampin (MDR) combined with other TB drugs. This program also monitors the directly observed therapy (DOT) policy, which is the standard of care in Texas in the treatment of TB patients.

Evaluation and Program Reviews

A regular system of reviews of TB programs has been established for local and regional health departments to assess the quality of service and to recommend strategies to improve the delivery of TB prevention and control services. Quantitative indicators of program performance are also monitored based on information contained in the TB case registry. Other indicators are derived from special performance or financial reports from local and regional TB programs.

Refugee Health

The Refugee Health Program receives notifications of arriving refugees and immigrants with an overseas TB classification of A, B1, or B2 from the CDC Division of Quarantine. These notifications are forwarded to local health department TB programs for follow-up and subsequent reporting of evaluation results. Newly arrived official refugees, asylees, and other program-eligible clients receive a health assessment and necessary referrals for a number of conditions, including TB, through special programs in principal resettlement cities or counties. Arrivals in all areas should be screened for TB as a high-risk group. Information on medical and cross-cultural issues for a number of refugee and immigrant populations and other related topics can be found at the Refugee Health and Immigrant Populations new window website

Technical Assistance

Assistance and consultation are provided to local and regional health departments in devising strategies to conduct contact investigations in congregate settings such as schools, workplaces and residential institutions. Technical assistance with other TB prevention and control issues is also available upon request.

Ten Against TB (TATB)

Ten Against TB is a binational working group composed of representatives of the ten U.S. – Mexico border states, the United States and Mexican governments, the U.S.-Mexico Border Health Commission (USMBHC), the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO), and non-governmental organizations. The group acts in partnership as a catalyst for actions against TB.

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Last Updated: Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Texas Department of State Health Services - Infectious Disease Control Unit
1100 West 49th Street, Suite T801, Mail Code: 1960 PO BOX 149347 - Austin, TX 78714-9347
(512) 458-7676 - Fax: (512) 458-7616 -

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