TSLAC Star Texas State Library & Archives Commission
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TSLAC Star Making Information Work For All Texans

Texas public schools gain access to TexShare databases
Through collaboration between the Texas State Library and the Texas Education Agency, Texas public school libraries have access to 34 databases that support K-12 learning with reference materials for students at every grade level. These include full-text articles from newspapers and magazines; maps and charts; photographs; educational and health reports; historical and current event information; biographies; country and state reports, and much more. Beginning December 1, schools will also have access to an online encyclopaedia. Read more.

e-Records 2007
Many thanks to all of the participants, vendors, and staff for making this year's e-Records Conference a great success! Conference materials and handouts are now available on the e-Records page.

Renovation News
Renovation of the historic Lorenzo de Zavala State Archives and Library building will begin in September. The building will remain open, and we're committed to customer service throughout the renovation; however, access to collections will be limited. Get renovation info.

State Library and Archives issues new report: Required Reports Prepared by State Agencies and Institutions of Higher Education (Fiscal Year 2007)
The State Library and Archives has issued its inaugural report that evaluates the usefulness of reports that must be prepared and submitted by a state agency to other state agencies by law. The report recommends to the legislature the repeal or consolidation of statutory reporting requirements in order to reduce the volume of reports that must be prepared by state agencies, striking a balance between reducing the volume of reports and protecting the public interest and ensuring government accountability.

The 80th Texas Legislature Reauthorizes the Texas State Library and Archives Commission through 2019.
On May 25, Governor Rick Perry signed into law S.B. 913, the sunset legislation that continues the work of the agency for another 12 years. Access the S.B. 913 text, history, and timeline.

Attention Local Governments!
We are revising our retention schedules for Texas local governments. We welcome your input, so please take this opportunity to read the draft versions of the schedules and submit your comments electronically. Go to the schedules.

The Open Record
The Open Record is the online news forum of the Texas State Library and Archives Commission.

Employment Opportunities
Includes link to Jobline for Librarians.

Contact Us
Complete contact information; includes program descriptions.

Visit Us
Includes locations, maps and parking information, hours, and holiday closings.


Genealogy has relocated to the Reference/Documents Room 300 as of Monday, October 1, 2007.
We appreciate your patience as we prepare for our building renovation.

Genealogy is now open
M-F 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.

As of July 15, 2007, requests can no longer be accepted for photograph or other special imaging orders as we prepare for renovation. (Plain-paper copying services will still be available.) Request a list of alternative sources for historic Texas images from


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