Texas Department of State Health Services

Clinical Chemistry Tests

Biochemistry and Genetics
Blood Lead
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Method:  Graphite Furnace Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer


Results Available:  2- 3 days after receipt of specimens
Contact #:  (512) 458-7578


Reference Range:  <10.0 μg/dL
Diagnostic Information:  Small amounts of blood lead can be damaging to the development of a child.

Note: Any screening BLL above 10.0 μg/dL must be confirmed with a venous sample.

Interpretation:  Blood Lead 10- 14 μg/dL (Class II A)

  • Test every 3 to 4 months until two consecutive tests are <10.0 μg/dL or three consecutive tests are <15 μg/dL
Blood Lead 15- 19 μg/dL (Class II B)
  • Confirm capillary results with a venous blood specimen
  • Conduct an environmental assessment interview (TDSHS form M-100)
  • If two consecutive follow-up tests, 3 to 4 months apart remain in this range, the parents have been counseled, and the interview completed, proceed according to actions for 20-44 μg/dL. If a follow-up BLL is in this range at least 3 months after initial venous test or BLL's increase, a home visit may be indicated to assess the environment for lead contaminants.
  • An environmental investigation is needed only when the interview and home visit have failed to identify the source of lead.
Blood Lead 20- 44 μg/dL (Class III)
  • The repeat venous sample should be done within one week.  If confirmed to be > 20 μg/dL; conduct a complete medical evaluation:  physical exam, including but not limited to growth assessment, blood pressure, hearing acuity, peripheral nerve function; developmental assessment; and laboratory assessment.  Check for serum iron, iron-binding capacity, and ferritin should be measured.
  • A blood lead > 40 μg/dL should prompt a serum creatinine to assess renal function.
Blood Lead 45- 69 μg/dL (Class IV)
  • Begin medical treatment and environmental assessment and remediation within 48 hours.
  • Pharmacologic treatment is indicated and should be conducted under the guidance of a physician experienced in the treatment of lead poisoning.
Blood Lead > 70 μg/dL (Class V)
  • Considered a medical emergency.  Medical treatment and environmental assessment/remediation must begin immediately.

Specimen/Supply Requirements

Specimen Collection:  To avoid lead contamination, the patient and the person collecting the specimen, should wash hands and puncture site with soap and water before collection. Preferred Specimen:  EDTA (Purple top tube) anticoagulated whole blood. Submit specimens in DSHS specified blood collection tubes (Capillary/Venous). Fill blood collection tube according to manufacturer stated fill volume.
Required Request Form:  G-1B
Causes for Rejection:  Clotting, Quantity Insufficient, Specimen Decomposition, Specimen not tested within 10 days.
Availability:  THSteps and Title V. 

Specimen Submission

Shipping Requirements:  Mail specimens the same day as collected; otherwise refrigerate.  Avoid temperature extremes, by dropping specimens off at the post office instead of using a drop box. Package specimens according to the guidelines for submission of laboratory specimens through the US Postal System.


CPT Code: 83655 
Fees:  $7.00

Biochemistry and Genetics

Blood Typing/Rh factor/Antibody Screen and ID
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Test Includes:  ABO type, Rh Factor, Antibody Screen and Antibody Identification
Method/Procedure:  Antibody Screen and ID are performed using solid phase technology


Results Available:  3 days after receipt of specimen
Contact #:  (512) 458-7578


Turnaround Time:  3 working days after receipt of specimen
Interpretation:  Blood typing and antibody screening are available to maternity patients to help prevent hemolytic disease of the newborn (HDN).  The severity of HDN ranges from mild anemia to stillbirth depending on how many red blood cells are destroyed and the ability of the fetus to compensate by increased production of new cells.
Diagnostic Information:  Red blood cells can be classified as A, B, AB, or O according to the presence or absence of highly reactive antigens on the red cell surface.  Of all the red blood cell antigens, these are the only ones for which the corresponding antibodies consistently and predictably exist in the blood of normal individuals.  Red blood cells are classified as Rh positive or Rh negative according to the presence or absence of the D antigen.  Detection of unexpected antibodies in the serum of a patient is accomplished by testing against selected red blood cells possessing between them the common inherited blood group antigens.  Antibody identifications are performed on positive antibody screens.  Titration studies are performed on any clinically significant antibody identified.  

Specimen/Supply Requirements

Specimen Collection:  Venipuncture using aseptic technique
Preferred Specimen:  7- 10 mL red top without gel separator
Required Request Form:  G-1B Please include whether the patient has received a Rho(D) immunoglobulin injection within the past 6 months as well as the date of the injection and weeks gestation.
Causes for Rejection:  Quantity insufficient, No Red Cells Received, Hemolysis
Availability:  Maternity patients
Specimen Submission
Shipping Requirements:  DSHS Laboratory must receive specimens within 24 hours from time of collection. Specimens not received at DSHS Laboratory within 24 hours should be stored at 1° - 10°C and shipped cold. Ship specimens overnight at ambient temperature. Specimens not received within 24 hours from time of collection must be shipped overnight with enough cold packs to maintain refrigerated temperature until arrival at DSHS Laboratory. Do not freeze. Please see the RHOGAM (HDN) Packing and Shipping Instructions.


CPT Code:  86900, 86901, 86850, 86870, 86886
Fees:  $32.00 up to $46.00 if Antibody Identification and Antibody Titer are performed as a result of a positive Antibody Screen.

Biochemistry and Genetics
Cholesterol/Lipid Profile
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Test Includes:  Lipid Profile includes total cholesterol, triglyceride, High Density Lipoproteins (HDL) and Low Density Lipoproteins (LDL)
Method/Procedure:  Enzymatic measure using UV/Visual Spectrophotometry


Results Available:  3 working days after receipt of specimen
Contact #:  (512) 457-7578


Reference Range: Adults  - 
Cholesterol............................<200 mg/dL
Triglyceride ...........................30- 190 mg/dL
HDL Cholesterol................... >35 mg/dL
LDL Cholesterol.....................<130 mg/dL
Cholesterol......................<170 mg/dL
Triglyceride......................30- 190 mg/dL 
HDL Cholesterol..............>35 mg/dL 
LDL Cholesterol...............<110 mg/dL
Diagnostic Information:  Cholesterol measurements are used in the diagnosis of metabolic disorders involving lipids and lipoproteins.  Triglyceride measurements are used in diagnosis and treatment of patients with diabetes mellitus, nephrosis, liver obstruction, other diseases involving lipid metabolism or various endocrine disorders.  HDL cholesterol is inversely related to the risk of developing coronary artery disease.  The higher the HDL cholesterol the less chance of developing coronary heart disease.  LDL cholesterol is calculated using the Friedwald equation. 

Specimen/Supply Requirements

Specimen Collection:  Venipuncture using aseptic technique. Preferred Specimen:  Red top.
Collect specimen for cholesterol or lipid profile in a red top tube. Remove serum from clot within 2 hours of collection. Transfer at least 1 mL of serum to another plastic transport tube and freeze. Plastic transport tube can be a plain blood collection tube.
Required Request Form:  G-1B
Causes for Rejection:  Hemolysis, Quantity Insufficient
Limitations:  Lipid profile requires a fasting specimen THSteps non-fasting specimen receive a total cholesterol Fee for Service non-fasting specimens receive a total cholesterol and an HDL cholesterol

Specimen Submission

Shipping Requirements:  Ship specimens overnight with enough cold packs or dry ice to maintain specimens at proper temperature until arrival at DSHS Laboratory. Record the date and time, on each G-1B submission form, that specimens were removed from the freezer for shipment. Batching of specimens for shipment is recommended. Click for detailed  shipping instructions.


CPT Code: 80061
Fees:  $21.00

Biochemistry and Genetics
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Method/Procedure:  Enzymatic measure using UV/Visual Spectrophotometry


Results Available:  3 working days after receipt of specimen
Contact #:  (512)  458-7578


Reference Range:
Random:.............50- 130 mg/dL

1-Hr. GTT: ........<140 mg/dL

2-Hr PP:..............<120 mg/dL

3-Hr GTT:
Any 2 of the following greater than expected 
Fasting:.............<105 mg/dL
1-Hr:.................<190 mg/dL
2-Hr:.................<165 mg/dL
3-Hr:.................<145 mg/dL 
Diagnostic Information:  Glucose measurements are used in the diagnosis and treatment of carbohydrate metabolism disorders including diabetes mellitus, hypoglycemia, gestational diabetes and pancreatic islet cell carcinoma.  Glucose concentrations are measured using a timed endpoint method and hexokinase reagent. 

Specimen/Supply Requirements

Specimen Collection:  Venipuncture using aseptic technique. Collect specimens for glucose testing in gray top tubes containing sodium fluoride/potassium oxalate. Plasma must be separated from red blood cells within 24 hours from time of collection. Transfer plasma from red cells and place in another plastic transport container and freeze.
Preferred Specimen:  Grey top containing Sodium Fluoride/Potassium Oxalate
Required Request Form:  G-1B
Causes for Rejection:  Not collected in Sodium Fluoride/Potassium Oxalate blood collection tube, Hemolysis, Quantity Insufficient

Specimen Submission

Shipping Requirements: Ship specimens overnight with enough cold packs or dry ice to maintain specimens at proper temperature until arrival at DSHS Laboratory. Record the date and time, on each G-1B submission form, that specimens were removed from the freezer for shipment. Batching of specimens for shipment is recommended. Click for detailed shipping instructions.


CPT Code: 82947, 82952 for each additional tolerance test
Fees:  $5.00 up to $19.00 for 3-Hour glucose tolerance test

Biochemistry and Genetics
Hemoglobin Electrophoresis

(Also known as Hemoglobinopathy, Hemoglobin Type, or Sickle Cell Screening)
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Method:  Isoelectric focusing


Results Available:  2-3 days after receipt
Contact #:  512-458-7578


Diagnostic Information:  Heel stick, finger stick, or venous blood dropped on filter paper is screened by the use of isoelectric focusing for clinically significant hemoglobinopathies and thalassemias, including sickle cell anemia.
Turnaround Time:  2-3 days after receipt
Reference Range:   Birth to ~6 months = F,A,A
                                   ~6 months to 1 year = A,A,F
                                  Over 1 year = A,A
Interpretation:  Results for Hemoglobin Electrophoresis that are outside of the Expected Range should be confirmed with a second specimen at a different laboratory.

Specimen/Supply Requirements

Specimen Collection:   Heel stick, finger stick, or venous blood.
Required Specimen:  Dried filter paper blood spots
Volume/Amount Required:  2-3 dried blood spots

Specimen Collection Card:  The required specimen, effective November 1, 2007, is the Texas DSHS Snap-Apart filter paper card. The Snap-Apart filter paper card may be ordered from Container Prep at 512-458-7661 and is only valid for Hemoglobin Electrophoresis testing.

Specimen Collection Card Shelf Life:  The expiration date is printed on the flap near the filter paper collection area. Do Not Use Expired Cards.

Specimen Collection Card Storage (prior to use):  Store in original wrapping and stack in a manner (vertically) to avoid compression of the filter paper.

Specimen Collection Instructions:

  • Wear powder-free disposable gloves when handling collection card and collecting sample.
  • Never touch the specimen collection area.
  • Write in name of patient and date of collection where indicated.
  • To open the card, grasp thumb notches printed on the card between thumb and forefinger of each hand and snap card apart. The instruction sheet will detach from the card. If the card does not “snap apart,” it may be separated by tearing at the perforated lines.
  • Holding cover away from specimen collection paper, fill at least 2-3 circles with blood following standard procedures.
  • Holding card at thumb notch near collection area, slightly bend collection card away from cover to allow air to flow beneath the collection paper and place card on flat surface to dry.
  • When sample has dried, fold cover at score line, over sample, and tuck into flap.
  • Complete G-1B form and submit with specimen.
  • Ship Hemoglobin Electrophoresis filter paper specimens in THSteps (Texas Health Steps) mailing containers with other specimens for THSteps testing. Specimens are to be shipped to DSHS at ambient temperature. Do not batch specimens; mail specimens the day of collection or the day after collection.
Storage Instructions:  Allow specimen to air-dry completely at ambient temperature before mailing; mail specimen as soon as possible.
Causes for Rejection:  The Hemoglobin Electrophoresis specimen has to be received by the laboratory by the 13th day after collection on a non-expired form and should have at least 2-3 adequately filled circles, patient name/date of collection, and a complete and accurate G-1B request form.

Additional Causes for Rejection include:

  • Insufficient blood has been submitted,
  • Specimen is contaminated or discolored,
  • Missing or invalid patient demographic information,
  • Specimen is too old upon receipt (received 14 or more days following collection),
  • No blood samples received with request form,
  • Improper specimen submitted (i.e., EDTA whole blood),
  • Serum separation from improper drying or collection, or
  • Laboratory accident.

Specimen Submission

Required Request Form: G-1B
Shipping Requirements:   Mail specimens the day of collection or the next day. U.S. Postal regulations require double containment of dried blood filter paper specimens. Ensure specimens are thoroughly dried prior to placing in mailing container.

1st containment:  Use the attached wrap-around cover with printed universal biohazard symbol.

2nd containment:  Use THSteps mailing container for shipping Hemoglobin Electrophoresis specimens.

Notes:  Ship specimens at room temperature within 24 hours of specimen collection. Avoid temperatures greater than 100° F.


CPT Code:  83020
Fees: $6.00

Biochemistry and Genetics

RPR Card Test
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Method:  18 mm RPR Card Test


Results Available:  2- 3 days after receipt of specimens
Contact #:  (512) 458-7578


Reference Range:  Nonreactive
Diagnostic Information:  The Rapid Plasma Reagin Card (RPR) test is a nontreponemal screening test used for the detection of syphilis infections.  Specimens positive by the RPR test are confirmed for syphilis using additional special treponemal antigen testing. 

Specimen/Supply Requirements

Specimen Collection:  Venipuncture using aseptic technique
Preferred Specimen:  Red top
Required Request Form:  G-1B
Causes for Rejection:  Hemolysis, Quantity Insufficient
Availability:  THSteps and Title V. 

Specimen Submission

Shipping Requirements:  Mail specimens the same day as collected; otherwise refrigerate. Whole blood specimens are acceptable if received within 5 days from time of collection at ambient temperature. It is acceptable to ship ambient temperature specimens on Friday. Specimens that cannot be received within 5 days; serum must be separated from the red cells and frozen. Frozen serum specimens must be shipped overnight on dry ice. Do not ship frozen specimens on Friday or the day before a Federally observed holiday. Package specimens according to the guidelines for submission of laboratory specimens through the US Postal System.


CPT Code: 86592
Fees: $4.50

Biochemistry and Genetics
Total Hemoglobin
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Method:   SLS-methemoglobin (SLS-HB) for Total Hemoglobin


Results Available:  2-3 days after receipt of specimen
Contact #:  512-458-7578


Diagnostic Information:  Whole blood specimens are screened for hemoglobin concentration using a photometric method.  Decreased levels of hemoglobin can indicate iron-deficiency and other forms of chronic anemia.
Turnaround Time:   2-3 days after receipt of specimen
Reference Range: 11-16 ug/dl

Specimen/ Supply Requirements

Specimen Collection: EDTA (Purple top tube) anticoagulated whole blood. Submit specimens in DSHS specified blood collection tubes (Capillary/Venous).  Fill blood collection tube according to manufacturer stated fill volume.
Storage Instructions: Room temperature, may be refrigerated to avoid heat and freezing temperatures.
Causes for Rejection: Specimen decomposition, clotted, insufficient quantity, Specimen not tested within 10 days.

Specimen Submission

Required Request Form: G-1B
Shipping Requirements: Mail specimens the same day as collected.  To avoid temperature extremes, drop specimens off at the post office instead of using a drop box. Package specimens according to the guidelines for submission of laboratory specimens through the U.S. Postal System.


CPT Code:  85018 
Fees:   $4.00

Biochemistry and Genetics
Triple Screen Testing
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Test Includes:  Chemiliminescence for AFP (alphafetoprotein), hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin), uE3 (unconjugated estriol)


Results Available:  3 days
Contact #s: 1-800-468-4363, (512) 458-7138, Fax:  (512) 458-7139


Diagnostic Information:  The Triple Screen uses AFP, hCG, and uE3 test results plus maternal age, weight, race and diabetic status.  A computer program is used to calculate patient-specific risk factors for Neural Tube Defects, Down Syndrome and Trisomy 18.
Limitations:  All information on the G-1C form must be provided.  A delay in the reporting of a test result may occur if the proper information is not accurately provided.

Specimen/Supply Requirements

Specimen Collection:  2 mL serum must be collected during the 15th to 20th week of pregnancy; 16-18 weeks of gestational age preferred.
Storage Instructions:  Spin blood specimen, separate serum, and freeze.  Call contact # for supplies.
Causes for Rejection:  Any specimen other than serum, Specimen not tested within 21 days.
Sample Test Kit:  Special blue top plastic tube provided by Prenatal Testing Section.

Specimen Submission

Shipping Requirements:  Ship specimens overnight except on Friday and before federal holidays. 
Required Request Form:  G-1C


CPT Code:  82105, 84702, 82677  
Fees:  $45.00