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What Causes Food Borne Illness?

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The following organisms are the most often implicated causes of food borne illness. The name of the organism is a link to further information. 

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  • Bacillus cereus

    This organism causes two forms of illness: emetic and diarrheal. The onset of emetic disease is from one-half hour to 5 hours. The main symptoms are nausea and vomiting. Diarrhea may occur. The diarrheal form has an onset of 8 to 16 hours. The main foods implicated are fried rice, boiled rice, cereal products, puddings, sauces, vegetables and meatloaf.

  • Campylobacter jejuni

    Campylobacteriosis has an onset of 2 to 10 days with a 3 to 5 average. The symptoms include bloody, foul-smelling diarrhea, achy, fever, anorexia and abdominal cramps. The foods most commonly causing illness are raw or undercooked poultry, unpasteurized milk, raw or undercooked seafood, beef liver and untreated water.

  • Clostridium perfringens

    Onset is 9 to 15 hours with diarrhea, vomiting, nausea, and abdominal cramps. Meat products are a major cause if left out at room temperature for more than 2 hours. Stews, gravies, meat pies, roasts, meat products and poultry.

  • Escherichia coli O157:H7

    The onset of this organism is 3 to 4 days and the symptoms can be rather severe including bloody diarrhea, severe stomach cramps, nausea and vomiting. This organism can cause HUS and lead to kidney failure and death. The most implicated food has been raw and undercooked hamburger meat. Other foods are unpasteurized milk, very rare roast beef and unpasteurized apple juice.

  • Listeria monocytogenes

    This organism is found in the environment making it a prime bug to get into food in the processing plant. It has been found in raw and processed meat (hot dogs, luncheon meats), raw seafood, cole slaw, soft cheese, unpasteurized milk and cheese made from unpasteurized milk. The onset can be from several days to 2 to 6 weeks. Symptoms include fever, chills, headache, vomiting, diarrhea, meningitis, and spontaneous abortion.

  • Salmonella

    Salmonellosis is probably the best known illness from food. The average onset of symptoms is 12 to 36 hours although it can be as early as 6 hours or as long as 72 hours. The symptoms include stomach pain, diarrhea, watery stools, nausea, chills, fever, headache and occasionally the diarrhea may be bloody. The following foods have caused Salmonellosis: raw or undercooked meats, poultry and eggs (the yolks), unpasteurized milk, fruits, vegetables, coconuts, yeast, smoked fish, dry milk and chocolate candy.

  • Shigella

    Shigellosis which is uncommon in developed countries can be caused by cold mixed salads (potato, egg, macaroni, tuna, shrimp), meat, dairy products, vegetables, apple cider, contaminated water and ice. Onset is 1 to 6 days and the symptoms are stomach cramps, vomiting, diarrhea, fever, bloody diarrhea.

  • Staphylococcus aureus

    Foods such as cooked ham, poultry, salads, cream-filled pastries, meat products, potato salad, dressing, sauces & gravies, cheese, fish salad and bread pudding have caused Staphylococcus aureus food poisoning. The onset is anywhere from 1 to 8 hours and the following symptoms are typical stomach pain, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, fever, chills, headaches, dizziness and weakness.

  • Vibrio choleraeO1

    The sudden onset of profuse watery diarrhea (often called rice-water stools) is typical of this illness with this organism as are abdominal pain and rapid dehydration. The onset is 2 to 3 days and the foods implicated are raw mussels, shrimp, fish, cucumbers, mixed and moist foods, or foods washed with contaminated water.

  • Vibrio choleraeNon-O1

    This strain is does not cause as severe a disease as the O1 strain. The onset is the same and the symptoms are watery diarrhea, abdominal cramps, nausea, vomiting, dehydration. Pickled herring and shellfish have been implicated.

  • Vibrio parahaemolyticus

    Warm-water shellfish (such as those from the Gulf of Mexico), raw fish, raw marine foods, saltwater fish, mollusks, crustaceans, fish products, cucumbers, salty foods from cross-contamination. The onset of illness is 12 hours with symptoms ranging from mild to severe watery diarrhea with nausea and vomiting.

  • Vibrio vulnificus

    This species of Vibrio is the most dangerous, especially to compromised patients. The onset is anywhere from 1 hour to 1 week. The symptoms include chills, fever, skin lesions (from open skin in the marine environment). The disease may progress to septicemia which may be fatal in 6 hours. Septicemia is fatal in 50% of the cases.

  • Yersinia enterocolitica

    Yersiniosis is not common but it does mimic appendicitis which leads to unnecessary appendectomies. It also causes acute abdominal pain, fever, headache and diarrhea. Onset is form 24 to 36 hours or longer. Typically associated is unpasteurized milk, dry milk, soil, water and animals (pigs).


    Other Foodborne Illness Sites CDC, FDA, USDA - Foodsafety


Last Updated December 3, 2004

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