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Laboratory Services Section

Laboratory Training Program

The Laboratory Training Program offers courses and workshops in Austin and throughout Texas each year. Some of these presentations are presented in other states. Subjects presented include virtually all the major disciplines in Microbiology. Many of these training events are unique and offered only through the Laboratory Services Section. The Texas Department of State Health Services’ Laboratory Training Program is a member of the National Laboratory Training Network.



Date/Location Event
November 30, 2007
Corpus Christi, TX


Dr. Dennis Wegner shows you how applying the latest techniques in hospitals of all sizes,  including intermediate and smaller community hospitals,  can provide high quality, patient care-oriented microbiology at minimum cost. In fact, you will see how quality microbiology practices will increase prospective payment reimbursements and greatly help improve the hospital’s “bottom line.”  Click for details and registration form (PDF)



Last Updated October 10, 2007

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