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Laboratory Services Section

Types of Lab specimens accepted from the public

The TDSHS Lab normally accepts specimens only from other labs, health clinics, sanitarians, doctor's offices, and local health departments. However, there are two types of specimens accepted for testing  from the general public:

The laboratory accepts animal heads for Rabies testing, as well as bats or small rodents. We do request that bats be submitted intact. Submitters are required to notify the laboratory of the shipment of rabies specimens. click for more information

Drinking Water 
Drinking water testing is available to the general public.  All other testing must be submitted through Public Health Sanitarians. click for more information

Specimens NOT accepted from the general public:

  • Food (including seafood and milk)
  • Mosquitoes
  • Soil samples
  • Air samples
  • Most water samples
  • Human specimens (blood, urine, sputum, feces, tissue, secretions, etc)
  • Dried Filter Paper Blood Spots 
  • Cultures

Last Updated March 1, 2005

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