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Manual Of Reference Services

Guidelines for Specimen Collection and Submission

General Information:

Guidelines for Collecting and Handling Specific Types of Specimens:

Telephone Inquiries

Telephone inquiries should be directed to:

(512) 458-7578 for lab results

(512) 458-7598 for inquiries about guidelines for the submission, collection, and handling of specimens.

We examine specimens as carefully and rapidly as possible; however, we do not sacrifice accuracy for speed. Please consider the following information before making a telephone inquiry:

  • Lab reporting results are given only to the original submitter.
  • Upon receipt of the specimen at the Laboratory, most testing will be completed in one to three days; however, newborn screening tests take 3-6 days.
  • Confirmation of findings in certain bacteriological examinations may necessitate a short delay in reporting results.
  • If specimens must go to another reference center, the report will be delayed for at least two weeks.

Of course, emergency matters may be pursued any time.

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Reference Services

If reference services are needed but are not provided in this laboratory system, the Laboratory uses the services of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in Atlanta, Georgia or in Ft. Collins, Colorado. When a particular test is available only from CDC, submitters should send the specimen TDSHS requisition form, along with a patient history, to the Texas Department of State Health Services for forwarding to the CDC.

Submission of Specimens

Please exercise care when submitting specimens and requesting tests. Services are offered only in keeping with departmental policies, licensure, and mission; therefore, services may be withdrawn in case of misuse or improper specimen submission. Submission of proper specimens under optimum conditions is very important. Accurate tests seldom can be performed on poor specimens.

The Laboratory enforces the principles of Good Laboratory Practices. The submitter is responsible for ensuring expiration dating on media. We will monitor the interval between the collection and the receipt of time-sensitive specimens (newborn screening, bacteriological water, gonorrhea).

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Guidelines for Specific Types of Specimens

Prenatal Triple Screen Collection and Packing Instructions

General Instructions:

  1. Submit a G-1C form for each patient with corresponding specimen tube.

  2. Retain a copy of the G-1C submission form for your records.

  3. Clearly label each specimen with the patient’s first and last name as written on the G-1C specimen submission form.  Pre-printed patient labels used for specimen identification MUST match the patient’s name on the submission form.

  4. Specimens must be triple-contained.

Special Requirements:

Required Specimen Type:  2 mL of serum in blue top tube specific for Triple Screen Testing.

Special Instructions:

  1. Specimen must be collected from patients between 15.0 and 20.9 gestational weeks, preferably 16-18 weeks. Serum specimen must be collected prior to amniocentesis.
  2. Allow samples to clot completely before centrifugation; remove serum from clot within 2 hours of collection.  Immediately transfer serum to special blue top tube provided by DSHS and freeze (-20 degrees C or lower). Batching of specimens for shipment is recommended.
  3. Specimens MUST be kept frozen until shipping is initiated.  Ship specimens overnight on dry ice OR with adequate ice packs so that specimens arrive at DSHS laboratory cold.  Specimens received at room temperature will be unsatisfactory for testing.            
  4. Do NOT ship ANY prenatal triple screen specimens on Fridays or prior to a Federally observed holiday (for holiday delivery).

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Instructions for Shipping Diagnostic Specimens:

To ensure proper packaging, please follow these instructions. See also the Triple Screen Packing Diagram below.

  1. Obtain enough dry ice to keep the specimens frozen or enough ice packs to keep specimens cold for the duration of the shipment.
  2. Place the serum specimens in the blue top tube provided by DSHS laboratory, then place them in a biohazard bag and seal.  Place biohazard bag, containing the specimens, inside a canister provided by DSHS and place up to 4 canisters in the bottom of the Styrofoam box. 
  3. Fill the Styrofoam box with dry ice or ice packs.  Ensure canisters are completely covered with dry ice or ice packs, and secured.  
  4. Place the lid on the Styrofoam box.  Make sure the date and time is documented on the G-1C form when specimens are removed from the freezer.  
  5. Place the completed G-1C form(s) in a plastic “zip lock” bag.  Then place the plastic “zip lock” bag on top of the closed Styrofoam box and seal the fiberboard box.
  6. Secure the outer fiberboard box with packing tape.
  7. Ensure that a diamond-shaped UN 3373 label is on exterior of the fiberboard box, when shipping diagnostic specimens.
  8. Dry ice is considered a “dangerous good”.  If using dry ice:
    1. Use less than 5 lbs of dry ice
    2. Mark the blank box and write “dry ice” in the Special Instructions section of the air bill.
    3. Attach a diamond-shaped dry ice label on the package with the number “9” and “UN1845” on it.  This label must include the amount of dry ice used.  Ensure that this is legible and does not overlap any other label on the fiberboard box.
  9. Fill out Section 1 of the air bill that is provided by DSHS and place it inside the sleeve and attach to the top of the sealed fiberboard box.


By following these instructions when shipping diagnostic specimens, your responsibility should be fulfilled.

Shipping Instructions:

Check elsewhere in this section for specific test instructions and information about tube types

For blue top specimen tubes and questions about shipping of triple screen specimens, call (800) 687-4363 or (512) 458-7138. 

For shipping containers, call (512) 458-7661.

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Flow Chart for Collection and Shipping of Triple Screen Specimens:

Collect whole blood from patients for triple screen testing who are between 15.0-20.9 weeks of gestational age

Centrifuge specimen and separate serum from RBC within 2 hours.

Place 2 ml of serum in 3 ml blue top tube provided by DSHS Laboratory.

Place specimen/s in biohazard bags and place in canisters.
Multiple specimens may be contained inside the canisters.
FREEZE canister(s) containing specimens IMMEDIATELY.

After specimens are frozen:

Batch specimens and ship once or twice a week. 
Do not ship on Fridays or the day before Federal holidays.

Place up to 4 canisters with frozen specimens in the bottom of the Styrofoam box.

Place and secure ice packs or place dry ice on top of canisters

Close the Styrofoam box

Place the Styrofoam box inside the fiberboard box.

Before sealing the fiberboard box, record Time and Date on each G1-C form for each specimen removed from the freezer.

Place requisition forms on top of the Styrofoam box,
 but inside fiberboard box. Seal fiberboard box.

Place an air bill provided by the Prenatal Testing Laboratory inside the shipping sleeve and attach to top of the sealed fiberboard box and ship specimens overnight.

Prenatal Triple Screen Packing Instructions


Serological Testing

The DSHS Laboratory does not provide blood collection tubes, except for those who are under contract or are eligible under the Texas Health Steps (THSteps) Program; therefore, physicians should have a supply of vacuum tubes for the collection of blood specimens for serological testing. They may either be serum tubes, silicon coated (red-top tubes), or Serum Separator tubes with clot activator and gel for serum separation (red gray or “tiger” top tubes). Assays will require at least 5mls of whole blood in a tube. General specimens handling requirements are listed below, however, they differ with each assay, so please refer to the test requested in the Lab Tests for Diseases/Agents section of this manual.

Serum samples that are to be tested fresh may be stored for up to two hours at 2-8°C in the presence of clots. Serum may be separated from the clot by centrifugation and transferred to a sterile tube with a screw-cap (make sure that the seal is tight to prevent leakage). Serum separated from the clot may be stored at 2-8°C up to 48 hours. After 48 hours, or for shipping, the serum must be frozen at -20°C and sent on dry ice. Temperature level during entire shipment should be no warmer than –20°C. Pack specimens in compliance with government regulations covering the transportation of etiologic agents. To prevent hemolysis in the specimens, avoid bacterial contamination, the presence of water or chemicals in syringes or tubes, or rough treatment. Avoid extremely high temperatures, such as may occur in mail vans and drop boxes in the summer and never freeze whole blood.

How to collect serum sample using serum separator tubes with clot activator:

  1. Gently invert tube 5 times to mix clot activator with blood.
  2. Allow blood to clot for a minimum of 30 minutes in a vertical position. Observe a dense clot.
  3. Centrifuge at full speed (between 1100 and 1300g) for 10 minutes for swing-head unit or 15 minutes for fixed angle units. Barrier will form, separating serum specimen from clot.
  4. Transport spun tube to the laboratory. 

A single result is significant in a few serological tests, such as immune status testing. In many cases, single results will be more misleading than helpful. Therefore, the Laboratory’s policy requires paired specimens, that is two blood specimens collected from two to three weeks apart for most diseases. Collecting the first specimens as soon as possible after the onset of the disease is essential. Single specimens will be accepted for syphilis and HIV serology, immune status testing (i.e. rubella in pregnant women), and IgM antibody tests. Single specimens may also be submitted for systemic mycoses when a chronic infection is underway.

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When submitting sputum, be certain that it is from the deeper portion of the lungs. Often saliva only is submitted, and this is usually unsatisfactory. The Laboratory in Austin provides reference and primary culturing work in mycobacteriology and mycology.

Fecal specimens for bacteriological culturing

Fecal specimens for bacteriological culturing will be accepted only under special circumstances and with prior approval (512-458-7318). When approved, these specimens must be submitted in Cary-Blair transport medium.  Instruction sheet and medium available upon request.  Call (512) 458-7661.

Fecal specimens for intestinal parasites

The examination of fecal specimens for intestinal parasites is still viewed as a reference service and will be offered to any public health clinic, but prior arrangement is required for all other specimens (512-458-7318). The specimens must not be sent in the bacteriological preservative. The specimen should be divided into two portions, one being placed into a vial of 10% Formalin, the second being placed into a vial of PVA (polyvinyl alcohol). The Laboratory provides kits to qualified providers. Call (512) 458-7661.

Fecal specimens for viral isolation

Fecal specimens for viral isolation must not be chemically preserved. Instead, fresh, unpreserved stools must be submitted. Any viral isolation specimen should be maintained at refrigerator temperatures (4-8° C) between the time of collection and the time of receipt in the laboratory. If the expected time between collection and receipt in the laboratory will be greater than 72 hours, freeze specimens after collection and ship on dry ice. 

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Rabies specimens

The TDSHS Laboratory recommends shipping rabies specimens by bus. Guidelines for shipping rabies specimens are as follows:

  • Specimens must be shipped in a sealed, sturdy double container; a Styrofoam container inside a cardboard box works well.
  • Place completed Rabies Submission Form (G-9) in a separate plastic bag to keep the form dry.
  • Enclose sufficient absorbent material to keep all moisture within the container.
  • Specimens should not be frozen because freezing delays and frequently compromises the examination.
  • Use sufficient cold packs, to maintain a cool environment, even with a delay of one full day. Wet ice is not recommended. If ice must be used, double bag to prevent leakage. Zip-lock bags are recommended.

State law requires telephone notification to this Laboratory 
before shipment of rabies specimens:


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Specimen management for infrequently encountered organisms

Organism (disease) Specimen of choice Transport issues Comments
Bartonella sp (cat scratch fever) Blood, tissue, lymph node aspirate 1 wk at 4°C; indefinitely at -70°C May see organisms in or on erythrocytes with Giemsa stain.  Use Warthin Starry silver stain for tissue.  SPS is toxic
Borrelia burgdorferi (Lyme disease) Skin biopsy at lesion periphery, blood, CSF Keep tissue moist and sterile; hand carry to laboratory if possible Consider PCR in addition to culture.  Culture yield is low.  Warthin-Starry silver stain tissue.  AO and Giemsa for blood and CSF
Borrelia sp. (relapsing fever) Blood smear (blood) Hand carry to laboratory if possible Use direct wet mount in saline for dark-field microscopy.  Stain with Wright's or Giemsa stain.  Blood culture is unreliable.
Brucella sp.b Blood bone marrow Transport at room temperature; pediatric lysis-centrifugation tube is helpful Routine blood culture bottles are useful if held 30 days.  Blind subculture may be necessary.  Joint fluid culture in arthritis.  Notify laboratory if Brucella suspected
Klebisella granulomatis (granuloma inguinale; donovanosis) Tissue, subsurface scrapings Transport at room temperature Mostly a tropical disease.  Stain with Wright's or Giemsa stain.  Epithelium alone is adequate.  Organism cannot be cultured.
Coxiella (Q fever), b Rickettsia (spotted fevers; typhus) Serum, blood, tissue Blood and tissue are frozen at -70°C Refer isolation to reference laboratory.  Serologic diagnosis is preferred.
Organism (disease) Specimen of choice Transport issues Comments
Ehrlichia sp. Blood smear, skin biopsy, blood (with heparin or EDTA anticoagulant), CSF, serum Material for culture sent on ice; keep tissue moist and sterile; hold at 4 to 20°C until tested or a t  -70°C for shipment; transport on ice or frozen for PCR test Serologic diagnosis preferred.  Fix smear in methanol.  Tissue stained with FA or Gimenez stain.  Refer isolate to reference laboratory.  CSF for direct examination and PCR. 
Francisella sp. (tularemia)b Lymph node aspirate, scrapings, lesion biopsy, blood, sputum Rapid transport to laboratory or freeze; ship on dry ice Send to reference laboratory.  Serologic testing helpful.  Gram stain of tissue is not productive.  IFA available.  Culture effective 10% of the time.
Leptospira sp. Serum, blood (citrate containing anticoagulants should not be used), CSF (1st wk), urine (after 1st wk) Blood <1 h; urine, <1 h or dilute 1:10 in 1% bovine serum albumin and store at 4-20°C or neutralize with sodium bicarbonate Serologic testing most helpful.  Acidic urine is detrimental.  Dark-field microscopy and direct FA available.  Warthin-Starry silver stain for tissue.
Streptobacillus sp. (rat bite fever; Haverhill fever) Blood, aspirates of joint fluid High-volume bottle preferred Do not refrigerate.  Requires blood, serum, or ascitic fluid for growth.  SPS is inhibitory.  AO staining is helpful.

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Last Updated August 30, 2006

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