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Texas State Library and Archives Commission
Archives & Manuscripts 

Triumph and Tragedy: Presidents of the Republic of Texas

The Texas Presidency
David G. Burnet
Sam Houston - First Term
Mirabeau B. Lamar
Sam Houston - Second Term
Anson Jones
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Sam Houston to Andrew Jackson, December 18, 1817

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Sam Houston to Andrew Jackson, December 1817

various others, I would be very hap-
py to be without this aid-ship, of Mr. S.

            On the 20th Inst I will issue to these
emigrants, supplies for their journey,
_____ [?] etc. A difficulty has arisen
with regard to the squaws, heads of
families, who wish to remove, but at
this season, will not be able to go
without the aid of a blanket. They
are also aware, that each one has
the right of reservation, and in consi-
deration though they are willing to receive
a Blanket. From this circumstance
arose a difficulty with me. If it had
been probable (where it first oc-
cured [sic]) that a letter would have

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Sam Houston to Andrew Jackson, December 18, 1817. Andrew Jackson Houston Papers #8, Archives and Information Services Division, Texas State Library and Archives Commission.


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