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Texas State Library and Archives Commission
Archives & Manuscripts 

Triumph and Tragedy: Presidents of the Republic of Texas

The Texas Presidency
David G. Burnet
Sam Houston - First Term
Mirabeau B. Lamar
Sam Houston - Second Term
Anson Jones
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Sam Houston to Andrew Jackson, December 18, 1817

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Sam Houston to Andrew Jackson, December 1817

better able to act. (P)  

            Since my arrival here,
between very ill health, and a want
of instructions, I have really been in
a dilemma[.] When I arrived here
Mr Smith act’g assist agent, hav[ing been]
absent from the Agency, twenty two
days[.] The cause of absence was, he
had went, to Augusta Geo. [Georgia] for the
purpose of laying in a supply
of Goods. I called on his agent (a
Brother-in-law of his) for funds, a _____ [?]
to the instructions of Col Meigs. When
I calld, [sic] out of 2006$ only 884$ could
be produced, and the notes not cur-
Insert: I only drew 200$. His disbursements have been
From that circumstance, and

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Sam Houston to Andrew Jackson, December 18, 1817. Andrew Jackson Houston Papers #8, Archives and Information Services Division, Texas State Library and Archives Commission.


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