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Welcome to the Texas Cancer Registry

A lady smiling... A man smiling... A young girl... A girl kissing her dad on the cheek... A lady smiling...
Our mission is to contribute significantly to the knowledge of cancer for use in reducing the cancer burden in Texas.
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The Texas Cancer Registry (TCR) operates in a two-tier system consisting of a central office and six regional registries. Approximately 140,000 reports of cancer are received annually from approximately 450 health facilities located throughout the state.

We strive to:

  • Collect cancer data and maintain a quality statewide population-based cancer registry with complete, timely and accurate data.
  • Maintain recognition as a nationally certified cancer registry, and
  • Meet the data needs of Texas healthcare practitioners, cancer researchers, health planners, the public and other state and national entities.


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Contact TCR

Last Updated November 19, 2007


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