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Welcome to the Texas Cancer Registry

Other Publications Available by Request

A lady smiling... A man smiling... A young girl... A girl kissing her dad on the cheek... A lady smiling...

Please use the "Statistical Data" or "General Information" e-mail links on the "Contact TCR" page to request any of these publications.

  • Texas Cancer Mortality Statistics - Single years available: 1984-1999
  • Cancer in Texas Incidence Report - Single years available: 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000
  • Impact of Cancer on Texas - 3rd -6th Editions
  • Cancer Incidence-Texas Panhandle, 1976-1985
  • Cancer Incidence-Texas South Plains, 1976-1985
  • Cancer Incidence & Mortality in Texas Public Health Regions 1, 7-11, 1985-1992
  • Childhood and Adolescent Cancer in Texas, 1990-1995
  • Cancer Incidence (1989-1990) & Mortality (1981-1990) in the Texas Golden Crescent
  • Cancer Incidence & Mortality Along the Texas-Mexico Border (1990-1993)
  • Cancer Incidence in East Central Texas, 1985
  • Cancer Incidence in PHR 9 (1976-1980)
  • Epidemiology of Cancer Mortality in Texas, (1969-1980)
  • Prostate Cancer in Texas, 2002
  • Quality Assurance Flyer, March, 2001


Contact TCR

Last Updated December 13, 2006

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