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Texas Cancer Registry

Childhood and Adolescent Cancer (Ages 0-19 years) Incidence, Texas, 1995-2004

Two girls smiling... A young girl... The letter C... A girl playing outside... Playing jacks......

Each year in Texas, approximately 1,100 children and adolescents younger than 20 years of age are diagnosed with cancer. Approximately 200 children and adolescents die of cancer each year, making cancer the most common cause of disease-related mortality for Texans 0-19 years of age. The tables presented on this web site were created to provide detailed information on the incidence of childhood and adolescent cancer in Texas for scientists, policy makers, and the public. These population-based data are important in helping us better understand these cancers, their causes, and ultimately, reducing cancer incidence and mortality.

Childhood cancer rates are given for invasive cases only, to be consistent with National childhood cancer statistics. Hence, we are no longer including any benign or borderline cancers, as were included in the past.  Childhood cancer rates are given as rates per 1,000,000, and are presented for ages 0-14 (childhood) and 0-19 (childhood and adolescent) for each major childhood/adolescent cancer type, for the entire state, by health service region, and for counties with at least 100,000 population. A table of the overall childhood/adolescent cancer rate is also given for each of the 254 Texas counties.

Childhood / Adolescent Cancer Case Classification

Statewide (Extended Classification Table) Health Service Region (Major Childhood Cancer Site Groups)

County (Major Childhood Cancer Site Groups)

  • For counties with at least 100,000 population



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Last Updated June 26, 2007

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