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Comprehensive Out-Patient
Rehabilitation Facility


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A Comprehensive Out-Patient Rehabilitation Facility is a nonresidential facility that is established and operated exclusively for the purpose of providing diagnostic, therapeutic, and restorative services to outpatients for the rehabilitation of injured, disabled, or sick persons, at a single fixed location, by or under the supervision of a physician. Comprehensive Out-Patient Rehabilitation Facilities are not state licensed nor are they accredited. They may be certified to participate in the federal Medicare Program.


Medicare Information

The Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) directs state health agencies or other appropriate agencies to determine if health care entities meet federal standards. This helping function is termed "provider certification." Health Facility Compliance Group staff is responsible for certifying Comprehensive Out-Patient Rehabilitation Facilities . For more information on the certification process, refer to Rules/Regulation link on right-hand side menu box or contact your zone office. See the City-Region-Zone List to find your appropriate zone office.


Survey Components

During the initial licensing period, department zone office staff will conduct an on-site survey to ascertain compliance with the provision on the Health and Safety Code and associated rules. Entrance conference with key facility personnel and department zone office staff. During the survey, zone office staff will explain the survey process and answer questions.

  • Review clinical records
  • Review facility policies and procedures
  • Review quality assurance activities
  • Review personnel records
  • Interview staff
  • Conduct site visits as applicable
  • Exit conference with key facility personnel. Discuss survey findings.

Audit Tool

The audit tool is provided for use by your facility in preparation for a Medicare certification survey. We suggest you conduct an audit of your facility’s compliance to federal standards prior to the scheduled or unannounced survey.

  • Comprehensive Out-Patient Rehabilitation Facility Federal Audit Tool (Report, CMS-360). PDF File 558KB, 15 pages.


Hard rule
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Texas Department of State Health Services, Health Facillity Licensing Program
1100 West 49th Street - Austin, Texas 78756 - (512) 834-6646


Last Updated June 5, 2006

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