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Recertification/Relicensure Information

Star of Life

We recommend you begin the recertification process three to four months prior to your expiration date.

Recertification requirements must be COMPLETED by expiration date. If not, see Late Renewal.

texasonline.gif (1398 bytes)EMS certification renewal is available electronically through Texas Online.

Application submission:

Submit the recertification/relicensure application for EMS personnel and fee, if not exempt, to: Texas Department of State Health Services,  Attn: Mail Code 2003, 1100 W. 49th St., Austin, TX 78756-3199.

Application processing takes approximately four to six weeks. If your application is incomplete, your renewal will be delayed. Click here to read the rule concerning renewal options.

A certification verification website is available for certification status and expiration date verification. The URL is: http://dshsregn.dshs.state.tx.us/ems/certquery.htm.

Recertification/relicensure options:

On the application form, select one renewal procedure from the four available options.  

Option 1 - Examination
        • The Texas Department of State Health Services (DSHS) is using the National Registry Assessment Exam as the state-approved exam.  
        • You will be responsible for scheduling an exam seat assignment with National Registry at www.nremt.org
        • In addition to the state application fee, you will be required to pay a testing fee to National Registry. Volunteers are not exempt from NR testing fees.
        • You MUST make a passing score of at least 70 percent.
        • If you fail the exam, you can not gain certification through another option.
        • If you fail the exam, you will be given opportunities to retake the exam.
        • You can schedule your exam appointment through the NR website exam scheduler at www.nremt.org.

Option 2 - Continuing Education
        • Submit application as directed above.
        • CE must:
              - be preapproved and in specified content areas
              - meet minimum hours in content areas and meet total required for four-year period.
              - As of 9/1/02, reporting CE is no longer required (unless selected for audit).
        • CE participation/record keeping is your responsibility. You must maintain all CE records for five years. Your records may be audited.

Option 3 - National Registry
        • Submit application as directed above.
        • You must hold current NR certification at the time of renewing your Texas certificate.
        • You must include your NR number and expiration date on your Renewal application.

Option 4 - Formal Recertification Course
        • Submit application as directed above.
        • Complete course anytime during the 4 year certification period.
        • Minimum contact hours for course are as follows: ECA - 24; EMT - 48; EMT-I - 72; EMT-P - 96

Option 5 - Comprehensive Clinical Management Program (CCMP) is not available at this time. Information is forthcoming.

Late renewal process for EMS applicants:

In all cases, certification DOES NOT extend beyond your expiration date. Late renewal is submission of your application after your expiration date OR completing renewal requirements after your expiration date.

Electronic application and fee submission is available through Texas Online texasonline.gif (1398 bytes)

Applicants completing ALL renewal requirements between date of expiration and one year after expiration date can choose to renew by any of the four available options above and must also submit a skills verification with the application. Click here to read about your renewal options.

Applicants whose certification has been expired for one year or more may not renew the certificate. The applicant may become certified by complying with inital or equivalency certification required.

Application submission

  • Submit the recertification/relicensure application for EMS personnel, skills proficiency form for late renewal and fee, if not exempt, to: Texas Dept of State Health Services, Attn: Mail Code 2003 , Austin, TX   78756-3199 
  • For applicants completing renewal within 90 days after expiration date, the fee schedule is: Basic level application fee (ECA or EMT) includes late fee = $94; advanced level application fee (EMT-I or EMT-P) includes late fee = $141; licensed paramedic = $186
  • For applicants completing renewal between 91 days and one year after expiration date, the fee schedule is: Basic level application fee (ECA or EMT) includes reentry late fee = $124; advanced level application fee (EMT-I or EMT-P) includes reentry late fee = $186; licensed paramedic = $246

Even if you submitted the application and fee at an earlier date but did not achieve renewal, you will be required to complete a new application and owe a new fee of twice the normal fee.


Coordinator or instructor recertification process:

Electronic application and fee submission is available through Texas Online.  texasonline.gif (1398 bytes)

Coordinator, instructor, EMS information operator instructor recertification requirements

Application submission

  • Mail completed application and required forms to: Texas Dept of State Health Services, Attn: Mail Code 2003, 1100 West 49th St., Austin, TX   78756-3199.

If your application is incomplete or does not include all the required attachments, you will be contacted regarding how to correct the deficiency. Contact your local DSHS field office for information regarding specific details about application submission guidelines. Click here to find your local DSHS field office address, phone number and staff e-mail addresses.

Expect to receive your EMS certificate and ID card within four to six weeks. A certification verification web page is available for certification status and expiration date verification: http://dshsregn.dshs.state.tx.us/ems/certquery.htm

EMS Inactive Certification:

While in inactive status you can not perform any activities regulated under the Health and Safety Code, Chapter 773. Performance in any capacity for compensation or as a volunteer is prohibited, and failure to comply shall be cause for decertification. Inactive status does not prohibit you from performing first aid, CPR or automatic external defibrillation in the capacity of a lay person.

Change active certification/licensure to inactive. Your inactive status will be given the same expiration date as your current certification/licensure. Submit inactive certification/licensure application and inactive administrative fee of $30. Inactive status is not allowable for ECAs. Inactive status is not allowable if you are within 1 year of your expiration. You must renew as inactive.

Renew active or inactive certification as inactive. Submit inactive certification/licensure application, recertification/relicensure application for EMS personnel, application fee, as listed on application form, PLUS inactive administrative fee. If renewing inactive certification as a current inactive, you do not owe the Inactive Administrative Fee. The inactive certification period begins the day after current certification expiration and is effective for four years.

Renew EXPIRED, active or inactive certification as inactive. Submit inactive certification/licensure applicationrecertification/relicensure application for EMS personnel, late fees, as listed on application form, PLUS inactive administrative fee. If you are applying within 90 days after expiration date, your fee is one and one-half times the normal application fee (see application form for amount). If you are applying 91 days to one year past expiration date, your fee is double the normal application fee. The inactive status period will be effective for four years from the date of issuance.

Inactive status is only available up to one year past your current expiration date. After one year past the expiration date, you must comply with the initial certification/licensure application requirements.

Requirements for returning to active certification/licensure:

EMS Rule 157.34(f) Inactive to active certification.

(1) An inactive certificant prior to the expiration of the first four-year inactive certification period may obtain active certification by submitting an application and the non-refundable fee to the department, as described in subsection (a)(4) of this section and by completing one of the following options:

(A) Option 1--meet the normal 4 year continuing education requirement for certification renewal as listed in subsection (b)(2) of this section, submit verification of skills proficiency from an approved education program, and pass the national registry assessment exam.

(B) Option 2--complete a department approved recertification course, and pass the national registry assessment exam.

(2) A certificant who has held inactive certification for more than four years may return to active certification only by completing requirements described in §157.33(a) or (j) of this title.

After your application has been submitted and entered into our database (allow four to six weeks from mail date), you will be responsible for scheduling an exam seat assignment for taking the written exam. You can schedule your exam seat appointment through National Registry's web site exam scheduler at www.nremt.org.

Email comments & questions

Last Updated May 22, 2007

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