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EMS/Trauma Systems

Star of Life

Welcome to the home page of the DSHS program that regulates EMS and trauma systems in Texas. This website contains information about EMS certification and licensure, trauma designation, how to contact us and more.
Star of Life Texas EMS Conference 2007


2008 Local Project Grants Awards

Memorandum of Agreement Mutual Aid in Disaster: Ground Ambulances
(updated September 19, 2007)

Memorandum of Agreement Mutual Aid in Disaster: Rotor Wing Ambulances
(updated September 19, 2006)

New MOA for EMS personnel during a disaster
(August 17, 2007)

SIGNED Memoranda of Agreement by Texas EMS Providers for Mutual Aid in Disasters
October 12, 2007)

Legislative Update: Ambulance Licensing – Gurney Car/"Epi pen"
(October 29, 2007)

EMS & Trauma Systems Coordination Organizational Chart
(Updated October 24, 2007)

FY 08 Affidavit for Calendar Year 2006 Emergency Healthcare Runs
(October 24, 2007)

FY08 DTF/EMS Hospital Uncompensated Trauma Care Application
(October 9, 2007)

2007 Texas EMS Conference Workshops
(September 6, 2007)

August 2007 DSHS Uncompensated Trauma Care Distribution to Hospitals
(August 31, 2007)

FY 2007 Uncompensated Trauma Care Fund Distribution
(May 7, 2007)

Good news for younger EMS students
(April 16, 2007)

Skills Proficiency Form for Late Renewal .pdf file -- need acrobat reader (52KB)
(April 12, 2007)

State Agency AED Placement
(April 11, 2007)

*Important information about EMS application processing*
(February 21, 2007)

GETAC Documents February 2007
(February 16, 2007)

2007 Texas EMS Conference Call For Presentations
(February 9, 2007)

Computerized testing debuts Jan. 1, 2007
(December 21, 2006)

GDEM 10-27-06 Letter: Role of RACs in Disasters
(November 27, 2006)

GETAC EMS and Trauma Systems Regulatory Task Force Survey
(November 9, 2006)

Map of Trauma Service Areas and Councils of Governments

Revised EMS Compliance Service Areas (Groups)

News for Educators about Computer Testing
(September 26, 2006)

NREMT 2005 Exam Statistics
(August 1, 2006)

TFCA Stakeholder Letter
(June 14, 2006)

Third Party Pay Option Now Available

GETAC Injury Prevention Committee - Project Starfish document (Word) (PDF)

More News/Features

Last Updated October 31, 2007

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