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National Registry's PowerPoint presentation
At the August GETAC Education Committee meeting, National Registry gave a presentation using PowerPoint showing the Texas' progress in implementing the test. You must have PowerPoint to view this presentation

A Strategic Plan for the Texas EMS/Trauma System now available online
The Strategic Plan, developed by the Governor's EMS and Trauma Advisory Council (GETAC), has been sent to the Texas state legislators.  The 77th Texas Legislature passed House Bill 2446, mandating that GETAC assess the need for EMS in areas around the state and develop a plan for refining educational requirements for certification, maintaining certification for EMS personnel and developing EMS/trauma care systems throughout the state.  The Strategic Plan will be used and evaluated on an on-going basis to guide EMS/trauma systems in meeting the needs of their communities, namely that of decreasing death and disability resulting from sudden illness and injury.  This is a large file (195K) that may take a significant time to download. The document is 28 pages long. Click on A Strategic Plan for the Texas EMS/Trauma System.   ""

EMS Education and Training Manual now available online

The EMS Education and Training Manual, a tool for coordinators,
is designed to aid all types of programs in meeting the needs of EMS education and training. It is specifically targeted at those who do not have the benefit of, or access to, institutions of higher learning but who possess the knowledge, skills, resources and dedication to provide sound EMS education and training in areas where it would otherwise be unavailable. The EMS Act charges the Texas Department of Health with the responsibility of developing and publishing EMS training and education standards within Texas. This manual lays out those standards. This is a large file (670K) that may take a significant time to download. The manual is 96 pages long. Click here to download the Education and Training Manual. ""


Grants management change could affect payments

TDH Grants Management is moving to a new computer system for management of contracts. The old system will have to be shut down beginning August 21, 2002, until the new system is operational on September 16, 2002. This could a delay in some payments for reimbursement. For more information, click here, or call Robert Vitek at (512) 458-7111, ext. 2281.

EMS Rule 157.38 proposed at Board of Health

On March 24, 2002, TDH’s Bureau of Emergency Management proposed to the Board of Health the repeal of the current rule, §157.38, to be replaced with a new §157.38. The rule concerns the approval and requirement for the accrual of continuing education credit for emergency medical services personnel.   The adoption of §157.34 in September, relating to options for recertification, necessitated the development of the new rule pertaining to the CE options. The rule has a 30-day comment period after publication in the Texas Register. Click here for a copy of the rule and an opportunity to comment.

CMS special reimbursement rate begins April 1, 2002

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid (CMS) Ambulance Reimbursement Schedule, to be implemented April 1, 2002, provides for a special reimbursement rate for Specialty Care Transports (SCT), defined as interfacility transfers of critical patients needing medically necessary specialized interventions that are beyond the general scope and practice of the paramedic as defined in the National EMS Education and Practice Blueprint.   CMS does not specify the parameters of the SCT, including what additional training for the paramedic should be, but, rather, leaves that definition up to state and local agencies. TDH has developed an interim policy on Specialty Care Transport.                  

Texas law and regulations provide for the development by policy of such parameters as a category of specialized emergency medical service vehicles.

Recertification rule adopted by Board of Health

The Texas Board of Health adopted a new rule, §157.34 (Recertification), and adopted amendments to §157.33 (Certification) and §157.38 (Continuing Education), on September 21, 2001. Click here to read a comprehensive explanation of the new recertification rule available in the November/December issue of Texas EMS Magazine, click here.  For more information on the recertification options, you can download presentations in PowerPoint or in an Adobe Acrobat (.pdf) file. A Recertification Option presentation will be available soon to download in Power Point. For more information on the fifth option (not yet available), Comprehensive Clinical Management Program,  you can download presentations in PowerPoint or in an Adobe Acrobat (.pdf) file. If your expiration date is after January 1, 2002, click here for instructions on how to recertify.

Highlights of the new rule:
§157.33  and §157.38  were amended to make CE requirements compatible with the new rule, §157.34.

157.34 expands the ways that EMS personnel can recertify. Under this new rule, you can recertify using four different options. A fifth option will be available in the future. The rule also limits early renewal to one year prior to expiration date. The rule will become effective on January 1, 2002. 

Implementation information for  §157.34:

  • The rule will become effective January 1, 2002;

  • Certificants expiring after January 1, 2002, shall recertify under the new rule;

  • Certificants expiring between October 31 and December 31, 2001, shall recertify under the old rule;

  • Certificants expiring after October 31, 2001, who don't mind letting their certifications lapse in the interim, may certify under the new rule as long as they apply after January 1, 2002. As long as they complete the recert requirements within 90 days, the only penalty will be a late fee...but their certifications will not be in effect until then;

  • Certificants whose certifications have been expired more than 90 days and who apply prior to January 1, 2002, shall meet the late recertification requirements of the old rule.
    Certificants whose certifications have been expired more than 90 days and who apply after January 1, 2002, shall comply with the requirements of the new rule.

    Indicates PDF file Files marked with this emblem are Adobe Acrobat files allowing most computer platforms accessibility. Get your free Adobe Reader here. Get Acrobat Reader

Funding available for ECA training

Does your area need initial training for your first responder organization or EMS service? Are you located in a rural or underserved area? Do you have at least three people who are interested in taking the training? And are these individuals willing to commit a year of service to your organization after achieving ECA certification?

If you answered yes to the questions above, your organization may be eligible for a free ECA training course conducted in your area at times and locations convenient for your students. The Texas Legislative recognized the increasing difficulty of recruiting and retaining EMS personnel in rural and underserved areas of our state. HB 2446, passed during the 2001 legislative session, includes a requirement that the Bureau "provide or facilitate the provision of initial training for emergency care attendants, if the training is not available locally."  If you are interested in training, contact Greg Wilburn at 512/834-6700 or download an application.  

EMS statistics now available on the web

Statistics compiled by the Bureau are now available on the web. Information includes number and type of EMS providers, number of EMS certificants, and EMS vehicles by type. Click here to the latest numbers.

EMS Standards now has dedicated fax line

 EMS Standards now has a dedicated fax line just for certification and licensure: (512) 834-6714. Anything that does not require that you send in money may be faxed in: applications, Two-Year CE reports, CE forms and documents to clear deficiencies. However, please do not fax in your application and then follow up with a copy by mail as that increases the amount of paper coming into the offices. This office process an average of 1300 applications each month in addition to CE summaries and other information relating to certification and licensure. Click here for other contact information.

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