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Investigation Forms

Related Topics: Rule Updates––effective 6/5/07 New!


  • Anthrax Case Investigation Form (PDF PDF, 18KB)

  • Botulism Forms
    Foodborne Investigation Form (PDF PDF, 18KB) Revised
    Infant Investigation Form (PDF  PDF, 20KB) Revised

  • Brucellosis Case Investigation Form (PDF  PDF, 61.2KB)

  • Communicable Disease Reporting Forms
    EPI-1 (PDF  PDF, 78.3KB)
    EPI-2 (PDF  PDF, 66.6KB)

  •  Contaminated Sharps Injury Reporting Forms, November 9, 2004

  •  Cruetzfeld Jakob Disease(PDF  PDF, 78.3KB)


  • Escherichia coli O157:H7 and Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome Investigation Form, 1998 revision (PDF  PDF, 20KB) Revised

  • Escherichia coli O157:H7 Food History Listing Form (PDF  PDF, 62KB)

  • Foodborne Outbreak Investigation Form (PDF  PDF, 33KB)

  • Haemophilus influenzae Investigation Form (PDF  PDF, 31.1KB)

  • Hansen's Disease Investigation Forms

  • Hantavirus Pulmonary Syndrome Form, CDC (PDF  PDF, 187KB)

  • Hepatitis B Investigation Form  (PDF  PDF, 25KB)

  • Hepatitis B, Perinatal
    Contact Investigation Form  (PDF  PDF, 48KB)
    Infant Investigation Form  (PDF  PDF, 48KB)
    Mother Investigation Form  (PDF  PDF, 36KB)

  • Hepatitis (Viral) Surveillance Report Form, CDC (PDF  PDF, 96KB)

  • Hypothesis Generating Questionnaire for Gastroenteritis Complaints (PDF  PDF, 14KB)

  • Influenza-Associated Pediatric Death Investigation Form (PDF  PDF, 70KB)


  • Legionnaires' Case Investigation Form, April 2002 revision (PDF  PDF, 32KB) Revised

  • Leishmaniasis Case Investigation Form (PDF  PDF, 113KB) New!

  • Listeria Case (with supplemental medical history form) Form, CDC (PDF  PDF, 197KB) Revised

  • Lyme Case Investigation Form (PDF  PDF, 55.0KB)

  • Malaria Investigation Form, CDC (PDF  PDF, 118KB)

  • Measles (Rash-Fever) Investigation Form (PDF  PDF, 98.4KB)

  • Meningitis (Aseptic, Bacterial, and Other) Investigation Form (PDF  PDF, 16KB) Revised

  • Meningococcal (Neisseria Meningitidis) Investigation Form (PDF  PDF, 123KB) New!

  • Mosquito Borne Illness Case Investigation Form (PDF  PDF, 73KB)
    Used for Dengue, California Encephalitis, Eastern/Venezuelan/Western Equine Encephalitis, St. Louis Encephalitis, West Nile Fever, and Yellow Fever

  • Mumps Investigation Form (PDF PDF, 34.3KB)

  • Pertussis Investigation Form (PDF PDF, 27.3KB)

  • Pertussis Death Investigation Form, CDC (PDF PDF, 17KB)

  • Plague Case Investigation Form (PDF PDF, 67.0KB)

  • Q Fever Investigation Form (PDF PDF, 62.7KB)


  • Rickettsial Disease Case Investigation Form  (PDF PDF, 16KB)
    Used for Ehrlichiosis, Murine Typhus and Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever

  • Rubella (Rash-Fever) Investigation Form (PDF PDF, 98.4KB)

  • Smallpox Investigation Forms, CDC 
    Evaluating Patients for Smallpox (PDF PDF, 182KB)
    Post Event Surveillance Form (PDF PDF, 147KB)

  • Streptococcal Disease, Invasive Reporting Form, May, 2007 (PDF PDF, 32KB) Revised

  • Taenia Tapeworm Investigation Form (PDF PDF link, 53.4Kb) New!

  • Tetanus Investigation Form (PDF  PDF, 28.0KB)

  • Tick-borne Relapsing Fever Case Investigation Form (PDF  PDF, 54.4KB)

  • Tuberculosis Forms (including Report of Case and Patient Services)

  • Viral Hepatitis Surveillance Form, CDC (PDF  PDF, 96KB)

  • Tularemia Case Investigation Form (PDF  PDF, 62.1KB)

  • Typhoid Fever Surveillance Report, CDC (PDF  PDF, 86KB)

  • Varicella (Chickenpox)  Reporting Form  (PDF  PDF, 20.6KB)

  • Varicella Death Investigation Form, CDC  (PDF  PDF, 91KB)

  • Vibriosis Surveillance Form, July 2000 revision  (PDF  PDF, 140KB)

  • Viral Gastroenteritis Outbreak Reporting Form (PDF  PDF, 655KB)

  • Yersiniosis Case Investigation Form, 1998 revision (PDF  PDF, 13KB) Revised

  • Waterborne Disease Outbreak Reporting Form (PDF PDF, 87KB)

 Link    Links to external sites are intended to be informational and do not have the endorsement of the Texas Department of State Health Services. These sites may also not be accessible to persons with disabilities.

Last Updated: Monday, November 12, 2007

Texas Department of State Health Services - Infectious Disease Control Unit
1100 West 49th Street, Suite T801, Mail Code: 1960 PO BOX 149347 - Austin, TX 78714-9347
(512) 458-7676 - Fax: (512) 458-7616 -

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