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Zoonosis Control Group

(Animal Bites, Venomous Bites)

This Bites

A guide to the treatment of victims envenomed by snakes and spiders.
The information presented here is intended to be applied to victims envenomed by snakes and spiders native to Texas. While some of this information may also be applicaple to venomous species elsewhere in the world, it is advisable to check with local health authorities in your location for proper treatment procedures.
spider  Spider Bites
snake  Snake Bites

Last Updated: Saturday, October 01, 2005

Texas Department of State Health Services - Infectious Disease Control Unit
1100 West 49th Street, Suite T801, Mail Code: 1960 PO BOX 149347 - Austin, TX 78714-9347
(512) 458-7676 - Fax: (512) 458-7616 -

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