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Texas Adjutant General Service Records, 1836-1935

Search by first letter of last name and see key to abbreviations below.
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z

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Military organizations and dates of holdings

Key to abbreviations
ARM Army of the Republic, 1836-45
CSA Confederate States Army, 1861-65
FB Frontier Battalion, 1874-98, 1901
FF Frontier Forces, 1870-71
LR Loyalty Rangers, 1918
MM Minute Men, 1855-62, 1872-74
MV Mounted Volunteers, 1854-61
NAV Navy of the Republic, 1836-45
RR Regular Rangers, 1855-61, 1901-35
RRR Railroad Rangers, 1922-35
SP State Police, 1870-71
SR Special Rangers, 1916-34
TST Texas State Troops, 1861-65
TVG Texas Volunteer Guard, 1881, 1886-1903
USV United States Volunteers,
      Spanish-American War, 1898


Index: J

Name                       Organization    Call No.

Jack, Alvin N.                  TVG        401-199
Jack, James                     ARM        401-6
Jack, William C.                TVG        401-199
Jackman, Tom J.                 RR         401-57
Jackson, Alfred                 TVG        401-199
Jackson, B. H.                  TVG        401-199
Jackson, C. C.                  SR         401-85
Jackson, C. R.                  FB         401-156
Jackson, Carl E.                USV        401-236
Jackson, Cecil                  RR         401-57
Jackson, Dan W.                 SR         401-85
Jackson, E. A.                  USV        401-236
Jackson, E. P.                  SR         401-85
Jackson, Edward A.              USV        401-236
Jackson, Edward Earl            RRR        401-119
Jackson, Ford                   SR         401-85
Jackson, George                 FF         401-135
Jackson, Harper                 SP         401-45
Jackson, Henry                  SP         401-45
Jackson, Henry                  FB         401-156
Jackson, Herbert L.             USV        401-236
Jackson, Holly                  USV        401-236
Jackson, Hugh                   TVG        401-199
Jackson, J. B.                  TVG        401-199
Jackson, J. J.                  RR         401-57
Jackson, James A.               RRR        401-119
Jackson, Joe                    SR         401-85
Jackson, John                   RR         401-57
Jackson, John A.                SR         401-85
Jackson, John A.                USV        401-236
Jackson, L. R.                  FB         401-157
Jackson, L. W.                  SR         401-85
Jackson, Lyndon J.              RR         401-57
Jackson, O. C.                  LR         401-129
Jackson, P. C.                  FB         401-157
Jackson, P. C.                  FB         401-157
Jackson, Robert Will            USV        401-236
Jackson, Rowland J.             USV        401-236
Jackson, Rube W.                USV        401-236
Jackson, Samuel A.              MV         401-29
Jackson, Samuel H.              TVG        401-199
Jackson, Scott                  USV        401-236
Jackson, Thomas S.              ARM        401-6
Jackson, V. L.                  SR         401-85
Jackson, W. E.                  SR         401-85
Jackson, W. G.                  FB         401-157
Jackson, Walter                 TVG        401-199
Jackson, Wilbur C.              USV        401-236
Jackson, Will E.                TVG        401-199
Jackson, William                ARM        401-6
Jackson, William                USV        401-236
Jackson, William D.             TVG        401-199
Jackson, William H.             USV        401-236
Jackson, William P.             MV         401-29
Jackson, Z. R.                  FB         401-157
Jackson, Zebulon                FB         401-157
Jacob, F.                       ARM        401-6
Jacob, Louie                    TVG        401-199
Jacobs, Ike B.                  TVG        401-199
Jacobs, J. C.                   SR         401-85
Jacobs, John                    RR         401-57
Jacobs, Terrell M., Capt.       SR         401-85
Jacobs, Thomas                  NAV        401-19
Jacobs, William E.              USV        401-236
Jacobson, J. M.                 SR         401-85
Jaeger, Edward                  USV        401-236
Jager, Francis                  ARM        401-6
Jaggi, James                    TVG        401-199
Jainer, R. C.                   TVG        401-199
Jalufka, James                  USV        401-236
Jamail, Louis                   SR         401-85
Jamar, Joe                      SR         401-85
James, A. F.                    FB         401-157
James, A. J.                    TVG        401-199
James, C. B.                    SR         401-85
James, D. L.                    SR         401-85
James, D. R.                    FB         401-157
James, Daniel                   SP         401-45
James, E. P.                    USV        401-236
James, F. W.                    TVG        401-199
James, Gaines L.                TVG        401-199
James, Henry                    SP         401-45
James, J. C.                    MM         401-32
James, J. W.                    FB         401-157
James, John V.                  MV         401-29
James, John W.                  SP         401-45
James, Michael                  NAV        401-19
James, Philip                   FB         401-157
James, R. H.                    TVG        401-199
James, Robert C.                RRR        401-119
James, Robert N.                USV        401-236
James, S. A.                    SR         401-85
James, S. A.                    TVG        401-199
James, W. L.                    TVG        401-199
James, Walter Edmond            RRR        401-119
James, Will C.                  RR         401-57
James, William                  NAV        401-19
James, William                  FF         401-135
Jameson, L. C.                  SR         401-85
Jameson, L. C.                  LR         401-129
Jameson, Seaborn                RR         401-57
Jamison, J. A.                  FB         401-157
Janak, Joe F.                   SR         401-85
Janes, Oscar                    TVG        401-199
Jannasch, C. R.                 TVG        401-199
Jannasch, Fred E.               USV        401-236
Janner, Frank C.                USV        401-236
Jansen, Jacob                   FF         401-135
January, Samuel A.              MV         401-29
Japhet, Gustav                  TVG        401-199
Japlin, Charles V.              ARM        401-6
Jarmon, Steve W.                USV        401-236
Jarrard, Benson C.              USV        401-236
Jarrard, H. A.                  TVG        401-199
Jarrel, E. F., Dr.              SR         401-85
Jarrell, C. A.                  SR         401-85
Jarrell, Julius                 TVG        401-199
Jarrett, Thad Johnson           SR         401-85
Jarrott, Marshall               USV        401-236
Jarvis, John                    NAV        401-19
Jarvis, W. G.                   TVG        401-199
Jarvis, William G.              USV        401-236
Jasper, C. P.                   RRR        401-119
Jasper, M[unger]                SP         401-45
Jayne, Alvey E.                 TVG        401-199
Jefcoat, A. M.                  RRR        401-119
Jefferds, E. R.                 FB         401-157
Jefferies, A. T.                SR         401-85
Jeffers, Floyd                  RRR        401-119
Jeffers, William                SP         401-45
Jefferson, Frank                SR         401-85
Jefferson, Patrick              ARM        401-6
Jefferson, W. D.                FB         401-157
Jefferson, William D.           FB         401-157
Jeffery, Harry E.               USV        401-236
Jeffries, A. D.                 TST        401-35
Jeffries, J. D.                 SR         401-85
Jeffries, William               FF         401-135
Jeffry, S.                      FB         401-157
Jekel, John                     TVG        401-199
Jelkyl, Ross                    ARM        401-6
Jemison, J. M.                  SR         401-85
Jenkins, Albert Fletcher        TVG        401-199
Jenkins, Charles                FB         401-157
Jenkins, E. T.                  SR         401-85
Jenkins, George W.              ARM        401-6
Jenkins, H. S.                  TVG        401-199
Jenkins, Harry D.               USV        401-236
Jenkins, I. N.                  FB         401-157
Jenkins, J. A.                  USV        401-236
Jenkins, J. T.                  TVG        401-199
Jenkins, Jack                   TVG        401-199
Jenkins, Jesse William          TVG        401-199
Jenkins, Joe                    RR         401-57
Jenkins, L. C.                  FB         401-157
Jenkins, Lee                    FB         401-157
Jenkins, N. L.                  FB         401-157
Jenkins, R. Lee                 SR         401-85
Jenkins, Rufus R.               FB         401-157
Jenkins, Sam                    FB         401-157
Jenkins, T. E.                  SR         401-85
Jenkins, W. L.                  FB         401-157
Jenkins, W. R.                  FB         401-157
Jenkins, W. W.                  RR         401-57
Jenkins, William R.             USV        401-236
Jenkins, William V.             TST        401-35
Jenks, Horace V.                ARM        401-6
Jennings, A. A.                 FF         401-135
Jennings, Clyde                 RR         401-57
Jennings, Clyde                 RRR        401-119
Jennings, David                 ARM        401-6
Jennings, Dick B.               RRR        401-119
Jennings, E. E.                 SR         401-85
Jennings, G. A.                 SP         401-45
Jennings, H.                    SP         401-45
Jennings, J. F.                 SP         401-45
Jennings, J. T.                 RRR        401-119
Jennings, John David            USV        401-236
Jennings, John Davis            TVG        401-199
Jennings, John M.               TST        401-35
Jennings, Josiah M.             USV        401-236
Jennings, N. A.                 USV        401-236
Jennings, Oscar                 TVG        401-199
Jennings, R. F.                 SR         401-85
Jennings, R. S.                 TST        401-35
Jennings, R. W.                 TVG        401-199
Jennings, W. A.                 TVG        401-199
Jennings, W. T.                 FB         401-157
Jennings, Wade                  USV        401-236
Jennings, Walter Bryant         RRR        401-119
Jensen, George                  USV        401-236
Jenson, E. R.                   FB         401-157
Jerden, Elmer                   TVG        401-199
Jergins, Andrew T.              USV        401-236
Jergins, Jesse J.               TVG        401-199
Jernigan, Hubert                USV        401-236
Jernigan, John D.               TVG        401-199
Jernigan, L. F.                 USV        401-236
Jernigan, N. M.                 TVG        401-199
Jernison, Henry T.              TVG        401-199
Jerow, John                     TST        401-35
Jerrells, George                FB         401-157
Jerrells, J.                    FB         401-157
Jessee, Ira Ernest              RRR        401-119
Jessee, R. S.                   TVG        401-199
Jessen, Adalbert                SP         401-45
Jester, L. L.                   TVG        401-199
Jester, Sue M.                  RR         401-57
Jeter, W. L.                    SR         401-85
Jeterka, John                   USV        401-236
Jett, J.                        SR         401-85
Jett, W. P.                     RR         401-58
Jetty, C. S.                    TVG        401-199
Jewell, Arthur C., Capt.        SR         401-85
Jilek, Adolph A.                USV        401-236
Jimenes, Candelario             FF         401-135
John (an Indian)                ARM        401-6
Johnigan, F.                    RRR        401-119
Johns, C. R.                    FF         401-135
Johns, E.                       NAV        401-19
Johns, Edward                   NAV        401-19
Johns, Glover S.                SR         401-85
Johns, H. P.                    RRR        401-119
Johns, Joseph                   TVG        401-199
Johns, Lowell M.                USV        401-236
Johns, M. F.                    FB         401-157
Johns, W. H.                    FB         401-157
Johns, Watson                   FB         401-157
Johns, William                  TST        401-35
Johnsey, Virgil                 TVG        401-199
Johnson, A. R.                  TVG        401-199
Johnson, Adam R.                USV        401-236
Johnson, Adam R., Jr.           SR         401-85
Johnson, Albert                 SR         401-85
Johnson, Albert                 FB         401-157
Johnson, Alexander              ARM        401-6
Johnson, Alexander              SR         401-85
Johnson, Alf                    FB         401-157
Johnson, Alfred                 CSA        401-39
Johnson, Allen S.               RRR        401-119
Johnson, Amil                   RR         401-58
Johnson, Arthur                 USV        401-236
Johnson, Arthur B.              TVG        401-199
Johnson, Arthur W.              USV        401-236
Johnson, Audrey                 ARM        401-6
Johnson, B. F.                  FB         401-157
Johnson, Ben                    FB         401-157
Johnson, Benjamin               ARM        401-6
Johnson, Benjamin F.            USV        401-236
Johnson, Boss                   TVG        401-199
Johnson, Burton Warren          TVG        401-199
Johnson, C. A.                  FB         401-157
Johnson, C. C.                  USV        401-236
Johnson, C. E.                  FB         401-157
Johnson, C. H.                  TVG        401-199
Johnson, C. M.                  USV        401-236
Johnson, C. W.                  FB         401-157
Johnson, Charles                TST        401-35
Johnson, Charles                TVG        401-199
Johnson, Charles A.             RRR        401-119
Johnson, Charles L.             USV        401-236
Johnson, Charles P.             TVG        401-199
Johnson, Charles W.             USV        401-236
Johnson, Charlie W.             RRR        401-119
Johnson, Claiborne              SP         401-45
Johnson, Clarence R.            RRR        401-119
Johnson, D. L.                  SR         401-85
Johnson, D. R.                  USV        401-236
Johnson, D. W.                  FB         401-157
Johnson, Daniel W.              SR         401-85
Johnson, David                  TVG        401-199
Johnson, Dewitt                 USV        401-236
Johnson, E. A.                  USV        401-236
Johnson, E. C.                  FB         401-157
Johnson, E. E.                  SR         401-85
Johnson, E. E.                  TVG        401-199
Johnson, E. F.                  SR         401-85
Johnson, Elam                   TVG        401-200
Johnson, Eli M.                 MV         401-29
Johnson, Ervin                  TVG        401-200
Johnson, Eugene                 FB         401-157
Johnson, Eugene E.              TVG        401-200
Johnson, Eugene E.              TVG        401-200
Johnson, Floyd L.               TVG        401-200
Johnson, Francis                MM         401-32
Johnson, Francis                ARM        401-6
Johnson, Frank                  TVG        401-200
Johnson, Frank N.               FB         401-157
Johnson, G. C.                  SR         401-85
Johnson, G. H.                  SR         401-85
Johnson, George                 FB         401-157
Johnson, George A.              USV        401-236
Johnson, George E.              USV        401-236
Johnson, George H.              RR         401-58
Johnson, George Hugh            TVG        401-200
Johnson, George W.              TVG        401-200
Johnson, Gilbert                FB         401-157
Johnson, Gus                    TVG        401-200
Johnson, Gustaf William         USV        401-236
Johnson, H. L.                  TVG        401-200
Johnson, Hadley                 SR         401-85
Johnson, Harry                  FB         401-157
Johnson, Harry Hubbard          SR         401-85
Johnson, Hayes Y.               USV        401-236
Johnson, Henry                  NAV        401-19
Johnson, Henry                  TVG        401-200
Johnson, I. M.                  RRR        401-119
Johnson, I. P.                  FB         401-157
Johnson, Ike                    RRR        401-119
Johnson, Irwin                  MV         401-29
Johnson, Isaac S.               USV        401-236
Johnson, J. A.                  SP         401-45
Johnson, J. A.                  FB         401-157
Johnson, J. F.                  TVG        401-200
Johnson, J. H.                  SR         401-85
Johnson, J. H.                  LR         401-129
Johnson, J. J.                  RRR        401-119
Johnson, J. N.                  SR         401-85
Johnson, J. R.                  FB         401-157
Johnson, J. W.                  LR         401-129
Johnson, J. Willis, Jr.         SR         401-85
Johnson, James                  NAV        401-19
Johnson, James                  FB         401-157
Johnson, James L.               TVG        401-200
Johnson, James T.               USV        401-236
Johnson, Janis H.               USV        401-236
Johnson, Jewell                 TVG        401-200
Johnson, Jim                    FB         401-157
Johnson, Joe E.                 TVG        401-200
Johnson, John                   NAV        401-19
Johnson, John                   MV         401-29
Johnson, John                   MV         401-29
Johnson, John                   FB         401-157
Johnson, John                   FB         401-157
Johnson, John F.                USV        401-236
Johnson, John James             ARM        401-6
Johnson, John O.                FB         401-157
Johnson, John R.                ARM        401-6
Johnson, John Thomas            SR         401-85
Johnson, Joseph K.              SR         401-85
Johnson, Joseph V.              USV        401-236
Johnson, Julius R.              USV        401-236
Johnson, L. E.                  SR         401-85
Johnson, L. E.                  LR         401-129
Johnson, L. M.                  SR         401-85
Johnson, L. M.                  SR         401-85
Johnson, La Prade               USV        401-237
Johnson, Lee Roy                RRR        401-119
Johnson, Lee Roy                SR         401-85
Johnson, Levi                   TVG        401-200
Johnson, Louis P.               USV        401-237
Johnson, Marcus H.              USV        401-237
Johnson, Marshall               RR         401-58
Johnson, Nathan                 SP         401-45
Johnson, Nehemiah               TST        401-35
Johnson, Othor                  SR         401-85
Johnson, P. G.                  TVG        401-200
Johnson, Patrick                NAV        401-19
Johnson, Paul                   TVG        401-200
Johnson, Phil G.                USV        401-237
Johnson, R. D.                  SP         401-45
Johnson, R. H.                  SR         401-85
Johnson, R. S.                  FB         401-157
Johnson, Read                   SR         401-85
Johnson, Robert                 FB         401-157
Johnson, Robert D.              NAV        401-19
Johnson, Robert E.              SR         401-85
Johnson, Robert Earl            TVG        401-200
Johnson, Robert Earl            USV        401-237
Johnson, Robert H.              RR         401-58
Johnson, Robert L.              SR         401-85
Johnson, Roy M.                 SR         401-86
Johnson, Rufus                  SR         401-86
Johnson, S. W., Jr.             TVG        401-200
Johnson, Sam McL.               TVG        401-200
Johnson, T.                     FB         401-157
Johnson, T. A.                  TVG        401-200
Johnson, T. R.                  FB         401-157
Johnson, Thes.                  SP         401-45
Johnson, Thomas                 NAV        401-19
Johnson, Thomas                 RR         401-58
Johnson, Thomas                 USV        401-237
Johnson, Thomas F.              ARM        401-6
Johnson, Thomas J.              SR         401-86
Johnson, Thomas L.              TVG        401-200
Johnson, Thomas R.              FB         401-157
Johnson, Tobe                   USV        401-237
Johnson, Tom                    SR         401-86
Johnson, W. A.                  SP         401-45
Johnson, W. A.                  SR         401-86
Johnson, W. B.                  FB         401-157
Johnson, W. E.                  SR         401-86
Johnson, W. F.                  TVG        401-200
Johnson, W. G.                  FB         401-157
Johnson, W. H.                  SR         401-86
Johnson, W. I.                  SR         401-86
Johnson, W. J.                  SR         401-86
Johnson, W. J.                  LR         401-129
Johnson, W. R.                  SR         401-86
Johnson, W. S.                  TVG        401-200
Johnson, William                CSA        401-39
Johnson, William                ARM        401-6
Johnson, William                TVG        401-200
Johnson, William A.             MM         401-32
Johnson, William H.             USV        401-237
Johnson, William Jasper         CSA        401-39
Johnson, William L.             USV        401-237
Johnson, William R.             RRR        401-119
Johnson, William T.             FB         401-157
Johnson, Willis                 SR         401-86
Johnston, Andrew J.             USV        401-237
Johnston, B.                    NAV        401-19
Johnston, Ben                   TVG        401-200
Johnston, Charles E.            FB         401-157
Johnston, Floyd A.              TVG        401-200
Johnston, George                NAV        401-19
Johnston, H. L.                 SR         401-86
Johnston, H. L. (Bud)           RR         401-58
Johnston, H. M.                 RR         401-58
Johnston, Harvey C.             USV        401-237
Johnston, J. H.                 FB         401-157
Johnston, J. M.                 USV        401-237
Johnston, Jack T.               SR         401-86
Johnston, John                  TST        401-35
Johnston, Lindley               ARM        401-6
Johnston, R. L.                 TVG        401-200
Johnston, R. M.                 TVG        401-200
Johnston, Robert M.             USV        401-237
Johnston, Roy W.                SR         401-86
Johnston, Sam C.                SR         401-86
Johnston, Samuel B.             USV        401-237
Johnston, T. K.                 SR         401-86
Johnston, T. R.                 FB         401-157
Johnston, W. F.                 TVG        401-200
Johnston, Walter L.             SR         401-86
Johnston, William               USV        401-237
Johnston, William Scott         SR         401-86
Johnston, William Scott         LR         401-129
Joiner, H. S.                   FB         401-157
Joiner, Henry H.                FF         401-135
Joiner, S. J.                   RRR        401-119
Joline, Charles O.              FB         401-157
Jolly, David D.                 SR         401-86
Jolly, James P.                 FF         401-135
Jolly, Peter J.                 USV        401-237
Jones, A.                       TVG        401-200
Jones, A. C.                    RRR        401-119
Jones, A. C.                    SR         401-86
Jones, A. C.                    TVG        401-200
Jones, A. F.                    TVG        401-200
Jones, A. H.                    FB         401-157
Jones, A. H.                    FB         401-157
Jones, A. L.                    FB         401-157
Jones, A. P.                    USV        401-237
Jones, A. T.                    SR         401-86
Jones, A. W.                    RR         401-58
Jones, Albert E.                USV        401-237
Jones, Albert P.                USV        401-237
Jones, Albert R.                USV        401-237
Jones, Alex                     TVG        401-200
Jones, Andrew                   FF         401-135
Jones, Arthur                   FB         401-157
Jones, Arthur H.                RRR        401-119
Jones, Aurelius H.              USV        401-237
Jones, B. H.                    TVG        401-200
Jones, B. L.                    FB         401-157
Jones, B. W.                    USV        401-237
Jones, Burton                   SP         401-45
Jones, Buster                   RR         401-58
Jones, C. E.                    TVG        401-200
Jones, C. L.                    SR         401-86
Jones, C. R.                    TVG        401-200
Jones, C. S.                    FF         401-135
Jones, Caleb                    MV         401-29
Jones, Charles                  ARM        401-6
Jones, Charles E.               USV        401-237
Jones, Clifford B.              SR         401-86
Jones, Donald H.                SR         401-86
Jones, E. A.                    TVG        401-200
Jones, E. B.                    FB         401-158
Jones, E. E.                    RRR        401-119
Jones, E. R.                    TVG        401-200
Jones, E. Z.                    SP         401-45
Jones, Edward                   ARM        401-6
Jones, Edward S.                ARM        401-6
Jones, Elbert                   RR         401-58
Jones, Elijah                   USV        401-237
Jones, Elmus                    USV        401-237
Jones, Emanuel                  SP         401-45
Jones, Emmett                   FB         401-158
Jones, Ernest L., Dr.           SR         401-86
Jones, F.                       FB         401-158
Jones, Floyd                    SR         401-86
Jones, Frank                    FB         401-158
Jones, Frank M.                 USV        401-237
Jones, Franklin                 SP         401-45
Jones, Fred V.                  SR         401-86
Jones, G. D.                    RR         401-58
Jones, G. P.                    SR         401-86
Jones, George A.                USV        401-237
Jones, George Lee               RR         401-58
Jones, George Lee               SR         401-86
Jones, George M.                USV        401-237
Jones, George S.                FB         401-158
Jones, George S. O.             USV        401-237
Jones, Gerald Allen             TVG        401-200
Jones, Gerry                    FB         401-158
Jones, Guilford C.              USV        401-237
Jones, Gus                      TVG        401-200
Jones, Gus T.                   SR         401-86
Jones, Gustave                  USV        401-237
Jones, Guy F.                   TVG        401-200
Jones, H. M.                    FB         401-158
Jones, H. M.                    TVG        401-200
Jones, H. Worth                 SR         401-86
Jones, Herbert M.               USV        401-237
Jones, Homer H.                 SR         401-86
Jones, Hugh E.                  USV        401-237
Jones, J. A.                    FF         401-135
Jones, J. A.                    FF         401-135
Jones, J. A.                    TVG        401-200
Jones, J. C.                    TVG        401-200
Jones, J. H.                    TST        401-35
Jones, J. J.                    FB         401-158
Jones, J. J.                    TVG        401-200
Jones, J. L.                    FB         401-158
Jones, J. M.                    FB         401-158
Jones, J. M. W.                 TVG        401-200
Jones, J. S.                    TVG        401-200
Jones, J. W.                    FB         401-158
Jones, J. W.                    FB         401-158
Jones, James H.                 RR         401-58
Jones, James R.                 FF         401-135
Jones, Jesse                    ARM        401-6
Jones, John                     MM         401-32
Jones, John                     ARM        401-6
Jones, John A.                  RR         401-58
Jones, John B.                  FB         401-158
Jones, John F.                  USV        401-237
Jones, John I.                  FB         401-158
Jones, John R.                  RRR        401-119
Jones, John R.                  SR         401-86
Jones, John R.                  FB         401-158
Jones, John T.                  FB         401-158
Jones, Kleber                   FF         401-135
Jones, Leon                     SR         401-86
Jones, Leon                     FB         401-158
Jones, Leonard                  TVG        401-200
Jones, Lester                   SR         401-86
Jones, Lloyd D.                 USV        401-237
Jones, Luther C.                RRR        401-119
Jones, M.                       FB         401-158
Jones, M. H.                    RR         401-58
Jones, M. L.                    MV         401-29
Jones, M. R.                    SR         401-86
Jones, M. V.                    RR         401-58
Jones, Marcel                   SR         401-86
Jones, Martin                   ARM        401-6
Jones, Marvin F.                SR         401-86
Jones, N. B.                    RR         401-58
Jones, N. B.                    FB         401-158
Jones, N. J.                    FB         401-158
Jones, N. J.                    FB         401-158
Jones, N. P.                    SP         401-45
Jones, Nat B.                   RR         401-58
Jones, Nat B.                   SR         401-86
Jones, Omer                     RRR        401-119
Jones, Patrick                  SP         401-45
Jones, Paul                     SR         401-86
Jones, Paul                     SR         401-86
Jones, Peter                    ARM        401-6
Jones, Pinckney                 FB         401-158
Jones, R.                       FB         401-158
Jones, R. H.                    RRR        401-119
Jones, R. R.                    USV        401-237
Jones, R. S.                    TVG        401-200
Jones, Raymond                  USV        401-237
Jones, Relious M.               RR         401-58
Jones, Robert                   SP         401-45
Jones, Robert E.                USV        401-237
Jones, Robert L.                USV        401-237
Jones, Rufus V. G.              TVG        401-200
Jones, S. R.                    SR         401-86
Jones, Samuel H.                MM         401-32
Jones, Shelly                   TVG        401-200
Jones, Shepherd                 RR         401-58
Jones, Solomon                  SP         401-45
Jones, Stephen H.               TVG        401-200
Jones, T. N.                    TVG        401-200
Jones, T. O.                    FF         401-135
Jones, T. R.                    SR         401-86
Jones, T. S.                    RR         401-58
Jones, T. S.                    SR         401-86
Jones, T. W.                    FB         401-158
Jones, Theodore                 NAV        401-19
Jones, Thomas                   ARM        401-6
Jones, Thomas                   TVG        401-200
Jones, Tom B.                   TVG        401-200
Jones, Verner                   USV        401-237
Jones, W. B.                    FB         401-158
Jones, W. B.                    FB         401-158
Jones, W. C.                    TVG        401-200
Jones, W. Clinton               RR         401-58
Jones, W. E.                    SP         401-45
Jones, W. G.                    TVG        401-200
Jones, W. H.                    USV        401-237
Jones, W. K.                    FF         401-135
Jones, W. K.                    FB         401-158
Jones, W. N.                    TVG        401-200
Jones, W. W.                    FF         401-135
Jones, W. W.                    FB         401-158
Jones, Wade W.                  TVG        401-200
Jones, Walter F.                SR         401-86
Jones, Wes                      TVG        401-200
Jones, Will                     FB         401-158
Jones, Will C.                  RR         401-58
Jones, William                  NAV        401-19
Jones, William                  ARM        401-6
Jones, William E.               TVG        401-200
Jones, William Frank            SR         401-86
Jones, William H.               SP         401-45
Jones, William J.               SR         401-86
Jones, William J.               LR         401-129
Jones, William T.               RR         401-58
Jones, Woodbury                 NAV        401-19
Jones, Wordy                    USV        401-237
Jonson, Perry F.                TVG        401-200
Jophnson, W. E.                 SR         401-86
Joplin, J. L.                   SR         401-86
Jordan, A. C.                   LR         401-129
Jordan, A. D.                   RR         401-58
Jordan, Aaron C.                SR         401-86
Jordan, Aaron H.                USV        401-237
Jordan, Charles O.              USV        401-237
Jordan, E. W.                   FB         401-158
Jordan, Earnest C.              USV        401-237
Jordan, George R.               SR         401-86
Jordan, Horace                  TVG        401-200
Jordan, Hugh N.                 FB         401-158
Jordan, John                    TVG        401-200
Jordan, John B.                 USV        401-237
Jordan, S. B.                   USV        401-237
Jordan, S. T.                   FB         401-158
Jordan, S. W.                   ARM        401-6
Jordan, Samuel                  ARM        401-6
Jordan, T. E.                   SR         401-86
Jordan, T. E.                   LR         401-129
Jordan, Tink                    TVG        401-200
Jordan, Wiley D.                RR         401-58
Jordan, William                 NAV        401-19
Jorden, Thomas                  ARM        401-6
Jordon, Harry Philip            TVG        401-200
Jorgenson, Edwin T.             SR         401-86
Joseph, Lee                     SR         401-86
Joseph, Lee                     LR         401-129
Joseph, Lewis L.                ARM        401-6
Josey, A.                       TVG        401-200
Josey, John Paul                TVG        401-200
Josey, John R.                  USV        401-237
Joslin, Benjamin N.             ARM        401-6
Joslyn, James B.                USV        401-237
Jourdan, Jeff B.                TVG        401-200
Jowell, J. H.                   FB         401-158
Jowell, J. R. (Bud)             FB         401-158
Joy, C. W.                      FB         401-158
Joy, Charles C.                 TVG        401-200
Joyce, Martin O.                USV        401-237
Joyce, Robert F.                SP         401-45
Joyce, W. V.                    TVG        401-200
Joyce, W. V.                    USV        401-237
Judd, Amos F.                   RRR        401-119
Judd, Michael H.                ARM        401-6
Judge, Walter H.                TVG        401-200
Judges, William                 ARM        401-6
Judkins, Ben                    RRR        401-119
Judkins, Howard                 RRR        401-119
Judkins, Ralph                  RRR        401-119
Judson, Daniel                  NAV        401-19
Juhring, T. A.                  SR         401-86
Julian, James L.                SR         401-86
Junck, Edward                   TVG        401-201
Jung, Alfred M.                 USV        401-237
Jung, Charles                   SP         401-45
Jung, Charles                   TVG        401-201
Jung, George                    USV        401-237
Jungman, Peter                  FB         401-158
Juninez, Hose Marion            NAV        401-19
Justice, Milton M.              ARM        401-6
Justis, Charley W.              USV        401-237
Justiss, A. N.                  TVG        401-201
Justiss, T. F.                  SR         401-86

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