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HIV/STD Program Website

HIV/STD Web Links

The Internet resources listed below are for information and resource purposes only. Listing these sites does not necessarily mean that the Department of State Health Services endorses a particular web site, treatment regimen, medication, health care provider, place of business, political or religious conviction, or moral philosophy. The views expressed are solely those of the authors and not necessarily those of the Department of State Health Services.

General Resources
HIV/AIDS Information
STD Information
Hepatitis Information
General Medical Resources
HIV/AIDS/STD Clinical and Treatment Resources
Education/Training Centers
Educational Materials
Based Resources
Other Topics
Condom Resources
Condom Vendors
Kids/Teens (for Parents/Professionals)
Minority Resources
Pharmaceutical Companies
Runaways/Missing Persons
Sex Workers
Tuberculosis (TB)
Universal Precautions
Women/Maternal/Child Health Resources

Special Populations
Blind and Visually Impaired
Deaf and Hearing Impaired
Mentally Retarded and
Developmentally Delayed
Physically Challenged
Links for DSHS HIV Contractors
Technical Assistance
HIV Prevention Evaluation

HIV/AIDS Information

16th International AIDS Conference Link to domain outside of DSHS. - August 13-18, 2006 in Toronto, Canada.

A&U - America's AIDS Magazine Link to domain outside of DSHS. - Since 1991, A&U has recorded artistic, literary, creative, and cultural responses to the AIDS crisis.

About.com - AIDS/HIV Link to domain outside of DSHS. - Links and articles about HIV/AIDS.

About AIDS (from New York Online Access to Health) Link to domain outside of DSHS. - NOAH seeks to provide high quality full-text health information for consumers that is accurate, timely, relevant, and unbiased. NOAH supports English and Spanish.

AIDS Education Global Information System (AEGIS) Link to domain outside of DSHS. - The largest HIV/AIDS web site in the world. Includes information on every aspect of HIV from prevention and treatment to research and legal information.

AIDS Research Information Center Link to domain outside of DSHS. - On-line AIDS medical encyclopedia.

AIDS Research Institute at University of California San Francisco (UCSF) Link to domain outside of DSHS. - Provides links to UCSF programs including clinical and research studies, virology programs, clinical trials, and others.

Center for AIDS Prevention Studies (CAPS) Link to domain outside of DSHS. - Prevention site by UCSF AIDS Research Institute. Includes several HIV/AIDS-related fact sheets. Includes Spanish content.

HIV InSite Link to domain outside of DSHS. - Comprehensive and reliable information on HIV/AIDS treatment, policy, research, epidemiology, and prevention from the University of California, San Francisco.

AIDS-HIV Internet Resource Center Link to domain outside of DSHS. - An online health resource guide to medical news, articles and information, newsgroups and message boards, disease-related websites, and medical directories and search engines for patients, friends, and family coping with disabling diseases, disorders, or chronic illness.

American Social Health Association (ASHA) Link to domain outside of DSHS. - The American Social Health Association's mission is to stop sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) and their harmful consequences to individuals, families, and communities. Produces information on HIV/AIDS and STDs including educational materials, newsletters, and other resources.

Hotline Information Link to domain outside of DSHS. - Information on telephone hotline services, including the CDC National AIDS Hotline, CDC National STD Hotline, National Herpes Hotline, FIRST STEP Hotline (Maternal and Child Health), and the Health Check Hotline (Children's Health).

Antiviral Agents Bulletin Link to domain outside of DSHS. - The only periodical specializing in antiviral therapeutics and vaccine development and related activities worldwide. The Bulletin covers all antiviral therapeutics, but the largest portion of news articles, patents, etc., concern HIV and AIDS-related antiviral drugs and vaccines.

AVERT Link to domain outside of DSHS. - Information about education to prevent HIV infection, information for HIV positive people, and the latest news and statistics.

The Body Link to domain outside of DSHS. - Large on-line source for HIV/AIDS information. Includes Spanish content.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Link to domain outside of DSHS. - Send questions or comments on specific public health topics to CDC's individual centers, institute, and offices; download CDC publications, news releases, and research information; and access the home page of CDC's National Center for HIV, STD, and TB Prevention.

CDC: CDC En Español Link to domain outside of DSHS. - CDC En Español is not a translation of the English language web site but is tailored to Hispanic/Latino populations. It provides health related information to the Hispanic/Latino professional and to the Spanish speaking/oriented community in general.

CDC: Divisions of HIV/AIDS Prevention Link to domain outside of DSHS. - This website offers a wide range of HIV/AIDS topics including: basic science, surveillance, prevention tools, training tools, basic statistics, brochures, fact sheets, slide sets, conference information, and much more. This site is frequently updated with new information and is an excellent resource for those involved in HIV/AIDS work.

CDC: National Prevention Intervention Network (NPIN) Link to domain outside of DSHS. - The CDC National Prevention Information Network's services are designed to facilitate the sharing of HIV/AIDS, STD, and TB resources and information. NPIN provides information on disease prevention and focuses on the link between HIV, STDs, and TB. NPIN produces several videoteleconferences on HIV/STD/TB annually. NPIN also produces fact sheets that provide an overview of important issues related to disease prevention, including surveillance, targeted prevention efforts in at-risk communities, and CDC prevention strategies. Updates often accompany an important report or journal article and supply additional information about a topic.

CDC: Prevention Guidelines Database (CDC WONDER) Link to domain outside of DSHS. - A comprehensive compendium of all of the official reports, guidelines, recommendations, and public health data published by the CDC for the prevention of diseases, injuries, and disabilities.

CDC: Public Health Training Network (PHTN) Link to domain outside of DSHS. - Distance learning opportunities sponsored by CDC and other PHTN partners, including satellite broadcasts, video streaming, audio conferences, and other meetings of interest.

Harvard AIDS Institute Link to domain outside of DSHS. - Dedicated to conducting and catalyzing research to end the worldwide AIDS epidemic. Includes info on research, the Institute and other related sites.

HIV/AIDS Anti-Stigma Initiative Link to domain outside of DSHS. - The AED Center for AIDS and Community Health is working towards providing a baseline of understanding on the available research and literature on stigma, combining what is known domestically with what is known internationally, with programmatic approaches to combat HIV/AIDS-related stigma.

HIV and Hepatitis Link to domain outside of DSHS. - Online publication that provides practical, reliable information about treatment and experimental vaccine options for these chronic conditions.

HIV at Work Link to domain outside of DSHS. - Information about HIV in the workplace from the CDC.

HIV Positive.Com Link to domain outside of DSHS. - Updated daily with the latest information on HIV and AIDS.

Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA): HIV/AIDS Resource Center Link to domain outside of DSHS. - JAMA's HIV/AIDS Resource Center is an interactive collection of resources for physicians, other health professionals, and the public. Included are links to clinical updates, news, and information on a broad range of social and policy questions relating to HIV/AIDS.

Know HIV/AIDS Link to domain outside of DSHS. - A multi-year media campaign encompassing the creation and dissemination of information about the HIV virus and its prevention through television, radio, outdoor, online and print media. The mission: To use the power of media to educate and compel people to act-to protect themselves and to get tested for the virus-and to erase the stigma for those afflicted. Created by Viacom and the Kaiser Family Foundation.

Positive Words: An HIV Newsletter Resource Link to domain outside of DSHS. - PositiveWords is an HIV newsletter resource designed to help get the latest treatment and health management information out to the diverse range of individuals and communities living with HIV.

POZ Magazine Link to domain outside of DSHS. - POZ magazine gets information to HIV positive persons for whom it could extend or improve the quality of their lives.

San Francisco AIDS Foundation Link to domain outside of DSHS. - Disseminates information about HIV/AIDS.

Test Positive Aware Network (TPAN) Link to domain outside of DSHS. - TPAN publishes both the nationally distributed "Positively Aware," a bi-monthly journal, and "TPANow," a monthly publication. TPAN also provides services to the broader community to increase HIV knowledge and sensitivity, and to reduce the risk of infection.

World Health Organization (WHO): HIV/AIDS Topics Link to domain outside of DSHS. - Information on HIV and AIDS worldwide from the World Health Organization.

Yahoo! Health: AIDS/HIV Link to domain outside of DSHS. - Search Yahoo! for AIDS/HIV resources.

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STD Information

About STDs Link to domain outside of DSHS. - Ask New York's On-line Access to Health (NOAH) about sexually transmitted diseases.

American Social Health Association (ASHA) Link to domain outside of DSHS. - The American Social Health Association's mission is to stop sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) and their harmful consequences to individuals, families, and communities. Produces information on HIV/AIDS and STDs including educational materials, newsletters, and other resources.

National Herpes Resource Center Link to domain outside of DSHS. - Part of ASHA, the National Herpes Resource Center offers a variety of educational materials and resources regarding herpes.

BD Be Aware Link to domain outside of DSHS. - Information on chlamydia and gonorrhea from Becton, Dickinson, and Company.

CDC: STD Fact Sheets Link to domain outside of DSHS. - Fact sheets and other information about STDs from the CDC.

DFW Friends: Herpes Support Group Link to domain outside of DSHS. - An informal social group of single people in the Dallas / Fort Worth (DFW) Metroplex who share the "challenge" of the Herpes virus.

Doctor's Guide: STD Information and Resources Link to domain outside of DSHS. - The latest medical news and information for patients or friends/parents of patients affected by STDs.

Durex Link to domain outside of DSHS. - An on-line STD information service from condom maker Durex.

Herpes.com Link to domain outside of DSHS. - Comprehensive resource of information about herpes and other related viruses.

Herpes Help Link to domain outside of DSHS. - Direct-to-consumer information on herpes treatment options from GlaxoSmithKline.

The Hidden Epidemic: Confronting Sexually Transmitted Diseases Link to domain outside of DSHS. - This book, produced by the Institute of Medicine, Division of Health Promotion and Disease Prevention, focuses on the hidden epidemic of STDs in the United States; reasons why it has not been controlled, and what we, as a nation, need to do differently to confront the problem. Its purpose is to educate the nation regarding the truths and consequences of STDs in the U.S.

The HPV Test Link to domain outside of DSHS. - Information about HPV testing and the link to cervical cancer from Digene.

HPV Vaccine Link to domain outside of DSHS.- Current information on the HPV vaccines by the CDC.

National HPV and Cervical Cancer Campaign Link to domain outside of DSHS. - Provides women with information about the link between HPV and cervical cancer, and about existing and new methods to detect the disease, enabling women to discuss the cervical cancer with their healthcare provider.

Sexually Transmitted Disease Fact Sheets Link to domain outside of DSHS. - Fact sheets containing basic information about the prevention, transmission, symptoms and treatment of the common sexually transmitted diseases from the Minnesota Department of Health.

Sexually Transmitted Infections Online Link to domain outside of DSHS. - Publishes original articles on the clinical, microbiological, behavioral, epidemiological, social, and historical aspects of sexually transmitted diseases, including viral infections such as HIV and AIDS, human papillomavirus, herpes simplex virus, and the sexually transmissible hepatitis viruses.

Stop the Sores Link to domain outside of DSHS. - Syphilis testing campaign from the Los Angeles Department of Health Services.

Visionary Health Concepts Link to domain outside of DSHS. - Educate with appropriate content and literacy levels the entire spectrum of the HIV/Hepatitis community: patients, doctors, and everyone giving services to HIV and/or Hepatitis positive people.

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Hepatitis Information

All About Hepatitis C Link to domain outside of DSHS. - A site for consumers to learn more about hepatitis C, including its causes, how hepatitis C is spread, its consequences, how to prevent hepatitis C, and how hepatitis C is diagnosed and treated. From the Schering Corporation.

American Liver Foundation (ALF) Link to domain outside of DSHS. - Includes downloadable brochures and information sheets on hepatitis and other liver diseases, order forms for ALF publications and videos, information on ALF services and recipients, and information for liver transplant candidates, recipients, and physicians.

Be In Charge Program Link to domain outside of DSHS. - A chronic hepatitis resource program, Be In Charge is a support program sponsored by Schering for patients undergoing Intron-A interferon therapy for hepatitis B and C. Site includes list of government and professional organizations, reading materials, support groups, and links to other hepatitis websites.

Canadian Liver Foundation Link to domain outside of DSHS. - Provides a variety of information on the liver and liver diseases.

CDC: Hepatitis Branch Link to domain outside of DSHS. - Information on hepatitis A, B, C, E and G; surveillance reports; MMWR recommendations on hepatitis; guidelines for screening blood/tissue donors; vaccination schedule.

Viral Hepatitis Serology Training Link to domain outside of DSHS. - A course comprised of six animated tutorials with voiceovers and eight case studies regarding Hepatitis A-E serology from the CDC.

Diseases of the Liver Link to domain outside of DSHS. - An alphabetical list of liver diseases and conditions. Includes links to current papers and books about liver disease.

Health on the Net Foundation: Hepatitis B Link to domain outside of DSHS. - A resource for those who wish to find out more about hepatitis B and aims to strike a middle ground between the basic information available to the general public and the highly technical information in medical journals and to collate current information about the disease.

Hepatitis B Foundation Link to domain outside of DSHS. - Volunteer non-profit organization dedicated to eliminating hep B through research, education, and outreach services. Website includes information, literature order form, drug watch, advice for carriers, and a nationwide directory of liver specialists.

Hepatitis C: An Epidemic for Anyone Link to domain outside of DSHS. - Hepatitis C website sponsored by the C. Everett Koop Institute at Dartmouth College. Site gives detailed information about the scope of the hepatitis C epidemic, public policy toward the disease, prevention, testing, symptoms, complications, and treatment. Basic information on liver functions and viral infection is also included.

Hepatitis C Resource Guide pdf icon Link to domain outside of DSHS. - A Hepatitis C guide providing answers to frequently asked questions and resource information from the Austin/Travis County Health and Human Services Department.

Hepatitis Central Link to domain outside of DSHS. - Information and resources on Hepatitis C including magazines, listserves, and chat rooms.

Hepatitis Foundation International Link to domain outside of DSHS. - Provide education, training programs, and materials for the public, patients, health educators, and medical professionals. Also supports hepatitis research, provides a patient telephone support network, answers a toll-free hotline, maintains a database of hepatitis support groups, and hosts a web site.

Hepatitis Information Network (HepNet) Link to domain outside of DSHS. - Canadian site with sections for doctors and patients. Includes regularly updated hepatitis news section; consensus statement from the National Institutes of Health (U.S.); information on epidemiology, vaccines and emerging therapies; journal abstracts and upcoming conference information.

Hepatitis Zone Link to domain outside of DSHS. - Site by Schering featuring Rebetron hepatitis combination therapy. Also has information on hepatitis transmission and infection.

Hep-C ALERT! Link to domain outside of DSHS. - Site contains information for those newly diagnosed with hepatitis C, information for veterans with hepatitis C, information for recipients of blood products, occupational exposure information for health care workers, a memorial page, and a newsletter.

Hep C Connection Link to domain outside of DSHS. - A support system established in Denver in October 1995 to assist HepC-challenged individuals and their families.

Hep Clinics Link to domain outside of DSHS. - A site offering clinic locations for free or low-cost Hepatitis vaccination.

Hepatology Watch Link to domain outside of DSHS. - Monthly fax communication broadcast to practitioners who treat chronic liver diseases. Supported by Axcan Pharma and Roche Labs.

HIV and Hepatitis Link to domain outside of DSHS. - Online publication that provides practical, reliable information about treatment and experimental vaccine options for these chronic conditions.

Immunization Action Coalition (IAC): Hepatitis B Coalition Link to domain outside of DSHS. - Comprehensive site with patient and physician information on hepatitis A and B. Includes downloadable brochures, Needle Tips newsletter, guidelines and fact sheets in English, Spanish, Chinese, Vietnamese, Farsi, Tagalog, Cambodian, Russian, Korean, Hmong and Laotian. Information on vaccination schedules, risk factors, universal precautions. The Coalition has over a dozen educational videos, some for providers and more for patients. Seven are in languages other than English.

IAC Express (Newsletter) Link to domain outside of DSHS. - Electronic newsletter featuring new immunization resources, new hepatitis B diagnosis and treatment resources, new ACIP recommendations, and other newsworthy hepatitis items.

Latino Organization for Liver Awareness (LOLA) Link to domain outside of DSHS. - LOLA is the first national bilingual bicultural organization dedicated to raising awareness on liver disease through informational materials, prevention and education community outreach programs, treatment and referral services, support groups, quarterly newsletters, HCV Prison Educational Presentations, and HCV Public Education Campaigns to the Latino and American communities and other underserved populations who suffer from liver disease in the United States.

National HCV Prison Coalition Link to domain outside of DSHS. - Formed to bring together organizations and individuals interested in raising awareness and providing support to prisoners who are suffering from hepatitis and HIV/HCV coinfection.

National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK) Link to domain outside of DSHS. - Part of the National Institutes of Health, the NIDDK site contains downloadable brochures and fact sheets on hepatitis A, B and C; research and funding information; vaccination information for hepatitis A and B; current disease management techniques for hepatitis C; patient recruitment information for clinical studies at the National Institutes of Health.

Parents of Kids With Infectious Diseases Link to domain outside of DSHS. - A resource of emotional, financial, educational, and informational support for parents of children with infectious diseases.

Texas Liver Coalition Link to domain outside of DSHS. - The Texas Liver Coalition was founded to provide public health information, prevention education and specialized services for those with liver disease in Texas and beyond.

Veteran's Administration National Hepatitis C Program Link to domain outside of DSHS. - Sponsored by the VA's National Hepatitis C Program, this Web site is designed to be an informational and educational resource on viral hepatitis for health care providers inside and outside the VA system, veterans, and the general public.

Visionary Health Concepts Link to domain outside of DSHS. - Educate with appropriate content and literacy levels the entire spectrum of the HIV/Hepatitis community: patients, doctors, and everyone giving services to HIV and/or Hepatitis positive people.

World Health Organization: Hepatitis Link to domain outside of DSHS. - Vaccine, surveillance, and epidemiology on a world-wide scale. Also has fact sheets for Hepatitis B and C and information for travelers.

[ Back to Index ]


Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Link to domain outside of DSHS. - Send questions or comments on specific public health topics to CDC's individual centers, institutes, and offices; download CDC publications, news releases, and research information; and access the home page of CDC's National Center for HIV, STD, and TB Prevention.

CDC: CDC En Español Link to domain outside of DSHS. - CDC En Español is not a translation of the English language web site but is tailored to Hispanic/Latino populations. It provides health related information to the Hispanic/Latino professional and to the Spanish speaking/oriented community in general.

CDC: Division of Adolescent and School Health (DASH) Link to domain outside of DSHS. - Includes model education programs for adolescent and school health.

CDC: Divisions of HIV/AIDS Prevention Link to domain outside of DSHS. - CDC's HIV mission is to prevent HIV infection and reduce the incidence of HIV-related illness and death, in collaboration with community, state, national, and international partners. The website offers a wide range of HIV/AIDS topics including: basic science, surveillance, prevention tools, training tools, basic statistics, brochures, fact sheets, slide sets, conference information, and much more.

CDC: Division of Sexually Transmitted Diseases Link to domain outside of DSHS. - Provides national leadership through research, policy development, and support of effective services to prevent sexually transmitted diseases (including HIV infection) and their complications such as enhanced HIV transmission, infertility, adverse outcomes of pregnancy, and reproductive tract cancer.

CDC: Division of Tuberculosis Elimination Link to domain outside of DSHS. - The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center for HIV, STD, and TB Prevention, Division of Tuberculosis Elimination web site. Includes self-study modules, fact sheets, guidelines, and more.

CDC: HIV/AIDS Policy Toolkit Link to domain outside of DSHS. - HIV/AIDS workplace resources from the CDC and Business and Labor Respond to AIDS.

CDC: Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (MMWR) Link to domain outside of DSHS. - The MMWR weekly contains data on specific diseases as reported by state and territorial health departments and reports on infectious and chronic diseases, environmental hazards, natural or human-generated disasters, occupational diseases and injuries, and intentional and unintentional injuries. Also included are reports on topics of international interest and notices of events of interest to the public health community.

CDC: National Prevention Information Network (NPIN) Link to domain outside of DSHS. - The CDC National Prevention Information Network's services are designed to facilitate the sharing of HIV/AIDS, STD, and TB resources and information. NPIN provides information on disease prevention and focuses on the link between HIV, STDs, and TB. NPIN produces several videoteleconferences on HIV/STD/TB annually.

CDC: Prevention Guidelines Database (CDC WONDER) Link to domain outside of DSHS. - A comprehensive compendium of all of the official reports, guidelines, recommendations, and public health data published by the CDC for the prevention of diseases, injuries, and disabilities.

CDC: Public Health Training Network (PHTN) Link to domain outside of DSHS. - Distance learning opportunities sponsored by CDC and other PHTN partners, including satellite broadcasts, video streaming, audio conferences, and other meetings of interest.

CDC: STD Fact Sheets Link to domain outside of DSHS. - Fact sheets and other information about STDs from the CDC.

Combined Health Information Database (CHID) Link to domain outside of DSHS. - CHID is a database produced by health-related agencies of the federal government. This database provides titles, abstracts, and availability for health information and health education resources.

Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) HIV/AIDS Bureau (HAB) Link to domain outside of DSHS. - The HIV/AIDS Bureau, one of four bureaus of the Health Resources and Services Administration, is the largest single source, next to the Medicaid and Medicare programs, of Federal funding for HIV/AIDS care for low-income, un- and underinsured individuals. The HRSA HIV/AIDS Bureau (HAB) e-mail features technical assistance and primary care updates for the CARE Act community. For subscription information for the HAB e-mail, contact the address above.

Leadership Directories Link to domain outside of DSHS. - Publisher of reference directories in the fields of business and government. Their 14 "Yellow Books" contain the names and contact information for 400,000 leaders in Congress State, Federal and Municipal Government.

National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) Link to domain outside of DSHS. - Explore research on AIDS, tuberculosis, and other infectious diseases, allergic and immunologic diseases, asthma, transplantation, and more. Scientists of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases work to develop new and improved ways to diagnose, treat, and prevent infectious diseases and disorders of the immune system.

National Institutes of Health (NIH) Link to domain outside of DSHS. - The National Institutes of Health is one of the world's foremost biomedical research centers, and the federal focal point for biomedical research in the U.S.

National Library of Medicine Link to domain outside of DSHS. - The world's largest medical library.

National Library of Medicine: MEDLINEPlus Health Information Link to domain outside of DSHS. - MEDLINEplus has extensive information from the National Institutes of Health and other trusted sources on over 500 diseases and conditions. There are also lists of hospitals and physicians, a medical encyclopedia and dictionaries, health information in Spanish, extensive information on prescription and nonprescription drugs, health information from the media, and links to thousands of clinical trials.

National Library of Medicine: Specialized Information Services - HIV/AIDS Information Link to domain outside of DSHS. - Guide to HIV/AIDS information including clinical trials and treatment information.

Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA): Bloodborne Pathogens Link to domain outside of DSHS. - Information on occupational exposure and OSHA standards for bloodborne pathgen.

State Health Facts Link to domain outside of DSHS. - A source for state health data from the Kaiser Family Foundation.

Texas Department of Family and Protective Services Link to domain outside of DSHS. - Charged with protecting children, adults who are elderly or have disabilities living at home or in state facilities, and licensing group day-care homes, day-care centers, and registered family homes.

Texas Education Agency (TEA): Texas Education Directory Link to domain outside of DSHS. - The purpose of the Texas Education Directory (TED) is to provide public access to current information concerning Texas education organizations. The Texas Education Directory system provides current directory and mailing information for Texas education related organizations such as schools, school districts, and Regional Education Service Centers. Data for mailing labels can also be downloaded.

Texas Health Insurance Risk Pool Link to domain outside of DSHS. - A health insurance program created by the Texas Legislature to provide health insurance to Texas residents who either (i) cannot obtain adequate health insurance coverage as a result of their medical conditions, or (ii) are considered "Federally Eligible Individuals," as defined by the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996, commonly referred to as HIPAA.

White House Office of National AIDS Policy Link to domain outside of DSHS. - Focuses on coordinating continuing domestic efforts to reduce the number of new infections in the U.S., in particular in segments of the population that are experiencing new or renewed increases in the rate of infection.

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Link to domain outside of DSHS. - Learn about HHS and access links to all HHS agencies.

U.S. Food and Drug Administration Link to domain outside of DSHS. - The home page of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) includes news, information on foods, human drugs, biologics, medical devices and radiological health, toxicology, and more.

[ Back to Index ]

General Medical Resources

American Academy of Opthamology Link to domain outside of DSHS. - This website seeks to build the global ophthalmic community through leadership, development of information resources, and networking.

American Cancer Society Link to domain outside of DSHS. - Up to date information on the activities of the American Cancer Society.

American Health Consultants Link to domain outside of DSHS. - Healthcare newsletter publisher and provider of continuing medical education. Products covering everything from biotechnology to emergency medicine and more.

Carle On-Line Link to domain outside of DSHS. - A comprehensive disease, condition, and injury quick reference guide.

ChronicIll Net Link to domain outside of DSHS. - ChronicIll Net is a multimedia information source on the Internet dedicated to chronic illnesses including AIDS, cancer, Persian Gulf War Syndrome, autoimmune diseases, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, heart disease, and neurological diseases. This site is designed for researchers, patients, lay people, and physicians.

Combined Health Information Database (CHID) Link to domain outside of DSHS. - CHID is a database produced by health-related agencies of the federal government. This database provides titles, abstracts, and availability for health information and health education resources.

Diseases 101 Link to domain outside of DSHS. - Information on diseases, disorders, and related topics from the Karolinska Institute of Sweden.

Discovery Health Link to domain outside of DSHS. - Simultaneously developed with Discovery Health Television Channel, DiscoveryHealth.com is a web service offering a complete menu of health-related editorial choices, including in-depth information, innovative video streaming, personalized features, relevant hot links, and more.

Dr. Greene's House Calls Link to domain outside of DSHS. - Pediatric information for the information age.

Healthfinder Link to domain outside of DSHS. - Healthfinder is a free guide to reliable health information and is a service of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

Health Resources Publishing Link to domain outside of DSHS. - A single source for healthcare industry news and intelligence on fund raising, grant support, hospice, adult day services, senior services, management, marketing, public relations, employee assistance, and wellness and health promotion.

Healthy Devil Online Link to domain outside of DSHS. - Information on a variety of health topics including sexual health from Duke University.

The Mayo Clinic Link to domain outside of DSHS. - The electronic home of the Mayo Clinic located in Rochester, Minnesota.

National Academy Press (NAP) Link to domain outside of DSHS. - NAP was created by the National Academies to publish the reports issued by the National Academy of Sciences, the National Academy of Engineering, the Institute of Medicine, and the National Research Council, all operating under a charter granted by the Congress of the United States. NAP publishes over 200 books a year on a wide range of topics in science, engineering, and health, capturing the most authoritative views on important issues in science and health policy. The institutions represented by NAP are unique in that they attract the nation's leading experts in every field to serve on their blue ribbon panels and committees.

National Academy of Sciences: Proceedings Link to domain outside of DSHS. - Publishes research reports, commentaries, reviews, perspectives, colloquium papers, and actions of the Academy. A bi-weekly, multidisciplinary journal that covers the biological, physical, and social sciences.

Science Magazine Link to domain outside of DSHS. - On-line version of weekly magazine offering important news of the week in science and in science policy and a selection of scientific papers reporting the most significant breakthroughs in global research.

State Health Facts Online Link to domain outside of DSHS. - This resource from the Kaiser Family Foundation contains the latest state-level data on demographics, health, and health policy, including health coverage, access, financing, and state legislation.

Travel Health Online Link to domain outside of DSHS. - Health information for international travelers.

Web MD Link to domain outside of DSHS. - Health news for the public, medical news for physicians, medical reference content databases, medical imagery, graphics and animation, live web events, interactive applications, clinical informatics, and more.

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HIV/AIDS/STD Clinical and Treatment Resources

Adult AIDS Clinical Trials Group Link to domain outside of DSHS. - The largest HIV clinical trials organization in the world, plays a major role in setting standards of care for HIV infection and opportunistic diseases related to HIV/AIDS in the United States and the developed world.

AIDSinfo Link to domain outside of DSHS. - AIDSinfo is a central resource for current information on federally and privately funded clinical trials for AIDS patients and others infected with HIV. As the main dissemination point for federally approved HIV treatment and prevention guidelines, AIDSinfo provides information about the current treatment regimens for HIV infection and AIDS-related illnesses, including the prevention of HIV transmission from occupational exposure and mother-to-child transmission during pregnancy.

AIDS Online Link to domain outside of DSHS. - Official journal of the International AIDS Society. Membership required to read articles.

AIDS Treatment News Link to domain outside of DSHS. - AIDS Treatment News reports on experimental and standard treatments, especially those available now. This website contains a complete archive of AIDS Treatment News through current issue.

American Society for Microbiology Journals Link to domain outside of DSHS. - On-line journals cover the spectrum of microbiology, from molecular and cellular biology to biomedical research and technology.

Australian Centre for HIV and Hepatitis Virology Research Link to domain outside of DSHS. - A government funded body whose function is to support and encourage collaborative research into HIV/AIDS within Australia. This web site contains information about the NCHVR and research being conducted by affiliated groups.

British Medical Journal (BMJ) Link to domain outside of DSHS. - Contains the full text of all articles published in the weekly BMJ from January 1994. In addition it contains material which is unique to the website.

Canadian HIV Trials Network Link to domain outside of DSHS. - A federally funded, non-profit, national organization created to facilitate HIV/AIDS clinical trial activity in Canada. A cornerstone of the federal government's National AIDS Strategy, the Network was established in response to the needs and concerns of Canadian clinical investigators, persons living with HIV/AIDS, the pharmaceutical industry, community physicians, specialists, and laboratories.

Cell Press Online Link to domain outside of DSHS. - Archive of Cell magazine, a bi-weekly publication focusing on microbiology.

CELLS Alive! Link to domain outside of DSHS. - Cellular overview of HIV infection with illustrations.

CenterWatch Link to domain outside of DSHS. - CenterWatch is dedicated to assisting patients and their advocates learn about and identify ongoing HIV/AIDS clinical trials seeking study volunteers.

Community Programs For Clinical Research on AIDS Link to domain outside of DSHS. - Established in 1989 in order to broaden the scope of the AIDS research effort of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) to include clinical trials conducted in community-based settings.

Harvard AIDS Institute Link to domain outside of DSHS. - The Harvard AIDS Institute is dedicated to conducting and catalyzing research to end the worldwide AIDS epidemic.

HIV InSite Knowledge Base Link to domain outside of DSHS. - The comprehensive, on-line textbook of HIV disease from the University of California San Francisco and San Francisco General Hospital.

Infectious Disease News Link to domain outside of DSHS. - Monthly newspaper offers practical advice for everyday clinical use. Includes AIDS Compendium.

The Lancet Link to domain outside of DSHS. - The worldwide web version of the British medical journal.

National AIDS Treatment Advocacy Project Link to domain outside of DSHS. - The National AIDS Treatment Advocacy Project is dedicated to facilitating the effort for development of effective treatment for HIV by advocating on treatment and policy issues for people with HIV and AIDS with drug companies, government officials (including FDA), and other treatment and policy advocates.

National Institutes of Health: Clinical Trials Database Link to domain outside of DSHS. - The U.S. National Institutes of Health, through its National Library of Medicine, has developed ClinicalTrials.gov to provide patients, family members and members of the public current information about clinical research studies.

Nature Medicine Link to domain outside of DSHS. - A biomedical research journal publishing advances in biomedical research for scientists and physicians.

New England Journal of Medicine Link to domain outside of DSHS. - Each week, the New England Journal of Medicine presents major, previously unpublished research results, clinical findings, updates, and opinions.

OraSure Technologies Link to domain outside of DSHS. - OraSure produces an oral HIV test.

Project Inform Link to domain outside of DSHS. - HIV treatment info organization providing a free nationwide treatment hotline as well as local and national educational meetings.

Stanford University Medical Center AIDS Clinical Trials Unit (ACTU) Link to domain outside of DSHS. - The Stanford AIDS Clinical Trial Unit carries out research trials in HIV and AIDS.

STD Clinical Practice Manual Adobe PDF Link to domain outside of DSHS. - This manual of STD practice protocols is a useful tool for clinicians in practice either in the public or private sector. Produced by the St. Louis HIV/STD Prevention Training Center.

Texas Academy of Family Physicians Link to domain outside of DSHS. - Patient/physician resource.

University of Miami AIDS Clinical Research Unit Link to domain outside of DSHS. - Dedicated to a better understanding of the pathogenesis and course of HIV infection, identifying new and effective treatments, and identifying medications to treat and prevent the infections, cancers, and other complications associated with AIDS.

University of North Carolina AIDS Research and Treatment Unit Link to domain outside of DSHS. - Dedicated to conducting and developing research of HIV infection and its associated opportunistic infections and providing access to promising clinical protocols to persons living with HIV.

University of Texas Medical Branch (UTMB) at Galveston: AIDS Clinical Trials Unit Link to domain outside of DSHS. - UTMB is home to an Adult AIDS Clinical Trials Unit.

Virology: All the Virology on the World Wide Web Link to domain outside of DSHS. - A collection of virology-related web sites that might be of interest to virologists and others interested in learning more about viruses.

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Education/Training Centers

CDC: Public Health Training Network (PHTN) Link to domain outside of DSHS. - Distance learning opportunities sponsored by CDC and other PHTN partners, including satellite broadcasts, video streaming, audio conferences, and other meetings of interest.

CDC: Public Health Training Network (PHTN): Training and Continuing Education Online Link to domain outside of DSHS. - Provides online training courses including hepatitis C training for nurses and other professionals.

National Network of STD/HIV Prevention Training Centers Link to domain outside of DSHS. - The National Network of STD/HIV Prevention Training Centers is a group of regional centers created to increase the knowledge and skills of health care professionals in the area of sexual and reproductive health.

STDCentral.org Link to domain outside of DSHS. - A collaborative site focusing on STD information, training and events in Colorado, Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, Utah and Wyoming. Includes satellite video downlinks, webcasts, fact sheets, and other training resources.

Texas Public Health Training Center Link to domain outside of DSHS. - Assures that the Texas public health workforce has access to quality learning programs as a means of strengthening the technical, scientific, managerial, and leadership competencies and capabilities of the current and future public health workforce.

The University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas Link to domain outside of DSHS. - Provides training programs and videoteleconferences on HIV/AIDS and STDs.

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Educational Materials

2003 National HIV Prevention Conference Link to domain outside of DSHS. - Key slides from presentations made at the 2003 National HIV Prevention Conference July 27, 2003 in Atlanta, Georgia. Presented by the Kaiser Family Foundation.

About Health.com Link to domain outside of DSHS. - Non-profit company that produces and distributes health-related videos, books, and training materials for young people, educators, and families.

AIMS Multimedia Link to domain outside of DSHS. - AIMS Multimedia provides educational and training videos to schools, law enforcement agencies, businesses, health organizations, libraries, and correctional facilities. Offers video, laser disc, CD-ROM, and digital video formats.

American Red Cross: HIV/AIDS Education Link to domain outside of DSHS. - Offers a variety of educational materials on HIV/AIDS and STDs. The Red Cross, working in partnership with CDC, educates people on how to stop the transmission of HIV, encourages people to respond in informed ways to people who have HIV, and helps people apply the facts about HIV to their own behavior. These goals are accomplished through American Red Cross educational programs.

The Bureau For At-Risk Youth Link to domain outside of DSHS. - A site to learn about what's going on in the at-risk community and where to find resources to help today's youth cope with the important issues that face them. Offers print, video and multimedia resources addressing HIV/AIDS and sexual issues.

CDC: Division of Adolescent and School Health (DASH) Link to domain outside of DSHS. - Includes model education programs for adolescent and school health.

CDC: National Prevention Intervention Network (NPIN) Link to domain outside of DSHS. - The CDC National Prevention Information Network's services are designed to facilitate the sharing of HIV/AIDS, STD, and TB resources and information. NPIN provides information on disease prevention and focuses on the link between HIV, STDs, and TB. NPIN produces several videoteleconferences on HIV/STD/TB annually.

CDC: STD 101 In-A-Box Link to domain outside of DSHS. - Nine ready-to-use STD presentations, a user's guide with suggested agendas, discussion questions, and a script for an interactive group exercise (with a demonstration animation) from the CDC.

Center for AIDS Prevention Studies Link to domain outside of DSHS. - Research projects, model programs, fact sheets, publications, and more from the University of California at San Francisco.

Center for Educational Media Link to domain outside of DSHS. - Founded in the early 1990s, the Center for Educational Media has published a series of educational materials which help parents, youth leaders, and teachers communicate about such topics as the ethics of love sexual health, marriage, the importance of the two parent family, AIDS and other STDs, the benefits of sexual abstinence, and relationship skills.

Channing L. Bete Company Link to domain outside of DSHS. - Health education publisher producing booklets, calendars, videos, activity books, and more.

Durrin Productions Link to domain outside of DSHS. - Produce films on health and social issues for children and teens. Award winning videos on tobacco, substance abuse, and HIV/AIDS.

Education Development Center Link to domain outside of DSHS. - A non-profit education and health organization bringing researchers and practitioners together to create tools and conditions for learning, reaching people of all ages, backgrounds, and abilities.

Educational Development Specialists (EDS) Link to domain outside of DSHS. - A consulting firm that specializes in helping design, develop, and distribute educational curricula, programs, and materials.

Education Place Link to domain outside of DSHS. - Education Place offers K-8 resources for teachers, students, and parents. Includes reading, math, science, and social studies centers, searchable activity database, educational games, collaborative projects, textbook support, online store, and more. From textbook producer Houghton Mifflin.

Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation (PAF) Link to domain outside of DSHS. - Educational materials including brochures and posters. PAF is dedicated to identifying, funding and conducting pediatric HIV/AIDS research. The Foundation's goals are to prevent transmission of HIV from mother to child, to improve the lives of children with HIV/AIDS and other serious and life-threatening diseases, and to ensure that children are at the forefront of every scientific breakthrough.

ETR Associates Link to domain outside of DSHS. - Health education publisher producing materials on HIV, STDs, and hepatitis.

Films for the Humanities and Sciences Link to domain outside of DSHS. - Multimedia for educators.

Frameline Link to domain outside of DSHS. - Non-profit media arts organization, distributing over 200 films and videos about gays, lesbians, bi-sexuals, transgendered people, and people with HIV/STD.

Guides for Living Link to domain outside of DSHS. - Guides for Living publishes HIV/AIDS Resources, a directory with over 31,000 listings of HIV/AIDS resources in the United States. This reference features federal programs; national organizations; state, county, and city agencies; mental health; medical services; community service organizations; alternative therapies; education; and prevention programs.

Guilford Publications Link to domain outside of DSHS. - Publishers of "AIDS Education and Prevention: An Interdisciplinary Journal."

Haworth Press Link to domain outside of DSHS. - Publishers of books, journals, and guides to HIV/AIDS.

John Hopkins University: Media/Materials Clearinghouse for HIV/AIDS, STD, and TB Link to domain outside of DSHS. - The Media/Materials Clearinghouse (M/MC) at the Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs is an international resource for health professionals who seek samples of media/materials that promote reproductive health. The M/MC is the largest clearinghouse of its kind, actively collecting and disseminating many thousands of health communication materials in a great variety of media: audiotapes, films, flipcharts, novelty items, pamphlets, posters, teaching aids, and videotapes.

Journeyworks Publishing Link to domain outside of DSHS. - Health promotion materials on HIV, STD, abstinence, teen pregnancy prevention, and other health topics.

Krames/StayWell Link to domain outside of DSHS. - Provider of integrated health promotion, behavior change, and training programs.

Lifejackets Productions Link to domain outside of DSHS. - Lifejackets offers a collection of educational and promotional products for use in safer sex and/or HIV/AIDS programs.

Managing Contraception Link to domain outside of DSHS. - Provides up-to-date educational resources to the physicians, nurses and public health leaders of tomorrow.

Medical Institute for Sexual Health (MISH) Link to domain outside of DSHS. - MISH informs, educates, and provides solutions to medical professionals, educators, government officials, parents, and the media about problems associated with STDs and non-marital pregnancy. MISH actively promotes risk elimination (abstinence), rather than just risk reduction.

MEE Productions Link to domain outside of DSHS. - MEE is the international leader in developing socially responsible communication and marketing strategies targeting urban populations, African Americans and low-income youth. MEE conducts primary research and produces educational videos, research reports, communications workshops, movie and product advertising, and national public health campaigns on HIV/AIDS, dating violence, youth sexuality, and marijuana abuse.

Miller-Fenwick Link to domain outside of DSHS. - Publisher and distributor of health education products for medical professionals worldwide. Video is the company's core publishing area with over 200 titles covering a wide range of patient education topics. The company recently added patient education booklets to its product line.

Naytur Multimedia Solutions Link to domain outside of DSHS. - Naytur Multimedia Solutions produces health education videos targeting Hip-Hop culture including "HIV:Get Tested!"

NEWIST Cooperative Educational Services Agency Link to domain outside of DSHS. - AIDS education, AIDS and addiction, and sexual orientation educational videos.

NIMCO Link to domain outside of DSHS. - Videos, software, CD-ROM, games, posters, displays, books, and more.

PBS Adult Learning Service Link to domain outside of DSHS. - Telecourses, career development resources, video programs, staff development, live programs, and more.

Pro-Ed Link to domain outside of DSHS. - Pro-Ed publishes, produces, and sells books, curricular therapy materials, tests, and journals dedicated to psychology; special education; and speech, language, and hearing.

Project Reality Link to domain outside of DSHS. - Project Reality is a pioneer in abstinence-centered education, producing curricula and supplementary materials since 1985.

Puberty: The Wonder Years Link to domain outside of DSHS. - A puberty education curriculum for upper elementary and early middle school students.

Pyramid Media Link to domain outside of DSHS. - Offers educational videos on HIV/AIDS and many other topics.

RAJ Publications Link to domain outside of DSHS. - Booklets on HIV/SIDS, STDs, and other health issues.

SexEdLibrary Link to domain outside of DSHS. - Over one hundred lesson plans from multiple sources offering easy access to the very best on such topics as sexual and reproductive health, puberty, abstinence, relationships, sexual orientation, body image, self-esteem, sexually transmitted diseases, HIV/AIDS, unintended pregnancy, and more from SIECUS (the Sexuality Information and Education Council of the United States).

Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired: Educational Materials Link to domain outside of DSHS. - References to several HIV/STD courses, videos, and publications for the blind and visually impaired.

United Learning Link to domain outside of DSHS. - United Learning is a leading publisher and distributor of video-based educational products for K-12 classroom use. The website includes full-line catalog of products, a brief mission statement, a Special Feature section highlighting some unique products, and a registration area. Videos on safety, AIDS, health, nutrition, drugs, counseling, and more.

Wellsource Link to domain outside of DSHS. - Promotes healthy living with educational materials and training seminars.

WRS Group Link to domain outside of DSHS. - WRS Group is a health education company offering a wide range of health education and lifestyle tools that cover topics including tobacco, alcohol, drugs, HIV/AIDS, sexually transmitted diseases, childbirth and pregnancy issues, breast care, nutrition, physical abuse, first aid and safety, patient care and education, and anatomical models.

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Academy for Educational Development (AED) Link to domain outside of DSHS. - The AED is a service organization committed to addressing human development needs in the United States and throughout the world.

AIDS Action Link to domain outside of DSHS. - AIDS Action is devoted to advocating at the federal level for more effective AIDS policy, legislation, and funding.

AIDS.ORG Link to domain outside of DSHS. - AIDS.ORG publishes HIV and AIDS information on the world wide web, organizes team-based workgroups, and helps AIDS organizations operate efficiently with internal technology consulting. In addition, AIDS.ORG actively develops web sites for accredited continuing medical education (CME) and is the electronic home of John James' AIDS Treatment News and Direct Access Alternative Information Resources (DAAIR).

AIDS Foundation Houston Link to domain outside of DSHS. - The first community-based organization established in Houston solely dedicated to HIV-related issues. AIDS Foundation Houston (AFH) is committed to improving the quality of life in the greater Houston community through HIV/AIDS education and social service.

AIDS Memorial Quilt/NAMES Project Foundation Link to domain outside of DSHS. - Learn how to make an AIDS memorial panel and read about the NAMES Project mission, history, who's involved, and how you can become involved.

American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (AACAP) Link to domain outside of DSHS. - The AACAP is the leading national professional medical association dedicated to treating and improving the quality of life for children, adolescents, and families affected by mental, behavioral, or developmental disorders. Order publications on emotional, behavioral, and cognitive development for infants, pre-adolescents, early adolescents, and teens.

American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) Link to domain outside of DSHS. - The mission of the AAP is to attain optimal physical, mental, and social health and well-being for all infants, children, adolescents, and young adults.

American Foundation for AIDS Research (AmfAR) Link to domain outside of DSHS. - The mission of the American Foundation for AIDS Research is to prevent HIV infection and the disease and death associated with it and to protect the human rights of all people threatened by the epidemic of HIV/AIDS. Publications offered include The AmfAR Newsletter; 1998-99 Annual Report; Microbicides Report; Lipodystrophy Report; The Broad Benefits of AIDS Research: An Update; HIV/AIDS Treatment Directory; and The AmfAR AIDS Handbook: The Complete Guide to Understanding HIV and AIDS.

American Medical Association (AMA) Link to domain outside of DSHS. - AMA's work includes the development and promotion of standards in medical practice, research, and education; strong advocacy agenda on behalf of patients and physicians; and the commitment to providing accurate, timely information and discourse on matters important to the health of America. The AMA strives to serve as the voice of the American medical profession.

American Public Health Association (APHA) Link to domain outside of DSHS. - APHA has been influencing policies and setting priorities in public health for over 125 years. Throughout its history, it has been in the forefront of numerous efforts to prevent disease and promote health.

American Red Cross: HIV/AIDS Education Link to domain outside of DSHS. - Offers a variety of educational materials on HIV/AIDS and STDs. The Red Cross, working in partnership with CDC, educates people on how to stop the transmission of HIV, encourages people to respond in informed ways to people who have HIV, and helps people apply the facts about HIV to their own behavior. These goals are accomplished through American Red Cross educational programs.

American Social Health Association (ASHA) Link to domain outside of DSHS. - The American Social Health Association's mission is to stop sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) and their harmful consequences to individuals, families, and communities. Produces information on HIV/AIDS and STDs including educational materials, newsletters, and other resources.

Being Alive Link to domain outside of DSHS. - An organization of and for people with HIV/AIDS providing information and referral, a newsletter distributed worldwide, Speakers Bureau, medical updates, and alternative therapy forums.

Business Responds to AIDS and Labor Responds to AIDS Link to domain outside of DSHS. - The BRTA/LRTA programs help large and small businesses and labor organizations meet the challenges of HIV/AIDS in the workplace and in the community. The website gives an overview of the programs, as well as information on where to get help setting up workplace programs. The site also includes details about the BRTA Manager's Kit, the LRTA Labor Leader's Kit, and a variety of other resources for employers and employees. It offers timely information on issues related to HIV/AIDS and presents statements from business, labor, and community leaders about successful programs.

Crusaid Link to domain outside of DSHS. - Fundraiser for AIDS relief in Britain, dedicated for 13 years to maintaining the dignity and improving the quality of life of people living with HIV.

Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation (PAF) Link to domain outside of DSHS. - The Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation is the leading U.S. national non-profit organization dedicated to identifying, funding and conducting basic pediatric HIV/AIDS research. The Foundation's goals include reducing HIV transmission from an HIV-infected mother to her newborn, prolonging and improving the lives of children living with HIV, eliminating HIV in infected children and promoting awareness and compassion about HIV/AIDS world-wide. Offers educational materials including brochures and posters.

The Foundation Center Link to domain outside of DSHS. - Information on philanthropy, including a digest, grantmaker information, an online libarary, and more.

Funders Concerned About AIDS Link to domain outside of DSHS. - Mobilizes philanthropic leadership and resources, domestically and internationally, to eradicate the HIV/AIDS pandemic and to address its social and economic consequences.

GuideStar Link to domain outside of DSHS. - Search GuideStar's database of more than 850,000 IRS-recognized nonprofit organizations for free.

Harm Reduction Coalition Link to domain outside of DSHS. - Committed to reducing drug-related harm among individuals and communities by initiating and promoting local, regional, and national harm reduction education, interventions, and community organizing.

Hepatitis C Advocate Network (HepCAN) Link to domain outside of DSHS. - HepCAN advocates for outreach and community based programs on risk factors and professional education of health care workers as well as the public.

HIV/AIDS Regional Resource Network Project Link to domain outside of DSHS. - Anational project funded by the Office of Minority Health (OMH) that links, fosters and builds capacity of small, Community-Based Organizations (CBOs) providing HIV/AIDS services to at-risk, minority communities.

HIVDENT Link to domain outside of DSHS. - HIVDENT is a not-for-profit coalition of concerned health care professionals committed to assuring access to high quality oral health care services for adults, adolescents, and children living with HIV disease. HIVDENT disseminates state-of-the-art treatment information and shares expertise in advocacy, development, training, integration, and evaluation of oral health services for the HIV?infected population.

International AIDS Candlelight Memorial and Mobilization Link to domain outside of DSHS. - Mobilization Against AIDS is a non profit organization founded in 1984 that seeks to speed the end of the HIV/AIDS pandemic by strengthening community organizing, education, and advocacy efforts.

International Association of Physicians in AIDS Care (IAPAC) Link to domain outside of DSHS. - The IAPAC web site is an educational resource to introduce physicians, other healthcare professionals, and people with HIV disease to some of the clinical and scientific information developed by IAPAC. Review news summaries, current updates, special clinical reports, IAPAC consumer publications, schedule of seminars and meetings, and information about IAPAC services and membership.

The Joint United Nations Programme on AIDS (UNAIDS) Link to domain outside of DSHS. - As the main advocate for global action on HIV/AIDS, UNAIDS leads, strengthens, and supports an expanded response aimed at preventing the transmission of HIV, providing care and support, reducing the vulnerability of individuals and communities to HIV/AIDS, and alleviating the impact of the epidemic.

Kaiser Family Foundation Link to domain outside of DSHS. - Resource for HIV/AIDS/STDs information including health policy information, media programs, reproductive health, sex education, adolescent sexual health, children's health, talking with kids, teens, and more. Receive Kaiser Family Foundation health policy news headlines, the Kaiser Daily Reproductive Health Report, Kaiser Daily HIV/AIDS Report, Kaiser Health Information Network Webcast notifications, and Kaiser Family Foundation publications. In addition, customized updates let you know when new information is posted to the site.

GlobalHealthFacts.org Link to domain outside of DSHS. - Provides free, up-to-date and easy-to-access data by country on HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis, malaria and other key health and socio-economic indicators. The data are displayed in tables, charts, and color-coded maps and can be downloaded for custom analyses. From the Kaiser Family Foundation.

Medical Foundation for AIDS & Sexual Health Link to domain outside of DSHS. - Works with health professionals to meet the challenges of HIV and other sexually transmitted infections by influencing policy and by providing information and advice to professionals. (United Kingdom)

Mothers' Voices United to End AIDS Link to domain outside of DSHS. - Mothers' Voices is a national grassroots non-profit organization dedicated to HIV/AIDS advocacy and education.

National Alliance of State and Territorial AIDS Directors (NASTAD) Link to domain outside of DSHS. - NASTAD is dedicated to reducing the incidence of HIV infection in the United States and territories, providing comprehensive, compassionate, and quality care to all persons living with AIDS/HIV, and the development of responsible and compassionate public policies. NASTAD provides national leadership to achieve these goals and to educate about and advocate for the necessary federal funding to achieve them and to promote communication between state and local health departments and AIDS/HIV prevention and care programs.

National Association of People with AIDS (NAPWA) Link to domain outside of DSHS. - NAPWA speaks for all people infected and affected by HIV in the United States. Since 1983, NAPWA has guided the nation towards a moral agenda to save lives, support research for a cure, and stop human suffering. Our national presence gives voice to the often silent lives of people living with HIV, one that is collectively loud, present, and active.

National Association of Secondary School Principals Link to domain outside of DSHS. - The National Association of Secondary School Principals (NASSP) serves education leaders in middle level schools and high schools, including administrators, teachers, students, and others interested in education and the welfare of today's youth.

National Center for Health Education (NCHE) Link to domain outside of DSHS. - NCHE is a nonprofit health education organization that designs and disseminates health education programs including Growing Healthy, America's first comprehensive school health education curriculum. Growing Healthy is designed to provide teachers of school health education with the tools needed to effectively teach health education. They also develop health education products that cover topics including violence prevention, drug prevention, and adolescent health issues including HIV and AIDS, sexuality education, STDs, sexual abuse, and birth control and unintended pregnancy.

National Council of La Raza Link to domain outside of DSHS. - The National Council of La Raza (NCLR) is an organization established in 1968 to reduce poverty and discrimination, and improve life opportunities, for Hispanic Americans.

National Education Association (NEA): Health Information Network: HIV/AIDS Link to domain outside of DSHS. - The NEA Health Information Network mission is to improve health, safety, and student achievement by providing school employees with vital, effective, and timely health information through parent, community, public, and private partnerships.

National Minority AIDS Council (NMAC) Link to domain outside of DSHS. - Since 1987, the NMAC has been the premier national AIDS organization specifically developing its programs and services for community-based organizations serving people of color affected by HIV/AIDS. Dedicated to developing leadership within communities of color to address the challenge of HIV/AIDS. Includes publications, treatment information, conference information, technical assistance, public policy, and more.

National Native American AIDS Prevention Center (NNAAPC) Link to domain outside of DSHS. - NNAAPC Prevention Services provides technical assistance and training to Native American organizations, agencies, and communities, and to those who serve Native America populations. Their technical assistance includes targeted, individualized technical assistance designed to help Native American communities develop successful HIV and other sexually-transmitted diseases prevention programs that work for them. NNAAPC offers consultation on evaluation, needs assessment, program development, grantsmanship, and other capacity building activities. NNAAPC also provides technical assistance specifically to support the HIV Prevention Community Planning process.

National Parent-Teachers Association (PTA) Link to domain outside of DSHS. - National PTA is the largest volunteer child advocacy organization in the United States. A not-for-profit association of parents, educators, students, and other citizens active in their schools and communities, PTA is a leader in reminding our nation of its obligations to children.

National Pediatric and Family HIV Resource Center Link to domain outside of DSHS. - The National Pediatric and Family HIV Resource Center is a non-profit organization that serves professionals who care for children, adolescents and families with HIV infection and AIDS. The Center offers education, consultation, technical assistance, and training for health and social service professionals. Also includes fact sheets, educational materials, and online education.

National Urban League Link to domain outside of DSHS. - The mission of the National Urban League is to assist African Americans in the achievement of social and economic equality.

North Central Texas HIV Planning Council Link to domain outside of DSHS. - The North Central Texas HIV Planning Council provides an effective planning process that involves People Living With HIV/AIDS and other concerned citizens, resulting in quality HIV/AIDS services that are available for, and accessed by, those in need.

Planned Parenthood Federation of America Link to domain outside of DSHS. - Planned Parenthood is the world's largest and oldest voluntary family planning organization. Sexual health resources, including pregnancy and parenting, HIV/AIDS, STDs, abortion, teen issues and women's health.

Public Health Foundation Link to domain outside of DSHS. - The Public Health Foundation's mission is to assist official state and local public health agencies' efforts to promote and protect the health of people living within their respective jurisdictions. Offers applied research, distance learning, and technical assistance resources.

San Francisco AIDS Foundation (SFAF) Link to domain outside of DSHS. - The San Francisco AIDS Foundation provides comprehensive services for people living with HIV disease and AIDS. SFAF has an aggressive public policy component to compel federal and state governments to address the growing epidemic.

Texas AIDS Health Fraud Information Network Link to domain outside of DSHS. - A site dedicated to educate the consumer on HIV/AIDS treatment fraud issues and concerns, especially as it related to dangerous or fraudulent therapies.

Texas Association of School Boards Link to domain outside of DSHS. - The Texas Association of School Boards promotes educational excellence for Texas schoolchildren through advocacy, visionary leadership, and high quality services to school districts.

Texas State Teacher's Association (TSTA) Link to domain outside of DSHS. - TSTA is constantly working to improve public education and give educators the opportunity, throughout their professional careers, to acquire new knowledge and skills.

U.S.-Mexico Border Health Association Link to domain outside of DSHS. - The U.S.-Mexico Border Health Association promotes public and individual health along the United States-Mexico border through reciprocal technical cooperation. It focuses its technical cooperation resources on information dissemination on border health issues and the creation of effective networks. It also promotes and supports sister city relationships through its Bi-national Health Councils, including coordination, joint planning and program implementation. It aims to facilitate an ongoing process for development of priorities for border health through partnership building among the public and private sectors and advocate for appropriate regional approaches to problem solving.

World Health Organization (WHO): HIV/AIDS Link to domain outside of DSHS. - UN organization concerned with health issues worldwide.

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State/Local/Community-Based Resources

ACT UP New York Link to domain outside of DSHS. - ACT UP is a diverse, non-partisan group of individuals united to direct action to end the AIDS crisis.

AIDS Outreach Center Link to domain outside of DSHS. - AIDS Outreach Center (AOC) of Tarrant County, Texas is the primary organization in Tarrant County and surrounding rural counties. AOC serves men, women, and children with HIV or AIDS and their families, educating the public about the HIV epidemic, and advocating for sound HIV public policy.

AIDS Resource Center of Dallas Link to domain outside of DSHS. - The mission of Resource Center of Dallas is to provide comprehensive services for North Texans affected by AIDS or HIV and to provide programs of interest to gay men, lesbians, and others in the community.

AIDS Services of Dallas (ASD) Link to domain outside of DSHS. - The mission of AIDS Services of Dallas is to create and strengthen healthy communities through the delivery of quality, affordable, service-enriched housing for individuals and families living with HIV/AIDS who are economically disadvantaged and to coordinate a broad range of direct services and programs, including advocacy and education.

Baylor International Pediatric AIDS Initiative Link to domain outside of DSHS. - Promotes health for all people through education, research, and public service. This mission is pursued by providing comprehensive medical and social services to HIV-infected and exposed infants and children; by sustaining excellence in educating U.S. and foreign health professionals; and by advancing clinical research. Currently encompasses programs in Houston, Romania, Mexico, and southern Africa.

British Columbia Persons with AIDS Society (BCPWA) Link to domain outside of DSHS. - Western Canada's largest HIV/AIDS group.

Comité des personnes atteintes du VIH du Québec Link to domain outside of DSHS. - Promotes and defends the rights of people living with HIV/AIDS, to better their quality of life and maintain their autonomy. [French]

Houston AIDS Information Link (HAIL) Link to domain outside of DSHS. - The Houston AIDS Information Link is a collaborative project to improve access to HIV/AIDS information for patients, health care providers, and the affected community.

Houston Regional HIV/AIDS Resource Group Link to domain outside of DSHS. - The mission of The Houston Regional HIV/AIDS Resource Group is to maximize all possible medical, psychosocial, and educational resources to help persons affected by or at risk of HIV/AIDS in the ten county area surrounding Houston, Texas.

La Sima Foundation Link to domain outside of DSHS. - The Mission of the La Sima Foundation is to assist in the restoration of African American and other families that have been impacted by HIV/AIDS, Substance Abuse and Violence.

Page d'accueil Link to domain outside of DSHS. - HIV/AIDS information site for France. [French with some English content]

Positive Voices Link to domain outside of DSHS. - Positive Voices was founded by Jackson Myars in August, 1994 to serve as a musical outlet for HIV positive people while making music of hope, strength, courage, and faith for everyone living with HIV/AIDS, whether infected or affected.

Project Open Hand Link to domain outside of DSHS. - Provides nutrition service to people with symptomatic HIV and AIDS in the San Francisco area.

South Texas AIDS Center for Children and Their Families Link to domain outside of DSHS. - Provides medical and case management services to HIV-infected children and adolescents.

Terrence Higgins Trust Link to domain outside of DSHS. - HIV/AIDS organization in the United Kingdom.

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Child Welfare League of America (CWLA) Link to domain outside of DSHS. - The CWLA is devoted entirely to the well-being of America's vulnerable children and their families. CWLA is an association of more than 1,000 public and private nonprofit agencies that assist over 2.5 million abused and neglected children and their families each year with a wide range of services.

Faith Trust Institute Link to domain outside of DSHS. - FaithTrust Institute offers a wide range of services and resources, including training, consultation and educational materials, to provide communities and advocates with the tools and knowledge they need to address the religious and cultural issues related to abuse.

Family Violence Prevention Fund (FVPF) Link to domain outside of DSHS. - The FVPF is a national non-profit organization that focuses on domestic violence education, prevention, and public policy reform.

Gift From Within Link to domain outside of DSHS. - Gift From Within is a non-profit organization dedicated to those who suffer post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), those at risk for PTSD, and those who care for traumatized individuals. GFW helps everyone with PTSD by sharing ideas, improving morale, and reducing the stigma of the diagnosis and its treatment.  The site includes a poetry & art gallery, articles, inspirational stories, coping ideas, and a global support pal network.

National Center for Health Education (NCHE) Link to domain outside of DSHS. - NCHE is a non-profit health education organization that designs and disseminates health education programs covering topics including violence prevention, drug prevention, and adolescent health issues including HIV and AIDS, sexuality education, sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), sexual abuse, and birth control and unintended pregnancy.

National Clearinghouse on Marital and Date Rape Link to domain outside of DSHS. - Their mission is to bring about social, legal, political, psychological, economic, and religious change through a vast resource network of information and support, in order to make intimate relationships truly egalitarian.

National Coalition Against Domestic Violence (NCADV) Link to domain outside of DSHS. - NCADV is dedicated to the empowerment of battered women and their children and therefore is committed to the elimination of personal and societal violence in the lives of battered women and their children. NCADV's work includes coalition building at the local, state, regional, and national levels; support for the provision of community-based, non-violent alternatives such as safe home and shelter programs for battered women and their children; public education and technical assistance; policy development and innovative legislation; focus on the leadership of NCADV's caucuses and task forces developed to represent the concerns of organizationally under-represented groups; and efforts to eradicate social conditions which contribute to violence against women and children.

National Domestic Violence Hotline Link to domain outside of DSHS. - Information and referral for victims of domestic violence and those who assist victims of domestic violence, crisis intervention, resource materials upon request, hotline features access to 140 languages, information from all over the country.

National Organization for Women : Violence Against Women Link to domain outside of DSHS. - The National Organization for Women (NOW) is the largest organization of feminist activists in the United States. Since its founding in 1966, NOW's goal has been "to take action" to bring about equality for all women.

Rape, Abuse, and Incest National Network (RAINN) Link to domain outside of DSHS. - RAINN is a non-profit organization that operates the country's national rape hotline. The RAINN hotline service is free, confidential, and accessible 24 hours a day. RAINN's network consists of 800 rape crisis centers across the country which provide counseling and support for survivors of sexual assault.

The Rape Crisis Center (San Antonio) Link to domain outside of DSHS. - Community education, training, support services, and 24-hour hotline.

Rape Crisis Center of Collin County Link to domain outside of DSHS. - Addresses the needs of victims of sexual assault, including ensuring sensitive treatment by the public of sexual assault victims through education and community outreach.

Texas Office of the Attorney General: Sexual Assault Prevention and Crisis Services Program Link to domain outside of DSHS. - The Sexual Assault Prevention and Crisis Services Program provides funding and technical assistance to sexual assault programs and some special projects throughout the state. The program writes and distributes training manuals for law enforcement, medical personnel, and sexual assault staff and volunteers. The program also provides training and certification for Sexual Assault Nurse Examiners in the state of Texas.

Texas Association Against Sexual Assault (TAASA) Link to domain outside of DSHS. - Promotes sexual assault awareness throughout the state of Texas; provides training to rape crisis personnel, law enforcement, other service agencies, community groups, and schools on topical issues related to sexual assault as well as curriculum information for sexual assault trainings.

Violence Against Women Online Resources Link to domain outside of DSHS. - This site provides law, criminal justice, advocacy, and social service professionals with up-to-date information on interventions to stop violence against women.

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Condom Resources

CDC Fact Sheet: Male Latex Condoms and Sexually Transmitted Diseases Link to domain outside of DSHS. - Information about the effectiveness of condoms.

CDC MMWR: Update: Barrier Protection Against HIV Infection and Other Sexually Transmitted Diseases MMWR August 6, 1993, Vol. 42(30); 589-591, 597.

Condoms Link to domain outside of DSHS. - The Condoms Web site is a searchable reference database containing images of print and promotional materials from the Media/Materials Clearinghouse from Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs.

Planned Parenthood: Condoms Link to domain outside of DSHS. - Includes information on what a condom is, what it is for and how well it works, the female condom, how to use condoms, putting on a condom, taking off a condom, what to do if a condom breaks, embarrassment issues, sample script for safer sex, benefits of condom use, pleasure issues, disadvantages of the condom, side effects of condoms, and choosing and buying a condom.

School Condom Availability Fact Sheet Link to domain outside of DSHS. - Information from Advocates for Youth.

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Condom Vendors

The Female Health Company Link to domain outside of DSHS. - Online condom retailer.

MOI Safer Sex Products Link to domain outside of DSHS. - Online condom retailer.

The Rubber Tree Link to domain outside of DSHS. - Online condom retailer.

Sheer Glyde Dams Link to domain outside of DSHS. - Online retailer for latex dams.

Trojan Condoms Link to domain outside of DSHS. - Online condom retailer.

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Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgender

Asian and Pacific Islander Wellness Center Link to domain outside of DSHS. - Lesbian and gay resources for youth of Asian and Pacific Islander descent.

Blackstripe Link to domain outside of DSHS. - The Internet's Leading Resource for News, Information and Culture Effecting Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgendered People of African Descent.

The Body: Health Concerns Among Gay Men Link to domain outside of DSHS. - An article about the health problems faced by gay men.

The Gay And Lesbian National Hotline Link to domain outside of DSHS. - The Gay and Lesbian National Hotline is a non-profit, tax-exempt organization dedicated to meeting the needs of the gay and lesbian community by offering free and totally anonymous information, referrals, and peer-counseling. The Gay and Lesbian National Hotline offers free and anonymous services by use of a toll-free telephone number. Callers will be able to speak directly to a trained volunteer who will be able to access a national database of referrals specific to the gay and lesbian community. Monday - Friday 5pm-9pm and Saturday 11am-4pm CST.

Gay, Lesbian, and Straight Education Network (GLSEN) Link to domain outside of DSHS. - GLSEN works to end bigotry and strives to assure that each member of every school community is valued and respected, regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity.

Gay Men's Health Crisis (GMHC) Link to domain outside of DSHS. - GMHC offers a hotline, counseling and workshop information, on the basics on AIDS, HIV testing, safer sex, caring for yourself and your friends, and useful facts and newsletters. Educational materials, booklets, brochures, videos, manuals, posters, buttons, newsletters, condoms, and more.

Gay Men's Health Link to domain outside of DSHS. - Offers guides and other resources for gay and bisexual men.

Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Health Link to domain outside of DSHS. - LGBT health site from the CDC.

The Mautner Project for Lesbians With Cancer Link to domain outside of DSHS. - Volunteer organization that provides direct services to lesbians with cancer, their partners, and caregivers; education and information to the lesbian community about cancer; education to the health care community about the special concerns of lesbians with cancer and their families; and advocacy on lesbian health issues in national and local arenas.

We Are Family Link to domain outside of DSHS. - We Are Family is a voice of informed straight, lesbian, gay, bisexual, transsexual, and transgendered people.

Youth Resource Link to domain outside of DSHS. - Site for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender youth.

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Hemophilia Galaxy Link to domain outside of DSHS. - Hemophilia Galaxy offers a universe of information and support services for the hemophilia community from Baxter Pharmaceuticals.

Hemophilia Health Services Link to domain outside of DSHS. - Hemophilia Health Services is a provider of comprehensive services for the bleeding disorders community. Hemophilia Health Services specializes exclusively in the delivery of advanced hemophilia treatment programs and pharmaceutical therapies.

National Institutes of Health (NIH): National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI) Link to domain outside of DSHS. - NHLBI provides leadership for a national program in diseases of the heart, blood vessels, lung, and blood; blood resources; and sleep disorders. For health professionals and the public, the NHLBI conducts educational activities, including development and dissemination of materials in the above areas, with an emphasis on prevention.

National Hemophilia Foundation (NHF) Link to domain outside of DSHS. - NHF promotes bleeding disorders clinical and scientific investigations.

World Federation of Hemophilia Link to domain outside of DSHS. - The World Federation of Hemophilia is an international not-for-profit organization dedicated to introducing, improving, and maintaining care for persons with hemophilia and related disorders uses the medical and lay expertise of committed volunteers to help member organizations, healthcare providers, and governments to deliver quality care.

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The National Coalition for the Homeless Link to domain outside of DSHS. - The National Coalition for the Homeless is a national advocacy network of homeless persons, activists, service providers, and others committed to ending homelessness through public education, policy advocacy, grassroots organizing, and technical assistance.

The National Law Center on Homelessness and Poverty Link to domain outside of DSHS. - The mission of the NLCHP is to alleviate, ameliorate, and end homelessness by serving as the legal arm of the nationwide movement to end homelessness.

Texas Homeless Network (THN) Link to domain outside of DSHS. - THN is a statewide non-profit membership organization that provides information services to direct service providers and individual members all across the state of Texas. THN promotes communication, develops awareness, and formulates strategies concerning statewide issues and problems that require solutions more comprehensive than local efforts can supply on their own. Their mission is to promote effective services to homeless people by providing information, resources, and technical assistance to homeless service providers throughout the state.

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Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs (TDHCA) Link to domain outside of DSHS. - The Department's services address a broad spectrum of housing and community development issues that include low interest mortgage financing, emergency food or shelter, rental subsidy, energy assistance, weatherization, economic development, and the provision of basic public infrastructure for small rural communities.

U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD): Office of HIV/AIDS Housing Link to domain outside of DSHS. - Ensures that each HUD program and initiative is responsive to the needs of persons living with HIV/AIDS.

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About Health Link to domain outside of DSHS. - Information about sexuality, HIV, peer pressure, and other health information.

AIDS, Link to domain outside of DSHS. - AIDS/HIV information aimed at youth.

BodyTeen Link to domain outside of DSHS. - Information on development, eating disorders, violence, sex, and more for teens.

Coalition for Positive Sexuality Link to domain outside of DSHS. - Sex education resources for teens. An easy online tour through the most important topics for teens who are sexually active now or just thinking about having sex. Explicit content.

Iwannaknow.org Link to domain outside of DSHS. - Answers to questions about teen sexual health and STD prevention for kids from the American Social Health Association.

Go Ask Alice Link to domain outside of DSHS. - Provides answers to teen's physical, sexual, emotional, and spiritual health questions with factual, in-depth, straight-forward, and nonjudgmental information from Columbia University.

Healthy Schools (Texas) Link to domain outside of DSHS. - Overview of state-level school health policies from the National Association of State Boards of Education.

Kids Connect Link to domain outside of DSHS. - An HIV/AIDS education site aimed at kids.

Kids Health Link to domain outside of DSHS. - Information on infections, behavior and emotions, food and fitness, and growing up healthy, as well as games and animations.

Sex, Etc. Link to domain outside of DSHS. - An online sexuality and health newsletter written by teens for teens.

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Kids/Teens (for Parents/Professionals)

About Health Link to domain outside of DSHS. - Information about sexuality, HIV, peer pressure, and other health information.

CDC: HIV/AIDS Among Youth Link to domain outside of DSHS. - Fact sheet about HIV infection and prevention for young Americans (from the CDC).

Family Education Network Link to domain outside of DSHS. - The Family Education Network provides parents with information and resources to actively participate in their children's learning process.

Health Initiatives for Youth (HIFY) Link to domain outside of DSHS. - HIFY is a unique partnership of youth and adults working together to increase access to, and the quality of, health care for young people. HIFY empowers youth to negotiate their own health care, trains health care professionals to provide sensitive and appropriate services and advocates on the local, state, and national level for improved systems of care. HIFY has played a key role in working to improve access to prevention, care, and treatment for adolescents living with and at risk of HIV infection.

Kaiser Family Foundation Link to domain outside of DSHS. - Resource for HIV/AIDS/STDs information including health policy information, media programs, reproductive health, sex education, adolescent sexual health, children's health, talking with kids, teens, and more. Receive Kaiser Family Foundation health policy news headlines, the Kaiser Daily Reproductive Health Report, Kaiser Daily HIV/AIDS Report, Kaiser Health Information Network Webcast notifications, and Kaiser Family Foundation publications. In addition, customized updates let you know when new information is posted to the site.

Kids Health Link to domain outside of DSHS. - Information on infections, behavior and emotions, food and fitness, and growing up healthy, as well as games and animations.

National Network for YouthLink to domain outside of DSHS. - The National Resource Center for Youth Services' mission is to enhance the quality of life of our nation's at-risk youth and their families by enhancing the quality of human services.

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Minority Resources

Asian and Pacific Islander American Health Forum (APIAHF) Link to domain outside of DSHS. - APIAHF is a national advocacy organization dedicated to promoting policy, program and research efforts for the improvement of health status of all Asian American and Pacific Islander communities.

ASPIRA: Investment in Latino Youth Link to domain outside of DSHS. - The ASPIRA Process of leadership development teaches youth to become aware of their current situation, to analyze its consequences, and to take action for change in their personal lives and the life of their community. ASPIRA brings together students, parents, school and community members to promote educational success and community service. ASPIRA also works with foundations, corporations, and the government to improve educational opportunities for these young Latinos.

Center for Law and Education (CLE) Link to domain outside of DSHS. - CLE strives to make the right of all students to quality education a reality throughout the nation and to help enable communities to address their own public education problems effectively, with an emphasis on assistance to low-income students and communities. For more than a quarter of a century, the Center for Law and Education has worked to bring about school (and district) wide change across the country in order to improve educational outcomes, particularly for low-income students.

Intercultural Development Research Association (IDRA) Link to domain outside of DSHS. - IDRA is an independent, non-profit organization that advocates the right of every child to a quality education. For more than 20 years, IDRA has worked for excellence and equity in education in Texas and across the United States. IDRA conducts research and development activities; creates, implements, and administers innovative education programs; and provides teacher, administrator, and parent training and technical assistance.

Latino Commission on AIDS Link to domain outside of DSHS. - A nonprofit membership organization dedicated to improving and expanding AIDS prevention, research, treatment and other services in the Latino community through organizing, education, model program development, and training.

National Alliance for Hispanic Health Link to domain outside of DSHS. - The National Alliance for Hispanic Health is the oldest and largest network of health and human service providers servicing over 10 million Hispanic consumers throughout the U.S. Since 1973 the National Alliance for Hispanic Health has grown from a small coalition of visionary mental health providers to a large, dynamic, and strong group of organizations and individuals.

National Council of LaRaza (NCLR) Link to domain outside of DSHS. - NCLR is a private, nonprofit, nonpartisan, tax-exempt organization established in 1968 to reduce poverty and discrimination, and improve life opportunities for Hispanic Americans.

National Minority AIDS Council (NMAC) Link to domain outside of DSHS. - Since 1987, the NMAC has been a premier national AIDS organization specifically developing its programs and services for community-based organizations serving people of color affected by HIV/AIDS. Dedicated to developing leadership within communities of color to address the challenge of HIV/AIDS. Includes publications, treatment information, conference information, technical assistance, public policy, and more.

National Native American AIDS Prevention Center (NNAAPC) Link to domain outside of DSHS. - NNAAPC Prevention Services provides technical assistance and training to Native American organizations, agencies, and communities, and to those who serve Native America populations. Their technical assistance includes targeted, individualized technical assistance designed to help Native American communities develop successful HIV and other sexually-transmitted diseases prevention programs that work for them. NNAAPC offers consultation on evaluation, needs assessment, program development, grantsmanship, and other capacity building activities. NNAAPC also provides technical assistance specifically to support the HIV Prevention Community Planning process.

National Urban League Link to domain outside of DSHS. - The mission of the National Urban League is to assist African Americans in the achievement of social and economic equality.

Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) Link to domain outside of DSHS. - PAHO is an international public health agency with almost 100 years of experience working to improve health and living standards of the people of the Americas. It enjoys international recognition as part of the United Nations system, serving as the Regional Office for the Americas of the World Health Organization, and as the health organization of the Inter-American System. PAHO's essential mission is to strengthen national and local health systems and improve the health of the peoples of the Americas, in collaboration with Ministries of Health, other government and international agencies, non-governmental organizations, universities, social security agencies, community groups, and many others.

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Pharmaceutical Companies

Bristol-Myers Squibb Link to domain outside of DSHS. - A health and personal care company.

Abbott Laboratories Link to domain outside of DSHS. - Abbott Labs has been producing health-related nutritional, pharmaceutical, diagnostic, hospital, and chemical and agricultural products for nearly 100 years.

Astellas Pharma Link to domain outside of DSHS. - A pharmaceutical manufacturer.

GlaxoSmithKline Link to domain outside of DSHS. - Glaxo SmithKline is a pharmaceutical and healthcare company that produces products for, among other diseases, HIV and herpes.

Merck Link to domain outside of DSHS. - Discovers, develops, manufactures, and markets a broad range of products to improve human health.

Pfizer Link to domain outside of DSHS. - Pfizer is a research-based, global pharmaceutical company that discovers and develops health products.

Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America (PhRMA) Link to domain outside of DSHS. - PhRMA is an association of U.S. pharmaceutical research companies. Includes publications, facts and figures, medicinal information, news, issues, and policy.

Roche Pharmaceuticals Link to domain outside of DSHS. - A research-based healthcare group active in the discovery, development and manufacture of pharmaceuticals and diagnostic systems.

Roxane Laboratories Link to domain outside of DSHS. - Roxane has been manufacturing and marketing pharmaceuticals in the U.S. for over 100 years. Roxane produces components of HIV drug cocktail therapy.

Serono Laboratories Link to domain outside of DSHS. - Serono is a large pharmaceutical company that produces drugs to treat AIDS Wasting.

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Amber Pharmacy Link to domain outside of DSHS. - Online pharmacy.

Needymeds Link to domain outside of DSHS. - Information about pharmaceutical manufacturer's drug assistance programs.

PharmaCare Specialty Pharmacy Link to domain outside of DSHS. - PharmaCare Specialty Pharmacy is a full service community-based pharmacy providing services to people with HIV/AIDS.

Priority Pharmacy Link to domain outside of DSHS. - Online pharmacy.

Rx.com Link to domain outside of DSHS. - Online pharmacy.

STATSCRIPT Pharmacy Link to domain outside of DSHS. - STATSCRIPT Pharmacy provides community-based specialty pharmacy services to people with HIV/AIDS.

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Runaways/Missing Persons

Covenant House Link to domain outside of DSHS. - Provides food, clothing, shelter, medical attention, educational, and vocational training and counseling to kids who have no place to go.

National Center for Missing and Exploited Children Link to domain outside of DSHS. - The Center serves as a focal point in providing assistance to parents, children, law enforcement, schools, and the community in recovering missing children and raising public awareness about ways to help prevent child abduction, molestation, and sexual exploitation.

National Missing Children Center Link to domain outside of DSHS. - Provides a missing children hotline, crisis counseling, search assistance, photo distribution, and prevention training seminars.

Texas Missing Person's Clearinghouse Link to domain outside of DSHS. - A central repository for information on missing and unidentified persons in Texas.

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Sex Workers

The Body: Sex Workers and HIV/AIDS Link to domain outside of DSHS. - A collection of resources on sex workers and HIV/AIDS.

National Task Force on Prostitution (NTFP) Link to domain outside of DSHS. - The National Task Force on Prostitution was founded in 1979, to act as an umbrella organization for prostitutes and prostitutes' rights organizations in different parts of the United States. In 1994, its purpose was expanded to involve organizations and individuals who support the rights of prostitutes and other sex workers. Includes Prostitutes Education Network.

Walnet Institute Link to domain outside of DSHS. - Home to the Commercial Sex Information Service.

What are Sex Workers HIV Prevention Needs? Link to domain outside of DSHS. - Information from the Center for AIDS Prevention Studies.

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Special Populations: Blind and Visually Impaired

American Council of the Blind Link to domain outside of DSHS. - The American Council of the Blind is the nation's leading membership organization of blind and visually impaired people. The Council strives to improve the well-being of all blind and visually impaired people by: serving as a representative national organization of blind people; elevating the social, economic, and cultural levels of blind people; improving educational and rehabilitation facilities and opportunities; cooperating with the public and private institutions and organizations concerned with blind services; encouraging and assisting all blind persons to develop their abilities; and conducting a public education program to promote greater understanding of blindness and the capabilities of blind people.

American Foundation for the Blind (AFB) Link to domain outside of DSHS. - AFB is a leading national resource for people who are blind or visually impaired, the organizations that serve them, and the general public. Their mission is to enable people who are blind or visually impaired to achieve equality of access and opportunity that will ensure freedom of choice in their lives. AFB fulfills this mission through four primary areas of activity regarding the non-medical aspects of blindness and visual impairment, including development, collection, and dissemination of information; identification, analysis, and resolution of critical issues; education of the public and policymakers as to the needs and capabilities of people who are blind or visually impaired; and production and distribution of talking books and other audio materials.

CDC: Frequently Asked Questions: HIV/AIDS and Visually Impaired Persons Link to domain outside of DSHS. - Fact sheet from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Includes a listing of other resources.

Exceptional Parent Link to domain outside of DSHS. - Exceptional Parent Magazine's online resource. Continuing 30-award winning years of providing information, support, ideas, encouragement, and outreach for parents and families of children with disabilities and the professionals who work with them.

Library of Congress: National Library Service for the Blind and Physically Handicapped Link to domain outside of DSHS. - A free national library program of braille and recorded materials for blind and physically handicapped. Under a special provision of the U.S. copyright law and with the permission of authors and publishers of works not covered by the provision, NLS selects and produces full-length books and magazines in braille and on recorded disc and cassette. Reading materials are distributed to a cooperating network of regional and subregional (local) libraries where they are circulated to eligible borrowers. Reading materials and playback machines are sent to borrowers and returned to libraries by postage?free mail.

Recording for the Blind and Dyslexic: Texas Unit Link to domain outside of DSHS. - Recording for the Blind and Dyslexic is an educational library for people with print disabilities.

Texas Department of Assistive and Rehabilitative Services: Services for the Blind and Visually Impaired Link to domain outside of DSHS. - The DARS Division for Blind Services (DBS) assists blind or visually impaired individuals and their families. Depending upon their goals and needs, DBS offers services to help regain independence or find a job.

Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired (TSBVI) Link to domain outside of DSHS. - A center for educational services for all blind and visually impaired students in Texas.

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Special Populations: Deaf and Hearing Impaired

American Society for Deaf Children Link to domain outside of DSHS. - ASDC was founded in 1967 as a parent-helping-parent organization. Today, ASDC is a national, independent non-profit organization whose purpose is providing support, encouragement, and information to families raising children who are deaf or hard of hearing.

Exceptional Parent Link to domain outside of DSHS. - Exceptional Parent Magazine's online resource. Continuing 30-award winning years of providing information, support, ideas, encouragement and outreach for parents and families of children with disabilities and the professionals who work with them.

National Deaf Education Network and Clearinghouse Link to domain outside of DSHS. - A centralized source of accurate, up-to-date, objective information on topics dealing with deafness and hearing loss in the age group of 0-21. Includes responses to a wide range of questions received from the general public, deaf and hard of hearing people, their families, and professionals who work with them.

What Are Deaf Persons' HIV Prevention Needs? Link to domain outside of DSHS. - Information from the Center for AIDS Prevention Studies.

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Special Populations: Mentally Retarded and Developmentally Delayed

Association of Retarded Citizens (Arc) Link to domain outside of DSHS. - The Arc, a national organization on mental retardation, has a rich history of improving the lives of children and adults with mental retardation and their families. The Arc also has led the way in stimulating research and has educated millions regarding prevention of one-half of the known causes of mental retardation.

Arc of the Capital Area (Austin, Texas) Link to domain outside of DSHS. - The mission of the Arc of the Capital Area is to improve the quality of life for people of all ages with mental retardation and other disabilities and their families.

Arc of Dallas Link to domain outside of DSHS. - The Arc of Dallas sheds light on the facts about mental retardation and other developmental disabilities by acting as an advocate for families and individuals who often feel alone and helpless because communication has failed with systems, agencies, and/or employers. The Arc acts as an informational resource, provides parent and professional education on current topics, facilitates cooperative solutions, and provides a comprehensive list of professionals, agencies, businesses, and organizations that serve the population with mental retardation and related conditions.

Arc of Fort Bend County Link to domain outside of DSHS. - The Arc of Fort Bend County (Texas) is an association of individuals committed to assisting people with mental retardation and other developmental disabilities to be valued and participating members in their communities as they achieve their highest level of personal development.

Arc of Greater Houston Link to domain outside of DSHS. - The Arc of Greater Houston is a nonprofit organization that expands opportunities for people with mental retardation and other developmental disabilities by promoting the rights and interest of individuals and their families; providing innovative training and services; and increasing community awareness.

Arc of Texas Link to domain outside of DSHS. - The Arc of Texas is the oldest and largest nonprofit, volunteer organization in the state committed to expanding opportunities for people with mental retardation and other developmental disabilities to be included in their communities. The Arc supports families, advances public policies, provides training programs, and builds a statewide network of advocates.

Council for Exceptional Children (CEC) Link to domain outside of DSHS. - CEC is the largest international professional organization dedicated to improving educational outcomes for individuals with exceptionalities, students with disabilities, and/or the gifted. CEC advocates for appropriate governmental policies, sets professional standards, provides continual professional development, advocates for newly and historically underserved individuals with exceptionalities, and helps professionals obtain conditions and resources necessary for effective professional practice.

Children's Defense Fund Link to domain outside of DSHS. - The mission of the Children's Defense Fund is to Leave No Child Behind and to ensure every child a Healthy Start, a Head Start, a Fair Start, a Safe Start, and a Moral Start in life and successful passage to adulthood with the help of caring families and communities.

Exceptional Parent Link to domain outside of DSHS. - Exceptional Parent Magazine's online resource. Continuing 30-award winning years of providing information, support, ideas, encouragement, and outreach for parents and families of children with disabilities and the professionals who work with them.

Midland Association for Retarded Citizens Link to domain outside of DSHS. - The mission of the Midland Association for Retarded Citizens is to foster the prevention of mental retardation and to advance, through all resources, the total well-being, dignity, and rights of citizens who have mental retardation.

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Special Populations: Physically Challenged

Exceptional Parent Link to domain outside of DSHS. - Exceptional Parent Magazine's online resource. Continuing 30-award winning years of providing information, support, ideas, encouragement, and outreach for parents and families of children with disabilities and the professionals who work with them.

March of Dimes Link to domain outside of DSHS. - The Mission of the March of Dimes is to improve the health of babies by preventing birth defects and infant mortality. The March of Dimes carries out this mission through programs of research, community services, education, and advocacy.

Muscular Dystrophy Association Link to domain outside of DSHS. - The Muscular Dystrophy Association is the source for news and information about neuromuscular diseases, MDA research, and services for adults and children with neuromuscular diseases and their families.

Library of Congress: National Library Service for the Blind and Physically Handicapped Link to domain outside of DSHS. - A free national library program of braille and recorded materials for blind and physically handicapped. Under a special provision of the U.S. copyright law and with the permission of authors and publishers of works not covered by the provision, NLS selects and produces full-length books and magazines in braille and on recorded disc and cassette. Reading materials are distributed to a cooperating network of regional and subregional (local) libraries where they are circulated to eligible borrowers. Reading materials and playback machines are sent to borrowers and returned to libraries by postage-free mail.

United Cerebral Palsy Association Link to domain outside of DSHS. - The mission of the United Cerebral Palsy Association is to advance the independence, productivity, and full citizenship of people with cerebral palsy and other disabilities.

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Tuberculosis (TB)

CDC: Division of Tuberculosis Elimination Link to domain outside of DSHS. - The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center for HIV, STD, and TB Prevention, Division of Tuberculosis Elimination web site. Includes self-study modules, fact sheets, guidelines, and more.

National Tuberculosis Center Link to domain outside of DSHS. - The Francis J. Curry National Tuberculosis Center creates, enhances, and disseminates resources and models of excellence to control and eliminate tuberculosis.

Texas Center for Infectious Disease - The Texas Center for Infectious Disease is a public health facility of the Texas Department of Health for the treatment of Tuberculosis.

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Universal Precautions

CDC MMWR: Guidelines for Prevention of Transmission of Human Immunodeficiency Virus and Hepatitis B Virus to Health Care and Public Safety Workers MMWR June 23, 1989, Vol. 38, No. S-6

CDC MMWR: Recommendations for Prevention of HIV Transmission in Health-Care Settings MMWR August 21, 1987, Vol. 36 (SU02); 001

Universal Precautions from the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences

Universal Precautions for Prevention of Transmission of HIV and Other Bloodborne Infections CDC Hospital Infections Program

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Women/Maternal/Child Health Resources

The Alan Guttmacher Institute (AGI) Link to domain outside of DSHS. - The mission of AGI is to protect the reproductive choices of all women and men in the United States and throughout the world. Provides research, policy analysis, and public education. Includes information on sexual behavior, pregnancy and birth, prevention and contraception, abortion, STDs, youth, law, and public policy.

Boldt Productions Link to domain outside of DSHS. - Fun, interactive promotional tools and programs devoted to building and enhancing self-esteem in children.

The Guide to Resources on Women and AIDS Link to domain outside of DSHS. - Feminist policy research and advocacy institution. Compiles a guide on AIDS and other HIV/AIDS educational materials.

HRSA Information Center Link to domain outside of DSHS. - Publications, resources, and referrals on health care services for low-income, uninsured individuals and those with special health care needs.

Melpomene Institute Link to domain outside of DSHS. - The Melpomene Institute helps girls and women of all ages link physical activity and health through research, publication, and education.

National Center for Education in Maternal and Child Health Link to domain outside of DSHS. - The National Center for Education in Maternal and Child Health provides national leadership to the maternal and child health community in three key areas-program development, policy analysis and education, and state-of-the-art knowledge-to improve the health and well-being of the nation's children and families.

National Women's Health Information Center (NWHIC) Link to domain outside of DSHS. - The NWHIC provides a gateway to the vast array of Federal and other women's health information resources. Provides links to, read, and download a wide variety of women's health-related material developed by the Department of Health and Human Services, the Department of Defense, other Federal agencies, and private sector resources.

National Women's Health Resource Center (NWHRC) Link to domain outside of DSHS. - The NWHRC has helped millions of women educate themselves about the health topics that concern them the most. NWHRC acts as a national clearinghouse for women's health information, providing access to health information and resources.

Maternal and Child Health (DSHS) - The web site of the Department of State Health Services Maternal and Child Health Program.

Women, Children, and HIV Link to domain outside of DSHS. - A comprehensive, Internet-based library of practically applicable materials on mother and child HIV infection including preventing mother-to-child HIV transmission (PMTCT), infant feeding, clinical care of women and children living with HIV infection, and the support of orphans from the François-Xavier Bagnoud Center at the University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey, and the University of California San Francisco's Center for HIV Information.

Women & Children with HIV Menu Link to domain outside of DSHS. - Information specific to women and children regarding HIV/AIDS from HIV-positive.com.

Women Alive Link to domain outside of DSHS. - A coalition of, by, and for women living with HIV/AIDS. Women Alive is the means we have created to help us connect with each other, bring others like us out of isolation, exchange information about HIV treatments, and take charge of our lives, our care, and our destiny.

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Technical Assistance

Target Center: Technical Assistance for the Ryan White Community Link to domain outside of DSHS. - The Ryan White CARE Act Technical Assistance Resources, Guidance, Education, and Training (TARGET) Center is a multi-faceted technical assistance initiative established in response to the vision of the HIV/AIDS Bureau (HAB) of the Health Resources and Services Administration. The purpose of the TARGET Center is to serve as a readily accessible, up to date resource for HAB staff and HAB grantees.

HIV Prevention Evaluation

Evaluation Planning

CDC Framework for evaluation Link to domain outside of DSHS. (downloadable .pdf or html document) - A somewhat academic presentation of an overall framework for considering evaluation and program planning.

CDC/ATSDR framework for evaluating health communication programs Link to domain outside of DSHS. - Provides an overview of evaluation types and steps; targeted at risk- reduction programs, generally; materially is easily applied to HIV.

CDC Evaluation Working Group Resources Link to domain outside of DSHS. - A compendium of links related to constructing logic models (not HIV specific) from CDC's Evaluation Working Group.

Evaluating CDC-Funded Health Department HIV Prevention Programs Link to domain outside of DSHS. - CDC guidance for evaluating CDC-funded health department HIV prevention programs.

Process Evaluation

State Health Facts Online Link to domain outside of DSHS. (from the Kaiser Family Foundation) - Includes new and cumulative AIDS cases, persons living with AIDS, AIDS deaths, Ryan White funding, and state AIDS policies, such as syringe access and HIV testing.

Sources of Data

Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance System Link to domain outside of DSHS. - Includes state-level data and core item content.

Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System Link to domain outside of DSHS. - Includes state-level data and core item content.

US Census Bureau Basic Facts Link to domain outside of DSHS. - Site that permits searches on specific information for block, city, county, & state levels.

National Neighborhood Indicators Partnership Link to domain outside of DSHS. - Provides local data for a variety of health, social, & economic indicators, for growing number of medium to large cities. Some datasets have capacities for simple analyses (e.g., cross-tabulations by sex, age, etc.).

Outcome Monitoring and Evaluation

Cost-Benefit/Cost-Effectiveness Research of Drug Abuse Prevention Link to domain outside of DSHS. - NIDA website with links to downloadable .pdf documents that deal with fundamentals of cost-benefit & cost-effectiveness, as well as specific examples of cost-effectiveness evaluations with populations relevant to HIV prevention.

Geographic Information Systems

US Geological Survey Link to domain outside of DSHS.- Introductory tutorial on using Geographic Information Systems (GIS) from the US Geological Survey.


Developing Consultation Contracts

Evaluation Contracts Checklist pdf icon Link to domain outside of DSHS. - Checklist for developing evaluation consultation contracts (not HIV-specific, but easily adapted) from Western Michigan University.

Key Evaluation Checklist pdf icon Link to domain outside of DSHS. - Checklist for writing up an evaluation (not HIV-specific, but easily adapted) from Western Michigan University.

Sampling, Methods, and Measurement

Sampling Guide Link to domain outside of DSHS. - Link to .pdf files that describe basic steps in sampling, including sample size calculation.

Statistics Glossary Link to domain outside of DSHS. - Glossary of sampling terms; relatively "plain English" definitions, along with concrete examples.

Data and Nature of Measurement Link to domain outside of DSHS. - PowerPoint slides from a course by Mike Raulin outline. Very good review of measurement concepts including scaling.

Controls to Reduce Threats to Validity Link to domain outside of DSHS. - This presentation is by Mike Raulin & reviews threats to reliability. Good review, but more technical than the Data and Nature of Measurement.

Hypothesis Testing, Validity, and Threats to Validity Link to domain outside of DSHS. - This presentation reviews hypothesis testing & threats to validity by Mike Raulin. It is similar in technical level to the reliability presentation and a good review of concepts.

Survey Basics

Survey Research Link to domain outside of DSHS. - Overview of survey research: item selection, scaling, etc. The content varies from simple to relatively academic, but much of the material would be suitable as background for developing TA materials.

Sampling Link to domain outside of DSHS. - Basic terminology & methods used in sampling, with an emphasis on survey applications.

Qualitative Methods

Qualitative Research Link to domain outside of DSHS. - Overview of qualitative methods; lecture notes from a seminar by Don Ratliff at Biola University; good overview of sampling, data collection, & analysis.

A Synthesis of Ethnographic Research Link to domain outside of DSHS. - Basic, though somewhat academically-written overview of ethnographic methods and their practice.

Program Plannning and Assessment Link to domain outside of DSHS. - University of Illinois Extension webpage with downloadable .pdf files covering key informant interviewing. Excellent and practical review of the basics in conducting key informant interviews, including a section on summarizing/writing up interviews, though weak on the analysis of interview data. Useful as a background and as a handout.

Focus Groups Link to domain outside of DSHS. - Good, brief review of fundamentals for considering and conducting focus groups.

How to Read Scientific Papers

How to Read a Paper: Statistics for the Non-Statistician Link to domain outside of DSHS. - "How to read a paper": reviews statistics and their applications. Good for the person who has some scientific training and may provide useful background materials for doing TA.

Evaluation Tipsheets Link to domain outside of DSHS. - Penn State University webpage that links to a variety of downloadable .pdf "tip sheets" on a variety of topics ranging from how to make a pie chart to sampling diverse audiences to asking about age. The sheets vary in length & quality. All include helpful reference citations.


Populations, Samples, and Bridges Link to domain outside of DSHS. - Reprint of an Annual Review of Public Health lit review on sampling and its implications for findings. Rather academic, but a useful background document for developing TA materials.

Program Development Resources

Replicating Effective Programs Plus Link to domain outside of DSHS. - "REP Plus": This link goes to CDC's REP project which is looking at replication/translation of interventions with demonstrated effectiveness. The individual REP projects are described in terms of contacts and core elements. The site reviews other CDC resources (with links to the compendium of effective programs Link to domain outside of DSHS.; characteristics of reputationally strong HIV prevention intervention programs Link to domain outside of DSHS., and a link to the BSSV program).

Compendium of HIV Prevention Interventions and Evidence of Effectiveness Link to domain outside of DSHS. - CDC compendium of effective HIV prevention programs.

Center for Substance Abuse Treatment Link to domain outside of DSHS. - Principles for drug abuse treatment programs (includes attention to HIV/AIDS risk).

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Last Updated October 19, 2007


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