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County Indigent Health Care Program

NEW! FY07 CIHCP Spending Data

NEW! CIHCP Handbook Revision 07-2 Effective September 1, 2007 

NEW! CIHCP Training dates, January, April & July, 2008 

What is the County Indigent Health Care Program?

The County Indigent Heath Care Program provides health care services to eligible residents through the counties, hospital districts and public hospitals in Texas. Click here for more information about the program.

Click here for information on the Indigent Heath Care Advisory Committee 

Who is eligible for assistance?

Persons who meet the eligibility criteria may have services rendered by or paid for through the program. 

What services are available?

Counties are required to provide Basic Health Care Services to eligible residents and may elect to provide a number of DSHS-established Optional Health Care Services. Click here to find your local CIHCP Office.




Texas Department of State Health Services
Community Health Services Section
County Indigent Health Care Program
1100 W. 49th Street (Mail Code Y990)
Austin, TX 78756
Phone: (512) 458-7706
Fax: (512) 458-7713
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