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Community Mental Health

Current Initiatives

Texas Mental Health and Substance Abuse Crisis Services Redesign

  • During the 80th Legislative Session, the Department of State Health Services (DSHS) was appropriated $82 million to implement a statewide redesign of crisis services. Read more about this initiative.

Disaster Mental Health in Texas

  • The primary responsibilities of disaster mental health services are to utilize and coordinate disaster mental health resources prior to, during, and after an event and to establish and manage short-term crisis counseling program in a presidentially-declared impact area. The Crisis Counseling Program, a Federal Emergency Management Agency-funded program, establishes a team at a host mental health and mental retardation center and provides outreach, screening, and assessment, counseling, information, and referral, and public education about the effects and means to manage stress. Read more in the May 29, 2007 issue of EpiLink » (PFD, 40 MB)

Clinical Management for Behavioral Health Services (CMBHS)

  • The purpose of the Clinical Management for Behavioral Health Services (CMBHS) project is to develop an integrated clinical management system for behavioral health care (mental health and substance abuse) services at DSHS. Our focus is to respond to the needs of the behavioral health community in providing a holistic approach to mental health and substance abuse services. Find out more about this initiative.

Mental Health System Transformation

  • The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) has awarded $92.5 million to seven states over five years for Mental Health Transformation State Incentive Grants, including Texas. Texas is charged with building a solid foundation for delivering evidence-based mental health and related services, fostering recovery, improving quality of life, and meeting the multiple needs of mental health consumers across the life span.

Call for Presentations for the 2008 Texas Behavorial Health Institute

  • Under the theme, “Knowledge in the Neighborhood: Partnerships to Healthy Communities,” the 2008 Institute seeks to increase mental health and substance abuse prevention and treatment knowledge and skills to support healthy communities. DSHS invites proposals for conference sessions and for pre- and post- meeting workshops. The submission deadline is December 14, 2007.

Featured Resources

Local Planning and Network Development

  • Information for private providers who may be interested in the provision of mental health services in collaboration with Local Mental Health Authorities throughout the State of Texas. Learn more »

Mental Health and Substance Abuse Information Center

Planning for a Consumer-Directed System

  • The majority of mental health block grant funding allocated to the state of Texas is directed to Local Mental Health Authorities as part of their funding to support local system of services for adults with serious mental illness and children with serious emotional disturbances. Many innovative and transformational projects are occurring at the local level across the state. Each community approaches system development in unique ways.
    Read more: MS Word, 32 KBPDF, 23 KB

Mental Health and Substance Abuse (MHSA) Training and Technical Assistance

  • The mission of this unit is to build the professional capacity of individuals and organizations in the field in order to deliver quality services more successfully, and increase staff effectiveness. Learn more »

Hurricanes Katrina, Rita, and Wilma

  • Information and resources for mental health and substance abuse service providers who are working with evacuees, including information on the American Red Cross Access to Care program.

Current Reports and Publications

EpiLink Online Bulletin

  • The November 5, 2007 issue (Volume 64, No. 8) focuses on mental health. Read more »

Behavioral Health NEWS BRIEF

  • Informing policy and practice in mental health and substance abuse services through data.

Index of Community Mental Health Online Resources

Community Mental Health Services

Community Mental Health Contracts

Quality Management for Community Mental Health

Mental Health State Hospitals

Community Mental Health Centers

Community Mental Health Programs and Initiatives

Community Mental Health News and Information

Community Mental Health Program Contacts

Community Mental Health Data and Reports

Community Mental Health Rules and Statutes

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This page was last modified November 13, 2007

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