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iconFunding Alert Vol. 18 No. 10 Alert #2 - October 9, 2007

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Funding News and Grant Tips

This Just In! New Reference Books Join FIC Reference Collection
The following two reference books have joined the Funding Information Center collection. While they are not available for check out, you can use them in our library.

The Foundation Directory Supplement.
New York : The Foundation Center, 2007.
Call Number: HV 97 F771d 2007 FIC
ID Number: 9802889
Subject(s): REFERENCE Corporate funding Foundation funding
This Supplement provides complete, revised entries for foundations that have reported substantial changes in personnel, name, address, program interests, limitations, application procedures or other areas by the midpoint of the yearly "Foundation Directory" cycle.

National Directory of Corporate Giving: A Guide to Corporate Giving Programs and Corporate Foundations.
13th ed. New York : The Foundation Center, 2007.
Call Number: HV 97 F771c 2007 FIC
ID Number: 9802894
Subject(s): REFERENCE Corporate funding Foundation funding
This directory profiles 3,687 companies making contributions to nonprofit organizations and grant seekers.
From Funding Information Center bibliography 10/4/07icon

TMA Offers New Education Program to Improve Mammography Screenings
The Physician Oncology Education Program of the Texas Medical Association (TMA) now offers a new Performance Improvement Continuing Medical Education (PI) project for primary care physicians. Aimed at improving mammography screening rates for eligible Texas women, the project will provide 20 AMA PRA Category I Credits ™ if completed. The project will be worked through in three phases, and may take the physician as long as nine months to finish. Each stage will be awarded 5 credits, with an additional 5 credits given for completion. The cost is $25 per stage, to total $75.
For more information, please contact Leslie Jones at leslie.jones@texmed.org or at (512) 370-1671.
From Texas Medical Association e-mail, 10/3/07icon

Tips for Making Your PSAs Sing
One way a nonprofit organization can get free, although haphazard, publicity is the good, old public service announcement, or PSA, that appears on radio or television. This announcement can be written by the organization and submitted to the nearest media outlet for public distribution.
In his book "The Public Relations Handbook for Nonprofits," Art Feinglass suggests PSAs as handy ways of maintaining visibility because radio and TV stations are required to provide a certain amount of airtime at no cost to serve the public interest.
With that in mind, Feinglass offers a few tips for getting maximum mileage out of PSAs:
* Usually, PSAs are 10- or 30- or 60-second spots. Know the time frame, and write a script for that time. Sometimes stations will specify the number of words they will accept, and they may rewrite your PSA.
* Prepare the PSA on a single sheet of paper, and be sure to include contact information. Organization letterhead can be good for this.
* Make the PSA warm, lively and conversational in tone and content.
* Keep the sentences short and easy to read. Try reading it aloud yourself. If you find yourself gasping for breath, the sentences are too long.
* Avoid words that are hard to pronounce or easily misunderstood.
* Grab the audience's attention right from the outset.
* If a station does run your PSA, send a thank-you letter.
From The NonProfit Times, 10/1/07icon

Public Funding Opportunities

Countermeasures Against Chemical Threats (CounterACT) Advanced Development Cooperative Agreements (U01)L RFA-NS-08-003
SOURCE: National Institutes of Health (NIH)
APPLICATION DEADLINE: Letter of Intent: 11/9/07. Application: 12/10/07.
$ AVAILABLE: $2.5 million for four to six awards.
ELIGIBILITY: Public/state/private controlled institutions of higher education, nonprofits with and without 501(c)(3) IRS status (other than institutions of higher education), small businesses, for-profit organizations (other than small businesses), state governments, U.S. territories or possessions, Indian/Native American tribal government (federally recognized and other than federally recognized), Indian/Native American tribally designated organizations, non-domestic (non-U.S.) entities, Hispanic-serving institutions, Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs), Tribally Controlled Colleges and Universities (TCCUs), Alaska native and native Hawaiian serving institutions, regional organizations, eligible agencies of the federal government, and faith-based or community-based organizations.
PURPOSE: The NIH invites applications for Countermeasures Against Chemical Threats (CounterACT) Advanced Development Cooperative Agreements (U01s). The overall mission of the CounterACT Research Network is to develop new and improved medical countermeasures against chemical threats (see http://www.ninds.nih.gov/funding/research/counterterrorism/index.htm). These include pulmonary agents such as chlorine, industrial chemicals such as cyanide, and nerve agents such as sarin. Unlike the previous CounterACT Funding Opportunity Announcements (FOAs), sulfur mustard research will not be supported by this announcement, research on diagnostic technologies will not be supported, and the focus will be on therapies that can be used after exposure to a chemical threat as opposed to pre-exposure prophylactic treatments. The expected outcome of each of these accelerated three-year projects is a lead compound or validated model for screening relevant therapeutics.
CFDA: 93.867, 93.856, 93.846, 93.113, 93.859, 93.853
CONTACT: Please see URL for contact information. For more information see http://grants.nih.gov/grants/guide/rfa-files/RFA-NS-08-003.html
From NIH Web site, accessed 10/4/07icon
Subject(s) biodefense/bioterrorism, medical research

Emergency Evacuation Transportation Services: 537-08-38952
SOURCE: Texas Department of State Health Services (DSHS)
$ AVAILABLE: Please see URL for funding information.
ELIGIBILITY: Please see URL for eligibility information.
PURPOSE: The purpose of this announcement is the provision of safe, efficient and cost effective emergency evacuation transportation services to one or several alternative locations in the event of a disaster or other situation requiring the total or partial evacuation of the Terrell State Hospital (TSH), a facility operated by DSHS, and that supports the hospital in its continuing mission to provide quality, efficient and cost effective inpatient psychiatric services to individuals with mental illness.
CFDA: none
CONTACT: Lyn Peters, (512) 206-5504, Fax: (512) 206-4605, e-mail: lyn.peters@hhsc.state.tx.us. For more information see http://esbd.cpa.state.tx.us/docs/537/73089_1.doc
From Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts Electronic State Business Web site, accessed 10/4/07icon
Subject(s) transportation, public health

Improving Health and Educational Outcomes of Young People: CDC-RFA-DP08-801
SOURCE: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
APPLICATION DEADLINE: Letter of Intent: 10/23/07. Application: 11/21/07.
$ AVAILABLE: $32,025,000 for up to 85 awards.
ELIGIBILITY: State education agencies; state health agencies; local education agencies -- Dallas Independent School District (Dallas, TX), Fort Worth Independent School District (Fort Worth, TX), and Houston Independent School District (Houston, TX metropolitan area); and tribal governments -- federally recognized or state recognized American Indian/Alaska Native tribal governments, American Indian/Alaska Native tribal designated organizations, urban Indian health organizations, and tribal government epidemiology centers.
PURPOSE: The purpose of this program announcement is to improve the health and well-being of young people and prepare them to be healthy adults.
CFDA: 93.938
CONTACT: Elizabeth Haller, (770) 488-6203, fax: (770) 488-6163, e-mail: ehaller@cdc.gov. For more information see http://www.cdc.gov/od/pgo/funding/DP08-801.htm
From CDC Web site, accessed 10/4/07icon
Subject(s) children's health adolescent health,health promotion/wellness

Mechanisms, Diagnosis and Treatment of Radiation Injury from a Nuclear Accident or Terrorist Attack (R01): RFA-AI-07-039
SOURCE: National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID)
APPLICATION DEADLINE: Letter of Intent: 12/15/07. Application: 1/15/08.
$ AVAILABLE: $4 million for eight to 12 awards.
ELIGIBILITY: Public/state/private controlled institutions of higher education, nonprofits with and without 501(c)(3) IRS status (other than institutions of higher education), small businesses, for-profit organizations (other than small businesses), state governments, eligible agencies of the federal government, and domestic institutions/organizations.
PURPOSE: The purpose is to support research on: establishment of mechanisms of radiation damage to cells and tissues; identification of radiation exposure-specific biomarkers; development of biodosimetry methods and devices for triage of large populations in the wake of a nuclear or radiological event; and/or development of medical countermeasures to mitigate and/or treat radiation injury.
CFDA: 93.855
CONTACT: Andrea DiCarlo-Cohen, (301) 451-9199, fax: (301) 480-6597, e-mail: cohena@niaid.nih.gov. For more information see http://grants.nih.gov/grants/guide/rfa-files/RFA-AI-07-039.html
From NIH Web site, accessed 10/4/07icon
Subject(s) biodefense/bioterrorism, medical research

Private Funding Opportunities

2008 Barbara Jordan Health Policy Scholars Program
SOURCE: Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation
$ AVAILABLE: Scholars receive roundtrip transportation to Washington, a stipend, and housing at Howard University for the duration of the program.
ELIGIBILITY: Eligible candidates must be U.S. citizens who will be seniors or recent graduates of an accredited U.S. college or university in the fall of 2008. Individuals with an advanced degree and those individuals currently enrolled in an advanced degree program are not eligible to participate. Candidates are selected based on academic performance, demonstrated leadership potential, and interest in health issues that disproportionately affect racial and ethnic minorities or underserved communities.
PURPOSE: This opportunity is for college seniors and recent college graduates who have a strong interest in addressing racial and ethnic health disparities, or who are themselves a member of a population that is adversely affected by racial and ethnic health disparities.
CONTACT: Please see URL for contact information. For more information see http://www.kff.org/minorityhealth/bjscholars/index.cfm
From The Foundation Center's Philanthropy News Digest Web site, accessed 10/8/07icon
Subject(s) health professions training, minority health


Crossroads Conference: Going the Distance
SPONSOR: Greenlights for Nonprofit Success
WHEN: October 16, 8 am to 5 pm.
WHERE: Austin Convention Center, 500 E. Caesar Chavez, (Austin, TX).
DESCRIPTION: Greenlights' annual Crossroads Conference is the top networking and education conference for nonprofits in Central Texas. Join over 500 community stakeholders - nonprofit staff members, board leaders, volunteers, and funders - for a full day of energizing sessions and dialogue about what it takes to Go the Distance in the Central Texas nonprofit sector.
COST: $125 members / $150 non-members.
CONTACT: (512) 477-5955 ext. 268.
From Greenlights for Nonprofit Success Web site, accessed 10/4/07icon

Budgeting for Non-Financial Managers
SPONSOR: Greenlights for Nonprofit Success
WHEN: October 25, 8:30 am to noon.
WHERE: Greenlights for Nonprofit Success, 1301 W 25th Street, Suite 400, (Austin, TX).
DESCRIPTION: This workshop will introduce and guide non-financial managers through basics of nonprofit organizational budgeting, including designing and planning, cost/income projections and expenses, and cash flow. Understand the sequential process of reading a budget calendar, understanding budget cycles, and how to implement, monitor, and revise it.
COST: $85 members / $115 non-members.
CONTACT: Kori Gough, (512) 288-2627.
From Greenlights for Nonprofit Success Web site, accessed 10/4/07icon

Five Minute Connection: Media Training and Media Tour
SPONSOR: Greenlights for Nonprofit Success
WHEN: October 30, 10 am to 3 pm.
WHERE: Greenlights for Nonprofit Success, 1301 W 25th Street, Suite 400, (Austin, TX).
DESCRIPTION: Media coverage is an important component to your organization’s communications and fundraising efforts. In this unique program, you’ll first receive training from a panel of local media professionals on how to make your nonprofit news shine – from the television screen to the news page. Learn about developing a relationship with the media, framing your organization’s message, and what to do when the media calls you. This expanded media training in 2007 includes more time for learning and developing your pitch to the media, and you'll walk away with a list of media contacts that you can use right away. Lunch is included.
COST: $175 members / $200 non-members.
CONTACT: Kori Gough, (512) 288-2627.
From Greenlights for Nonprofit Success Web site, accessed 10/4/07icon

Webcast -- Major Gift Programs That Work and Really Raise Money: Integrating Special Event Models into Your Fundraising Campaigns
SPONSOR: American Marketing Association (AMA) and The NonProfit Times
WHEN: October 17, noon.
WHERE: Your office or meeting room.
DESCRIPTION: Whether you're a seasoned professional or launching your major gifts program from scratch, you won't want to miss this opportunity to hear from the experts on how to identify, cultivate and secure new major gifts using special event models that work and really raise money. These fundraising pros will teach you how to create individual plans of care using multiple points of contact that secure five, six, or seven figure gifts. Participants will learn how to:
* Create new lists of major givers who give the big gift.
* Cultivate giving prospects through awareness events.
* Earn the right to ask major donors for significant financial support.
* Execute creative "ask" events that help donors accomplish their personal goals.
* Effectively host their own “PhilanthroTourism” event
COST: Free.
CONTACT: Please see http://www.marketingpower.com/webcast405.php for contact information.
From American Marketing Association e-mail, 10/4/07icon

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Last updated October 9, 2007

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