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image of a hand holding a test tube representing Professional bioterrorism information Skip down to:
Biological Disaster Planning and Emergency Preparedness
Continuing Education and Training
Biological Agents: Anthrax

Botulism/Botulinum Toxins
Q fever
SEB (Staphylococcal Enterotoxin B)
Viral Encephalitis

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General Bioterrorism Resources
Biological Disaster Planning and Emergency Preparedness
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 Continuing Education and Training
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 Biological Agents
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  • Anthrax
    Information about naturally occurring anthrax in Texas, Anthrax as a Bioterrorism agent: How animals may be affected, Basic Fact Sheet: Anthrax in Animals. From DSHS Zoonosis Control Group.
  • History of Anthrax


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  • fact sheet on Botulism
    Agent Information, Reporting Requirements for Disease, Infection Control, Incubation Period, Signs/Symptoms, Diagnosis, Vaccines, and Prophylaxis. From DSHS.
  • Botulism Technical Information,
    Including clinical features and transmission. From the CDC.
  • Botulism Overview
    Infection Control, Laboratory Testing, Surveillance and Investigation, and References. From the CDC.
  • Botulinum Toxin as a Biological Weapon
    Consensus methods, History of current threat, Microbiology and virulence, Pathogenesis and clinical, Epidemiology, Diagnosis and differential, Therapy, Special populations, Prophylaxis, Decontamination, Infection control, and Research needs. From the Journal of the American Medical Association

Brucellosis return to top of page
  • fact sheet on Brucellosis
    Agent Information, Reporting Requirements for Disease, Infection Control, Incubation Period, Signs/Symptoms, Diagnosis, Vaccines, and Prophylaxis. From DSHS.
  • Brucellosis Overview
    Fact Sheets, Basic Q&A on Brucellosis (Undulant Fever).
    From the CDC.

Natural Occurrence

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  • fact sheet on Cholera
    Agent Information Reporting Requirements for Disease, Infection Control, Incubation Period,, Signs/Symptoms, Diagnosis, Vaccines, and Prophylaxis. From DSHS.

Natural Occurrence

  • Cholera Technical Information
    Clinical Features, Etiologic Agent, Incidence, Sequelae, Transmission, Risk Groups, Surveillance, Trends, and Challenges for Cholera, a Food Safety Threat. From the CDC.

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  • fact sheet on Plague
    Agent Information, Reporting Requirements for Disease, Infection Control, Incubation Period, Signs/Symptoms, Diagnosis, Vaccines, and Prophylaxis. From DSHS.
  • Plague Information
    Diagnosis/Evaluation, Infection Control, Lab Testing, Surveillance and Investigation, and Selected Publications, Education and Training Materials. From the CDC.
  • History of Plague
    Plague through the ages and as a biological weapon. From DSHS.
  • Plague as a Biological Weapon
    Consensus methods, History and potential as..., Epidemiology, Microbiology and virulence..., Pathogenesis and clinical..., Diagnosis, Vaccination, Therapy, Postexposure prophylaxis..., Infection control, Environmental decontamination. The Journal of the American Medical Association
  • Plague - BW Agent
    Plague as a Biological Weapon: Medical and Public Health Management. From the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center Center for Biosecurity.

Natural Occurrence

  • Plague
    Plague Reports, Facts about Plague pamphlet, Plague in Animals, and Plague Map. From the DSHS Zoonosis Control Group.

Q fever
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  • fact sheet on Q fever
    Agent Information, Reporting Requirements for Disease, Infection Control, Incubation Period, Signs/Symptoms, Diagnosis, Vaccines, and Prophylaxis. From DSHS.

Natural Occurrence

  • Q Fever
    Q Fever in Animals. From the DSHS Zoonosis Control Group.
  • Q fever Technical Information,
    Overview of the disease, Signs and Symptoms in Humans, Diagnosis, Treatment, Prevention, Significance for Bioterrorism. From the CDC.

Smallpox return to top of page
  • fact sheet on Smallpox
    Agent Information, Reporting Requirements for Disease, Infection Control, Incubation Period, Signs/Symptoms, Diagnosis, Vaccines, and Prophylaxis. From DSHS.
  • History of Smallpox,
    Smallpox through the ages and as a biological weapon. From DSHS.
  • Smallpox Technical Information
    Vaccination, Diagnosis/Evaluation, Training, Preparation and Planning, Infection Control, Exposure Management, Lab Testing, Surveillance and Investigation, References, and Images. From the CDC.
  • Smallpox as a Biological Weapon: Medical & Public Health Management
    Consensus methods, History and potential as..., Epidemiology, Microbiology, Pathogenesis and clinical..., Diagnosis, Preexposure preventive..., Postexposure therapy, Postexposure infection control, Hospital epidemiology, Vaccine administration, and Decontamination. Journal of the American Medical Association
  • Smallpox: What Every Clinician Should Know (online training)
    Programs to train clinicians on the recognition, diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of smallpox. From the CDC.

Vaccinia (Smallpox) Vaccine

  • Smallpox Vaccination Overview for Clinicians
    Smallpox Vaccine, Contraindications, Normal Reactions/Take Evaluations, Adverse Reactions & Management, Smallpox Disease, Patient Education, Vaccine Administration, and Recommendations & Policy. From the CDC.
  • Vaccinia (Smallpox) Vaccine: Recommendations of the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP)
    MMWR Recommendations and Reports 2001 Jun 22,50(RR-10),1-25. Revised recommendations regarding vaccinia (smallpox) vaccine update the previous Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) recommendations (MMWR 1991,40, No. RR-14:1--10) and include current information regarding the nonemergency use of vaccinia vaccine among laboratory and health-care workers occupationally exposed to vaccinia virus, recombinant vaccinia viruses, and other Orthopoxviruses that can infect humans. From the CDC (MMWR).


Enterotoxin B)

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  • fact sheet on SEB
    Agent Information, Reporting Requirements for Disease, Infection Control, Incubation Period, Signs/Symptoms, Diagnosis, Vaccines, and Prophylaxis.

Tularemia return to top of page
  • fact sheet on Tularemia
    Agent Information, Reporting Requirements for Disease, Infection Control, Incubation Period, Signs/Symptoms, Diagnosis, Vaccines, and Prophylaxis.
  • History of Tularemia
    Tularemia through the ages and as a biological weapon.
  • Tularemia Technical Information
    Diagnosis/Evaluation, Treatment, Overviews, Lab Testing, Surveillance and Investigation, and Infection Control. From the CDC.
  • Tularemia as a Biological Weapon: Medical & Public Health Management
    Consensus methods, History and Potential, Epidemiology, Microbiology, Pathogenesis and clinical..., Diagnosis, Vaccination, Treatment, Postexposure antibiotic, Infection Control, and Environmental Decontamination. Journal of the American Medical Association

Natural Occurrence

  • Tularemia
    Many kinds of domestic and wild animals as well as people can get this disease.
    From the DSHS Zoonosis Control Group.

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  • fact sheet on Viral Encephalitis
    Agent Information, Reporting Requirements for Disease, Infection Control, Incubation Period, Signs/Symptoms, Diagnosis, Vaccines, and Prophylaxis.

Natural Occurrence

  • Encephalitis
    Reporting, Other Sites. From the DSHS Zoonosis Control Group.

  Note: External links to other sites are intended to be informational and do not have the endorsement of the Texas Department of State Health Services. These sites may also not be accessible to people with disabilities.
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Last Updated May 29, 2007

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