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E-mail Subscriptions Center

(Note: You are entitled to review, and if necessary correct, any information this agency has on file about you.)

The lists you can currently subscribe to are:
News ReleasesActual release is included in e-mail, moments after it's issued.
News Releases
(In Spanish)
Spanish only translation of our news releases.
OpinionsImmediate Notification of Attorney General Opinions, with hypertext links to the HTML version of the opinion. (The PDF version is usually posted within 24 hours after issuance.)
Request for Opinions (RQs)Notification of newly received RQs, after they are posted to our website. E-mail contains links to RQs only.
Open Record Decisions (ORDs)Notification of newly issued ORDs, after they are posted to our website. E-mail contains links to ORDs only.
Open Record Questions (ORQs)Notification of new issues which the Open Records Division plans to address in formal Open Records Decisions. E-mail contains links to ORQs only.
Weekly AG ColumnsActual text version of these weekly columns is included in the monthly e-mail, along with hypertext links to the PDF (printable) version located on our website.
Senior AlertsProvides senior Texans with timely, up-to-date information about crime against the elderly and about other issues of importance to seniors.
Consumer AlertsTimely notifications about possible consumer scams and frauds.
Law Enforcement UpdatesNews and articles of interest to law enforcement and criminal justice professionals.
ConferencesReceive a notification as soon as conference information is made available, and be one of the first who register.
PublicationsTimely notifications about newly issued, or revised publications, special reports, brochures, etc.

You may subscribe to any or all of these lists. Subscriptions are entirely free. You can read, print, process, or delete the e-mails just as you would any other e-mail.

When you first subscribe, you will be asked for the following information:

  • E-mail address to receive notifications

  • Create a Password

  • Confirm your new Password

  • First name

  • Last Name

  • Suffix (i.e., Jr., Sr., III, etc.) (optional)

  • Job Title (optional)

  • Organization Name (optional)

  • Phone Number (in case we need to contact you)

The information we keep may be subject to an open records request. However, we can not divulge your e-mail address, or any other confidential information. We do not sell our lists to any third-party.

You will use your e-mail address in order to login and you must remember your password to access your account. Only you will know your password. We have noticed that several persons like to receive our notifications at more than one e-mail address (i.e., their work and home e-mail addresses). This is still possible by creating more than one account, and using the other e-mail address to login to that account.

To unsubscribe to a list, login with your e-mail/password and deselect the lists you no longer wish to subscribe to. If you wish to be removed from all the lists, there is a link at the top of that page that reads "Click here to be removed from the system". Clicking that link will remove you from all mailing lists, and entirely from the system. If you later wish to once again subscribe to a list, you will need to create a new account and password.

Please make a selection:

Subscribe to an e-mail notification list.
Login if you are already a subscriber and want to either modify your information or to unsubscribe.
Revised: 02/28/06

Revised: November 27 2006
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E-mail Subscriptions
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