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Laboratory Services Section

Women's Health Laboratories

Women's Health Laboratories (WHL) is part of the Texas Department of State Health Services' system of laboratories and is headquartered at the Texas Center for Infectious Disease (TCID) in San Antonio. WHL specializes in preventative screening services. The largest component of its practice is anatomic pathology (cytopathology and surgical pathology) and sexually transmitted disease screening services. A wide range of clinical laboratory services is also available including: maternity and family planning screens; thyroid, cholesterol, and hormone evaluations; and the usual clinical reference laboratory tests.

WHL started as a pilot project in 1978 in response to the TDH Bureau of Maternal and Child Health's difficulty in finding reliable, cost effective, quality laboratory services. The WHL program began by performing cytology screening of pap smears only. Since that time, WHL has added surgical pathology, sexually transmitted disease screening, and clinical laboratory testing services. Women's Health Laboratories (WHL) supports clients throughout the State of Texas. Clients are located in 221 Texas counties. Last year WHL provided services for 290,440 Texas citizens. With the acquisition of the clinical lab and the expanded client base, the numbers will increase.

The following laboratory services are provided:

  • Cytology Screening (pap smear and non-gyn)
  • Surgical Pathology
  • Autopsy Pathology
  • STD screening (Chlamydia, GC, Syphilis)
  • Chemistry
  • Special Chemistry
  • Hematology
  • Immunology
  • Urinalysis
  • Coagulation
  • Transfusion Medicine
  • General Microbiology
  • Parasitology
  • Mycology (fungal testing)
  • Mycobacteriology (TB, MIC's)
  • HPLC determination of TB drug levels
As a component of DSHS, public health and educational services are vital to the mission of WHL. WHL maintains a current database for epidemiological studies on cervical cancer and dysplasia and provides education to providers or DSHS Programs on topics such as Carcinoma, TB, and infectious diseases. We also provide a Practical Training facility for the University of Texas Health Science Center (UTHSC)-School of Cytotechnology students; Mentoring Program for new cytotechnologists; Practical training facility for Medical Laboratory Technician students from St. Phillips College; Intern training for students interested in Medical Technology; Texas Jobs Program site to train welfare recipients marketable job skills. WHL is entering a new program this year -- to train long term TB patients for marketable job skills to help them gain productive employment upon their release.

WHL is currently providing services for the following Programs: Bureau of Clinical and Nutritional Services (Title V, X, & XX), Bureau of Chronic Disease (BCCCP-Title XV), TB Elimination, Bureau of Labs, Texas Health Steps, Medicaid, Medicare, South Texas Hospital, Texas Center for Infectious Disease, MHMR-San Antonio State Hospital and State School, Public Health Care Providers throughout Texas and County & Local Health Departments. WHL has an affiliation and quality oversight agreement with the UTHSC-San Antonio.

WHL's professional staff is made up of Board certified Pathologists, Cytopathologists, Ph.D.s, MBAs, Cytotechnologists, Medical Technologists, Microbiologists, Histotechnologists and other certified laboratory personnel. A dedicated support staff is highly trained to assist in all areas and to provide client support services.

WHL remains on the cutting edge of technology with planned upgrade of the Anatomic Pathology computer system, state of the art microscopes and a WEB based physician-office link. This software will allow clinics to order tests and supplies from their existing patient database and allow WHL to E-Mail security encrypted results back to the clinics. This will greatly save time and effort and will markedly decrease paperwork and mailing costs.

Women's Health Laboratories is on the move, changing with the emerging health care environment and technology. Be a part of the change and contact WHL Customer Services Department at (210) 531-4506 or write to Women's Health Laboratories, 2303 S.E. Military Dr., San Antonio, Texas 78223. 

Contact Info:
Women's Health Laboratories
2303 S.E. Military Dr., Bldg 533, Suite #1
San Antonio, TX 78223-3597
Phone (210) 531-4596 Toll-Free (888) 440-5002
FAX (210) 531-4506

Medical Director                           Branch Manager

Customer Service:



Last Updated January 11, 2007

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