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All Audio-Visual Loan Requests on Hold Until Further Notice

The Exchange Building in Austin, which houses DSHS Regulatory programs, is closed due to flooding from a water pipe break early June 13.  There is no access to the Audio-Visual presentations at this time.

More information is available on the main DSHS Web site at: http://www.dshs.state.tx.us/dshstoday/regulatoryclosed.shtm

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Radiation Control 's Free Loan Guidelines:

  • Audio-visual presentations are available on a free loan basis and should be returned to Radiation Control (RC) within two weeks, so that others may use them.
  • Borrower must pay return postage.
  • Borrower is limited to ordering no more than three programs at a time.
  • Return audio-visuals promptly on the date scheduled or call RC at (512) 834-6688 to request an extension.
  • The person requesting audio-visuals is responsible when items are lost or damaged to the extent that new footage must be obtained or when items are damaged beyond repair. In such instances, the person responsible for the damage or loss shall assume the cost of replacement. RC will provide the borrower with the name and the address of the producer and the approximate replacement cost. The producer then bills the person directly responsible and sends the new material or replacement footage to RC audiovisual library.
  • Audio-visuals may not be lent by the borrower to others. Good care and safe return of audio-visuals are the borrower's responsibility.
  • Service to a borrower may be discontinued for failure to return audio-visuals on three occasions. Service may also be discontinued for failure to replace audio-visuals lost or damaged excessively by improper projection.
  • Audio-visuals cannot be booked for repeated use on a regularly scheduled basis. Such use indicates the probable need to purchase the item for your program.
  • Audio-visuals from this library cannot be sent outside of Texas.
  • All presentations are available on 3/4" and 1/2" VHS videocassettes, unless otherwise indicated. Beta format is not available.
  • Presentations normally will be sent upon receipt of request. If the program is already on loan, the requestor's name will be placed on a waiting list.
  • Permission is given to duplicate any videotape unless otherwise indicated.
  • To order programs: Phone or send a letter of request via mail or fax by indicating the order number and title of each presentation desired, the preferred format, your name, company name, address, city/state and zip, and phone number to:

Texas Department of State Health Services
Radiation Control
Public Information and Training Program
1100 West 49th Street, Austin, Texas 78756-3189
Phone (512) 834-6770 -- Fax (512) 834-6690

Your comments and requests for additional variations of presentations are encouraged.
Please contact Julie Davis at 512-834-6770 ext. 2061 for information.


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RP SERIES: Radiation Protection

RP-100 Basic Principles of Radiation Detection-Basic concepts of ionization detectors are described, particularly in relation to the pulse height as a function of voltage curves. Brief descriptions of ionization chambers and Geiger counters are included. 1951 movie transfer, B&W, 8 mins.

RP-101A/B Radiological Health for X-Ray Technologists, Parts 1 and 2- Reviews production of x-rays, x-ray interaction with matter, units of exposure and dose, official guidelines, radiation detection instruments, and principles of exposure reduction for patient and operator. 1973, B &W, 58 mins. and 48 mins.

RP-102 The Roentgen-Comparison of alpha and beta, gamma and x-radiation. Discussion of ion pairs and a detailed explanation of the definition of the roentgen as a unit of exposure. 1951 movie transfer, B&W, 14 mins.

RP-103 Interaction of Radiation with Matter-Demonstration of a cloud chamber and a discussion of alpha radiation, primary and secondary ion pairs, ion density, beta radiation, elastic collisions, and Bremsstrahlung radiation. 1965, B&W, 36 mins.

RP-104 Radiation Protection for Nuclear Medicine Procedures-"Principles of Protection for Diagnostic Examinations." An orientation for the nuclear medicine technology student or a review for the practicing technologist. Explains radiation sources in nuclear medicine, categories of people needing protection from unneeded exposure. 1980, 20 mins. (AVAILABLE IN SLIDE-TAPE FORMAT ONLY.)

RP-106 Double-Edged Sword: Analytical X-Ray Equipment-Advice on x-ray safety from people who work with, teach, and regulate uses of radiation. Demonstrations of various x-ray machines in medicine, industry, and research that emphasize a "think safety" attitude when using these devices. Education, indoctrination, and respect are stressed in handling the double-edged sword of x-ray radiation. 1980, Color, 28 mins.

RP-107 A-G Radiation Protection During Medical X-Ray Examinations, Parts 1-7:

RP-107A Part 1-"Principles of X-Ray Protection," 15 mins.

RP-107B Part 2-"Checking the Accuracy of the Light Beam in Collimator," 12 mins.

RP-107C Part 3-"Calculating the Beam Size from a Cone," 13 mins.

RP-107D Part 4-"Biological Effects of X-Rays," 35 mins.

RP-107E Part 5-"Gonad Shielding in Diagnostic Radiology, " 17 mins.

RP-107F Part 6-"A Basic Program: Quality Control for the Automatic Film Processor," 20 mins.

RP-107G Part 7-"Film/Screen Mammography: Physics and Quality Assurance," 35 mins.

RP-108 Current Clinical Uses of Digital Radiography- A discussion of digital subtraction radiography, including its history, clinical applications, and newer developments. 1983, Color, 36 mins.

RP-109 Overview of Technical Aspects of Digital Radiography-An examination of the physical aspects of digital radiography, including digital subtraction angiography, the DSA imaging chain, DSA techniques, and research projects. 1983, Color, 54 mins.

RP-110 The Theory of Computed Tomography Systems-Basic review of radiation physics as it relates to CT systems. Discussion of the algorithmic properties of CT systems, and the imaging performance characteristics that are necessary to describe the systems. 1977, Color, 37 mins.

RP-111 Quality Assurance of Computed Tomography Systems-Describes the use of a specially constructed four-module phantom for use in implementing a quality assurance program for computed tomography systems. 1977, Color, 36 mins.

RP-112 Respirator Fitting and Training-Explains and demonstrates the safety role of respirators in industry, different types of respirators and cartridges, and proper handling and fitting techniques. Produced by Union Carbide's Nuclear Division. B&W, 20 mins.

RP-113 Working Safely with Radiation: Fundamentals of Ionizing Radiation Protection-A basic orientation for laboratory and other technical personnel who will be working with or around radiation sources on the job. The program covers the biological effects of radiation, monitoring and dosimetry, techniques for limiting personal exposure, special considerations for pregnant workers, regulations, as well as company and individual responsibilities. 1995, Color, 18 mins.

RP-114 Efficiency in Patient Radiation Exposure Through Evaluation of Imaging Techniques-Dr. Armand Brodeur, Chief of Radiology at Cardinal Glennon Memorial Hospital in St. Louis, describes his success with a multi-tier radiographic imaging system that he implemented in his x-ray department. Dr. Brodeur describes the materials needed to set up this system that has significantly reduced radiation exposure to patients. 1984, Color, 41 mins.

RP-115 Minimizing Radiation Exposure of the Breast During Scoliosis Radiography-This panel discussion centers on techniques that resolve the dilemma of minimizing x-ray exposure to radiosensitive breast tissue while still obtaining satisfactory image quality. The use of sensitive film screen combinations, compensating filters, breast shields, and other techniques are discussed and demonstrated. 1984, Color, 26 mins.

RP-116 Risks Associated with Occupational Radiation Exposure-A video training program covering five critical areas: prompt, delayed, genetic and teratogenic effects and risk avoidance. Conforms with NRC Regulatory Guides 8.13, and 8.29. 1986, Color, 60 mins. Available in 1/2" only. Program May Not Be Duplicated.

RP-117 Hazards of Radiation and the Unqualified Operator-A five part investigative news report by KPRC, Channel 2, Houston. Video aired November 26-28, 1985. Discusses lack of training provided to x-ray technologists and infrequent inspections of x-ray machines. 1985, Color, five parts: total length 20 mins.

RP-118 Hospital Radiation Protection Practices-Presented by John Duley, this video presentation is designed to guide the Radiation Safety Officer with providing annual refresher training for technologists, new employee radiation protection orientation, and to teach regularly scheduled continuing education sessions for nurses and others who work with brachytherapy patients or patients who receive radiopharmaceuticals. Color, 60 mins.

RP-120 Radiation Safety and Common Sense- Presented by John Duley, this video program explains the underlying concepts of radiation safety in everyday, non-technical language. Easy to understand analogies with situations we encounter in everyday life are used to explain the radiation safety story. Topics discussed include: energy as particles and rays; background radiation; irradiation vs. contamination; time, distance and shielding, and risks associated with typical occupational exposures. 1994, Color, 26 mins.

RP-121 Radiation Risks Revisited-Presented by John Duley,this video is based on the RC's Regulatory Guide 8.29, it's a review of the risks associated with occupational radiation exposure. Cancer risk estimates and the linear non-threshold controversy are highlighted. The video will help workers make an informed decision about their radiation exposure risk. 1996, Color, 24 mins.

RP-122 Radiation and Pregnancy: A Decision To Declare-Presented by John Duley, this program is based on the NRC's Regulatory Guide 8.13, it looks at the potential effects of occupational radiation exposure to the pregnant worker's embryo/fetus. This training tape discusses the effects of radiation exposure on the embryo/fetus and the requirements for declaring the pregnancy to initiate the 500 millirem (5 millisieverts) fetal limit for the duration of the gestation period. 1998, Color, 24 mins.

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MS SERIES: Miscellaneous Series

MS-200 A/B The Story of Radiation-An engaging presentation of the scientific and social issues associated with nuclear radiation. Covers radiation particles and waves, measurement, biological effects, risk vs. benefit, and safety precautions. Intended for high school through adult audiences, it requires no previous technical knowledge of physics or radiation. Presented in ten segments, 15 mins. each. Available on videotape and 16 mm film. 1982, Color 150 mins. Program May Not Be Duplicated.

MS-201 The Story of Radiation: Promo and Highlights-A preview of MS 200 A/B. 1982, Color, 10 mins.

MS-202 Man and Radiation-Discusses aspects of radiation and offers a survey of the widespread beneficial applications in medicine, industry agriculture, power and research. No previous radiation background knowledge is required. 1965, Color, 30 mins.

MS-203 A/B Handling the Radiation Patient-A presentation to hospital emergency personnel by former RC's Joe Nanus on the proper facilities and methods for dealing safely with the radiation accident victim. Intended for E.R., radiology, nursing service and other personnel connected with treating and caring for the radiation accident patient. 1984, Color, 75 mins.

MS-204 Safe Transport: Hazardous Materials Transportation- Describes various types of hazardous materials, regulations that govern the movement of such materials over highways and by rail, air, sea and pipeline. Produced by U.S. Department of Transportation. Color, 22 mins.

MS-205 Radiation Accident Patients: Emergency Handling-Principles and techniques for handling the radiation accident patient by hospital personnel and first responders are discussed in this dramatized presentation. Circa 1962. Color, 17 mins.

MS-206 Metric System of Measurement-SI Base Units-A discussion of the seven base units of the metric system (meter, kilogram, second, ampere, kelvin, mole and candela) and the two supplemental units (radian and steradian). 1980, Color, 19 mins.

MS-207 Metric System of Measurement-SI Radiation Units-A description of the four basic quantities used in radiation sciences: exposure, absorbed dose, dose equivalent and activity using the terminology of the SI System of Units. 1980, Color, 31 mins.

MS-208 Pre-Hospital Response to Radiation Accidents-A presentation of the fundamentals of rescue and emergency medical care of radiation accident victims, transporting patients to the hospital and post emergency activities. Basic information about radiation, radioactivity and principles of radiation protection are also discussed. Prepared by Oak Ridge Associated Universities for the Federal Emergency Management Agency. 1984, Color, 25 mins. Program May Not Be Duplicated.

MS-209 Hospital Emergency Dept. Response to Radiation Accidents-This program provides information on patient care from reception and triage to postemergency activities. Prepared by Oak Ridge Associated Universities for the Federal Emergency Management Agency. 1984, Color, 25 mins. Program May Not Be Duplicated.

MS-210 Radiation . . . Naturally- An objective, entertaining exploration of ionizing radiation public. Program attempts to lay to rest misconceptions held about radiation. Provides basic information about radiation sources, applications, effects, benefits and risks. Printed materials, including film user's guide, discussion questions and activity sheets are available upon request. 1981, Color, 29 mins. Program May Not Be Duplicated.

MS-211 The Origin of Soils-A discussion of the origin and characteristics of soils is essential to understanding the ground disposal of radioactive wastes and the environmental effects of uranium mining. Presented by RC's Bill Price formally of the Hydrological Geotechnical Program, this program provides an overview of the of the formation of the earth and origin of water, rock weathering, classification of rock types and characteristics of soils. 1984, 39 mins.

MS-212 The Atom: A Closer Look-Introduces students, grades 6-12, to basic information about (1) the atom's structure; (2) atomic chain reaction; (3) how nuclear power plants generate electricity; (4) discussion of radioactivity; and (5) nuclear waste disposal. Produced by the American Nuclear Society in cooperation with the Walt Disney Educational Media Co. 1984, Color, 30 mins. Available in 16 MM Film Format Only.

MS-213 Radon: What It Is? And What You Can Do About It!-Provides the homeowner with basic information on the radon problem and outlines steps for corrective action, if necessary. Transferred to videotape from a slide show produced by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. 1988, Color, 18 mins.

MS-214 Engineered for Safety-Describes design and development of casks used for safe transportation of high-level nuclear waste. Cask standards and certification, computer analysis and computer-aided design, and cask testing are discussed. Produced by Sandia National laboratories for the U.S. Department of Energy. 1989, Color, 26 mins.

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BE SERIES: Biological Effects

BE-300A Biological Effects of Ionizing Radiation: Basic Concepts and History-Discussions of the discovery of x-rays by Roentgen and the health problems of the radium dial painters and pitch-blend miners. Also covered are the determinants of radiation injury including the dose response concept. 1977, Color, 16 mins.

BE-300B Biological Effects of Ionizing Radiation: Determinants of Radiation Injury and the Acute Radiation Syndrome-A continuation of BE-300A. Radiation injury determinants, including dose-rate concept, individual sensitivity and cell sensitivity are discussed. Contrasts are made of acute and chronic effects and long and short term effects. 1977, Color, 16 mins.

BE-300C Biological Effects of Ionizing Radiation: Long-Term Effects of Ionizing Radiation, Part 1-An examination of radiation effects whose latent period may be as long as 20 years. Somatic and genetic effects are contrasted and the means by which radiation-induced genetic mutations may be passed on from one generation to another are detailed. 1977, Color, 21 mins.

BE-300D Biological Effects of Ionizing Radiation: Long-Term Effects, Part 2 -A discussion of the long-term somatic effects of ionizing radiation, including carcinogenic, cataractogenic, embryological and life-span shortening effects. 1977, Color, 30 mins.

BE-301 Radiation Bio-Effects and Protection Principles-Discusses biological effects of ionizing radiation including history, factors affecting radiation injury, short and long-term effects. An American Red Cross Lecture Series, produced in cooperation with the National Center for Devices and Radiological Health, Food and Drug Administration. 1984, Color, 8 segments, each approx. 7 mins. long: total time 58 mins.

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RI SERIES: Routine Issues

RI-400 Routine Compliance Testing for Diagnostic X-Ray Machines-Compliance testing techniques for the C-arm fluoroscopic and spot film systems. Methods for testing the devices and completing FDA test forms. Recommended for use with compliance procedures manual " Routine Compliance Testing for Diagnostic X-Ray Systems." 1984, Color, 30 mins.

RI-401 Dental Normalization Techniques Program (D.E.N.T.)-An overview of a dental x-ray equipment survey. Specifically demonstrated are the conduct of a survey and recommendations to improve the dentist's radiographic system. The goal of D.E.N.T. is to improve radiographic quality while reducing exposure. 1980, Color, 16 mins.

RI-402 Routine Compliance Testing for Diagnostic X-Rays Systems-Head and Neck Radiographic Systems-Compliance testing techniques for stationary radiographic x-ray systems specifically designed for head and neck radiography. Recommended for use with compliance procedures manual "routine Compliance Testing for Diagnostic X-Ray Systems." 1985, Color, 28 mins.

RI-403 New Test Pattern for Video Displays and Hard Copy Cameras-Describes a test pattern developed by the Society of Motion Picture and television Engineers for evaluation television monitors and film recording cameras used in medical diagnostic imaging. 1986, Color, 20 mins.

RI-404 Sensitometric Technique for the Evaluation of Processing (STEP) of Medical X-Ray Films-A survey process developed by the Bureau of Radiological Health of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration and the Conference of Radiation Control Program Directors Quality Assurance Task Force. The technique was designed for state surveyors, but can be used by medical physicists and consultants. Sept. 3, 1982, Color, 33 mins.

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RT SERIES: Radiation Therapy

RT-500 Linear Accelerators in Radiation Therapy: Theory and Operation-A description of the internal and external parts of the linac with a treatment procedure demonstrated. Function of main components and auxiliary systems are explained. Operation of microwave cavities, power sources, standing and traveling wave accelerator structures are also explained. 1981, Color, 48 mins.

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NR SERIES: Non-Ionizing Radiation

NR-601 The Problem of Laser Light Shows - A National Plan of Action-Covers the nature of laser light shows used for art displays and rock concerts. Discusses the risks of laser light shows and helps define the roles of federal and state governments in regulating such displays. Color, 27 mins.

NR-602 A/B Federal Laser Performance Standard, Parts 1 and 2-A discussion of the history and development of the federal laser performance standard. This standard is applied to manufacturers of laser products to protect the public against biological harm. 1976, B&W, 82 mins.

NR-603 Inspection of Entertainment Lasers-Provides an understanding of the basic processes and techniques for planning and conducting an on-site compliance enforcement inspection of a laser light show. 1982, Color, 36 mins.

NR-604 Current Issues in Radiological Health - RF Sealers: Health and Safety Issues- A description of radiofrequency heaters and sealers and their use in industry. Also covered are the potential hazards of these devices, standards for worker protection and methods for reducing exposure to the worker. 1982, Color, 39 mins.

NR-605 Current Issues in Radiological Health: Video Display Terminals-A discussion of the kinds of radiation emitted from VDTs, how the levels of these radiations compare with existing exposure guidelines and a look at several non-radiation problems related to terminals. 1980, Color, 24 mins.

NR-606 Basic Physics of Ultrasound Imaging-Introduction to fundamental ultrasound concepts, including a brief history of the development of ultrasound equipment. Explanation of hoe the ultrasound image is created and discussion of piezoelectricity. 1984, Color, 35 mins.

NR-607 Magnetic Resonance Imaging-Basic principles and requirements featuring actual images from clinical use of MRI, a discussion of MRI equipment, siting problems and safety considerations. With Joel E. Gray, Ph.D., Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minnesota. 1986, Color, 51 mins.

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DE-700 Dental Workshop-This video program covers the Bureau of Radiation Control's "Dental Radiation Regulatory Workshop" conducted by staff members at the J.J. Pickle Research Center in Austin, Texas on October 20, 2000. Topics covered include: an overview of the dental radiation rules, regulatory guide 4.4, and an explanation of the remote dental inspection and the "new" on-site dental inspection. Also, included with the video are handouts for each of the six presentations, and a list of frequently asked questions. 2000, Color, 78 mins.

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Texas Department of State Health Services, Radiation Control Program
1100 West 49th Street - Austin, Texas 78756-3189 - (512) 834-6688 or (512) 834-6770

Last Updated June 29, 2007

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