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Texas Reads license plate

You can show your support of Texas public libraries wherever you drive!

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Texas Reads License Plate Application Form and Instructions
Information for Libraries: Texas Reads Grant Guidelines and Application Deadline
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Show your support of public libraries by purchasing the Texas Reads specialty license plate. The proceeds of the sale of this plate fund grants for reading programs in Texas public libraries.

Illiteracy is still a major problem in Texas. Texas libraries, along with the Texas State Library and Archives Commission, are fighting illiteracy through outreach, tutoring, ESL and GED courses, and other programs that reach the entire community. Help our libraries do even more to improve literacy and to spread the joy of reading among Texans. When you buy a Texas Reads license plate, $22 of the $30 fee goes into the Texas Reads account. The Texas State Library and Archives Commission then makes grants available to public libraries for the purpose of implementing reading programs.

Just like regular or other specialty license plates for cars or light trucks, the Texas Reads plates are purchased from each county's tax assessor-collector. Expect your new plates to arrive at the county tax office in about two weeks. It's easy!

Public libraries are invited to apply for a Texas Reads grant. The Texas State Library and Archives Commission will award $15,000 this year. Click here for application guidelines, deadlines and additional information.

The Tocker Foundation provided the initial start-up fee to jump start the production of the new plates. The Texas State Library and Archives Commission and public libraries throughout the state extend their gratitude to the Tocker Foundation. In addition, the Friends of Libraries & Archives of Texas have provided valuable assistance.

Order your Texas Reads specialty license plate today, and help get more people reading within your community. Libraries are our license to read!

Thank you for supporting public libraries!

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