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This calendar lists items sponsored by TPWD or in which TPWD is a participant.

Symbols and Abbreviations

  • Checkmark Image = Featured Event
  • SP = State Park
  • SHS = State Historic Site
  • SP&HS = State Park and Historic Site
  • SFH = State Fish Hatchery
  • SNA = State Natural Area
  • WMA = Wildlife Management Area

Calendars on Other Sites


TPWD Calendar

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Use the links in the left column to find events by activity, region, site and date. Links are also listed for canceled events and restricted access to sites, as well as special calendars for landowners, state parks and wildlife management areas.

 Canceled Events

December 2, 2007CanceledGovernment Canyon SNAHaiku Hike — Enjoy an experience that combines immersion in the natural world and creative writing. Led by local poet Mobi Warren, it includes an introduction to haiku and other short poem forms, a three-mile hike and quiet time sitting along the trail to write. Open to ages 14 and older; group size limited to six; wear sturdy shoes, bring at least a quart of water, a snack, a journal to write in, towel or pad to sit on and mosquito repellent. 8:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m.; reservations required and will be accepted beginning at 7:30 a.m. November 19, 2007. For reservation or more information, e-mail educcmte@hotmail.com. Include name, e-mail address or telephone number for each reservation. Subject to cancellation. (210) 688-9055, ext 292. [Events at the Same Site] [Events in the Same Region] [Similar Activities] [More About Government Canyon SNA]

December 15, 2007CanceledPurtis Creek SPStargazing — Come explore the night sky and make your own star wheel. Meet at overflow camping parking lot at dark. 7-9 p.m. (903) 425-2332. [Events at the Same Site] [Events in the Same Region] [Similar Activities] [More About Purtis Creek SP]

Featured Event December 15–January 1, 2007/2008CanceledBig Spring SPPoinsettias in the Park — Visit the park and see three large metal poinsettias (each one 20 feet wide and 8 feet tall) wrapped in Christmas lights. These lights will be placed on the edge of the 200-foot bluff at the northern limit of the Edwards Plateau in the park. This is in conjunction with the Festival of Lights at the neighboring Comanche Trail Park with more than 900,000 Christmas lights. Dark-10 p.m. (432) 263-4931. [Events at the Same Site] [Events in the Same Region] [Similar Activities] [More About Big Spring SP] [Featured Events]

Updated 2007-11-19 05:00:41


This calendar lists items sponsored by TPWD or in which TPWD is a participant.

Symbols and Abbreviations

  • Checkmark Image = Featured Event
  • SP = State Park
  • SHS = State Historic Site
  • SP&HS = State Park and Historic Site
  • SFH = State Fish Hatchery
  • SNA = State Natural Area
  • WMA = Wildlife Management Area

Calendars on Other Sites