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TexShare Databases:
Request to Download MARC Records
for netLibrary eBooks

Please complete the form below in order to receive the confidential URL, login, and password required to download the OCLC MARC records for the TexShare collection of netLibrary eBooks. The information you submit on this form may be forwarded to the database providers. Please read our Web Policies and Disclaimers.

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2001 MARC records
2002 MARC records
2003 MARC records
2004 MARC records
2005 MARC records
(Soc. of Plastic Engineers donation)
2005 MARC records

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OCLC MARC Records for netLibrary eBooks are available exclusively for TexShare member libraries.

You must submit this form in order for this information to be electronically sent to TexShare. An e-mail message of this request will be sent to you for your records. Most requests will be processed within 3 days of receipt. You will also receive a confirmation by e-mail with instructions and information.

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