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Library Developments Newsletter

A bimonthly publication of the Library Development Division,
Texas State Library and Archives Commission

Talking Book Week Logo

Talking Book Week September 22-28

Libraries looking for ways to diversify services and increase their patron base can get involved in Talking Book Week activities from September 22-28, 2002.

This program provides a great opportunity for libraries to reach out to their communities and raise awareness about library services for people with disabilities. During Talking Book Week, libraries all over the state will host activities to promote the program and sign up eligible individuals.The Talking Book Program (TBP) is a free service that provides unabridged books and magazines on tape, in large print and in braille to individuals of all ages with qualifying physical, visual and learning disabilities. Large print musical scores also are available.

The program is funded by the Texas State Library and Archives Commission and the Library of Congress.

Professional librarians may certify applications for anyone with physical and visual disabilities. Applications may be downloaded in English and Spanish at www.TexasTalkingBooks.org. Copies of TBP booklets, “Just For Librarians” and “The Classroom Guide to the Talking Book Program” also are available online.

For more information about the program and Talking Book Week, visit the TBP website at www.TexasTalking Books.org, send an email inquiry to TBPinfo@tsl.state.tx.us, or contact Roxanne Elder, Public Awareness Coordinator, Talking Book Program at 512- 463-5452

Suggested activities:

Create a display with Talking Book Program bookmarks, brochures, and applications. All promotional materials are free of charge and available in both English and in Spanish. Contact the TBP with the number of items needed.

Sign your library up to become a demonstration site. You will receive a Talking Book cassette player and sample tapes (such as Texas Monthly, Sports Illustrated for Kids, and a bestseller in English and in Spanish).

Host a community Talking Book Open House at your library. Have a registration table available and demonstrate how the program works. Send out press releases and invite your local media to see first hand how you are reaching out to serve those with disabilities.

Host a storytime that provides a teaching opportunity about braille and people with disabilities. Feature books about Louis Braille, who invented the system when he was just 14. TBP can provide braille alphabet cards or rulers as free give aways. Children love the fact that braille is a secret code—have them write messages using the braille alphabet. End with a discussion about how some people read with their fingers and some read by listening.

Create an exhibit in your library entitled Famous Texans with Disabilities (a list is available online at www.governor.state.tx.us/disabilities/disabilities_famous.htm).

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