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Main Newsletters | Jan/Feb Newsletter

Library Developments Newsletter

A bimonthly publication of the Library Development Division,
Texas State Library and Archives Commission

Workshops, Etc.


Public Library Association Annual Conference
March 12-16, 2002
Phoenix, AZ

Young Adult Services Workshop
March 22, 25, 27
Location TBA
christine.mcnew@tsl.state.tx.us or 512-463-6623


Tuesday, April 23, 2002


Do-Re-READ: Music in Children’s Programs
Children’s entertainer Willy Welch shares his experience integrating music into school and library programs.

Go Wireless!
Michael Lucas discusses the technology’s operation, security and maintenance, upgrade options, standards and implementation strategies.

So You Want to Teach on the Web
Learn best practices for online instruction and training through Web delivery.

Storytelling 101
Members of the Dallas and Ft. Worth Storytelling Guilds will demonstrate techniques to make everyone a teller.

Z39.50: The Last Mile
Learn to customize, modify and maintain the multitude of search options in your own Z39.50 module.

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Wednesday, April 24, 2002

Read Across Texas!
Learn tips for using activities in the 2002 Texas Reading Club manual from the authors.

TexShare – The Texas Information Highway
Updates on TexShare programs and services and future directions.

Using the New Public Library Advisory Board Handbook
Information about the responsibilities of new library advisory board members.

Thursday, April 25, 2002

Here Today and Tomorrow: Preserving Government Online Information
A review of the electronic depository program, which will create an ongoing archive of electronic state publications.

Library of Texas: Preserving the Past and Shaping the Future
A state report on this ambitious statewide resource sharing program and its future role providing services for Texas libraries.

LSTA: What Have We Done with Federal Funds?
An evaluation of the Texas State Library and Archives Commission’s Library Services and Technology Act five-year plan.

Texas School Library Study
A report on the recently completed study of the role of school librarians in student learning.

TexShare: Building Collections One Click at a Time!
Learn about current database resources and future possibilities for bringing more information to your users.

How Does Your Collection Grow?: Weeders Attract More Readers!
This lively presentation will give you sure-fire, practical tips to boost circulation and increase your library’s credibility.

From Sci-Fi to Bubba
Meet the 2002 Texas Reading Club artist, James Warhola, who has created covers for over 300 sci-fi and fantasy bookcovers.

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