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Library Developments Newsletter
A bimonthly publication of the Library Development Division,
Texas State Library and Archives Commission

TSLAC to Study Student Achievement in School Libraries

The Texas State Library and Archives Commission (TSLAC) has awarded a contract to EGS Research & Consulting of Austin to study the effects of activities in school library media centers on student achievement. This study will be conducted in preparation for a review of the standards for school library programs developed by TSLAC in 1997. It will be funded through a grant from the Library Services and Technology Act (LSTA).

EGS Research and Consulting mailed a survey to a random, stratified sample of school library media specialists in September 2000. Data gathered from the survey will be correlated with TAAS scores at each of the schools surveyed. Community factors that could influence the results, such as socio-economic status and library expenditures on materials, will be controlled through a series of statistical analyses.

Previous studies, particularly those conducted by the Library Research Service for Alaska, Pennsylvania, and Colorado, have demonstrated that a positive relationship exists between staffing levels and activities performed in school library media centers and student test scores. Preliminary results of the Texas study are expected to be available in February 2001, with a final report due by April 2001.

For more information contact Christine McNew at 512-463-6623 or christine.mcnew@tsl.state.tx.us.

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