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Library Developments Newsletter
A bimonthly publication of the Library Development Division,
Texas State Library and Archives Commission

Web-Braille Online

Braille readers can now read their books on the Internet thanks to a historic technological break-through by the Library of Congress called Web-Braille. As a result of new computer technology, braille readers may now access digital braille book files with a computer and a refreshable braille display (an electronic device than raises or lowers an array of pins to create a line of braille characters) or a braille embosser. Currently, 2,700 braille book titles are available on the Internet for download or online use by eligible individuals, libraries, and schools. With a computer and a braille output device, about 40 new titles per month are released in braille and are immediately available to users online.

For more information, contact Robert E. Fistick, Head, Publications and Media Section, National Library Service for the Blind and Physically Handicapped, The Library of Congress, 1291 Taylor Street, NW, Washington, DC 20542 or go to www.loc.gov/nls/nls-wb.html.

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