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D.A. Sen Clair to Davis, September 10, 1873

Page 3

Page 1 | Page 2 | Page 3 | Page 4 | "War, Ruin, and Reconstruction"

Clair to Davis, page 3

issued by Charles Mason Secy of War
dated at Houston June 2nd 1838 and
No 3663 by virtue of which 927 acres was
surveyed April 14th 1872 which includes the
homesteads aforementioned. Wheather [sic] there is
any connection between the land matters and
what I am about to relate I am unable
to say. Something near ten o'clock four
men came to Peter Lockharts cabin and
wished to do as they pleased with his girls,
the girls resisted whereupon the man drew a
six shooter and presented it at her and
threatened her, they did some other deprida-
tions and then left and went to old
Aunt Dina and she says they all Raped
her, then they came to Roscoe Sloans cabin
and tried to come in. The negroes had
gathered at this place and when the
party attempted to enter they fired
on them and Leddingham was killed
instantly dead, the party then left swe-
aring vengeance on the negroes, saying
they would get help and return. They came
back about an hour before day and

Page 1 | Page 2 | Page 3 | Page 4 | "War, Ruin, and Reconstruction"

D.A. Sen Clair to Davis, September 10, 1873, Records of Edmund Jackson Davis, Texas Office of the Governor, Archives and Information Services Division, Texas State Library and Archives Commission.

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