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Texas State Library and Archives Commission
Archives & Manuscripts 

Triumph and Tragedy: Presidents of the Republic of Texas

The Texas Presidency
David G. Burnet
Sam Houston - First Term
Mirabeau B. Lamar
Sam Houston - Second Term
Anson Jones
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Secretary of the Senate to Anson Jones, January 20, 1845

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Secretary of the Senate to Anson Jones, January 1845

Senate Chamber
January 20th 1845  

To His Excellency
Anson Jones.  

            I have the honor to
inform you that the following Resolution
was this day adopted by the Senate.  

            Resolved. That the President be and
he is hereby respectfully requested to lay before
the Senate copies of all the late correspondence
between this Government and the Charge’d Affaires
of the United States on the Subject of the Annexa-
tion of Texas to the United States of America
if in his opinion not incompatible to the public

Very Respectfully.
Henry J. Jarrett
Secy of Senate.

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Secretary of the Senate to Anson Jones, January 20, 1845. Texas Secretary of State Records, U.S. Diplomatic Correspondence, Archives and Information Services Division, Texas State Library and Archives Commission.


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