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Texas State Library and Archives Commission
Archives & Manuscripts 

Triumph and Tragedy: Presidents of the Republic of Texas

The Texas Presidency
David G. Burnet
Sam Houston - First Term
Mirabeau B. Lamar
Sam Houston - Second Term
Anson Jones
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Company A, First Regiment of Artillery to Sam Houston,
June 11, 1837

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Company A to Sam Houston, June 1837

all they hold dear to boldly espouse the cause of
liberty, especially when her cause was so ___ [?] as was the
case with Texas in regard to Mexico; unless it be supposed
that we are that degraded, it which one of our officers
has stigmatized as being here[.] We can assure you this
is not the case, and it never can be s[u]pposed we will basely
give up to such tyrany, [sic] unless it be in a greater immer-
guncy [emergency] than is the case of affairs in texas [sic] at present and
we can with sincerity assert in spite of the base calum-
nious and partial statements that have before this time
reached you, that We are at this time as willing as ever
to obey all your orders faithfully, and faithfully to main-
tain the cause of Texas against all her enemies

The Above statements have not originated either out of
malignity or ignorance, but can be fully substantiated
by competent witnesses at any  time.

*and the United States also.  

With sentiments of the highest respects, We are Yours

Your Obedient
And Humble
Company A 1st Regt of Artillery  

To Hon. Saml Houston

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Company A, First Regiment of Artillery to Sam Houston, June 11, 1837. Andrew Jackson Houston Papers #1179, Archives and Information Services Division, Texas State Library and Archives Commission.


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