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The Texas Navy

George W. Hill to Sam Houston, January 1, 1844

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George W. Hill to Sam Houston, January 1844

upon the vessels at present belonging to it, to the
purchase of new vessels should their active em-
ployment be required[.] A navy well fitted
and appointed is useful[.] That which is not
possessed of these requirements must be worse
than useless, particularly to a nation not abun-
dant of means[.]

              I beg leave here to state that
I am in daily expectation of the receipt of
intelligence, that the vessels are abandoned for
want of means to maintain a crew on board.

I have the honor etc.
(signed) G.W. Hill
Secretary of War and Marine

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George W. Hill to Sam Houston, January 1, 1844. Texas Navy Papers, Archives and Information Services Division, Texas State Library and Archives Commission.


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