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The Texas Navy

Gail Borden to Joseph Russell, August 29, 1837

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Gail Borden to Joseph Russell, August 1837

honor to preside, are disposed to act with justice and in good
faith towards the subjects of all nations.

              It is the object of our Government, now that she has
in effect established her independence to cultivate a friendly
relation with other nations, not forgetting our maternal des-
cent as the recent appointment of a minister to England will

Yr obt Servant
(signed) G. Borden Jr

Treasury Department
Houston 8 Sept 1837

              I certify that the  foregoing is a correct copy from a copy
on file

G Welschmeyer
C. Ck & Actg Sec. Treas,

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Gail Borden to Joseph Russell, August 29, 1837. Texas Navy Papers, Archives and Information Services Division, Texas State Library and Archives Commission.


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