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The Texas Navy

Edwin W. Moore to Louis P. Cooke, December 24, 1841

Page 24

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Edwin W. Moore to Louis P. Cooke, December 1841


  and Saml Edgerton Captains Steward have all died. [T]hree or
four more are still ill, and I regret to state that among
them is Lieut D.H. Crisp, who I very much fear will not
recover. The Purser, Mr Hurd, has been very ill, but is now
recovering. I have also had a violent attack myself, which
has prevented my dispatching the San-Bernard several days.

              In consequence of my sickness, and my anxiety
to get the San-Bernard off I have omitted some things
which I will report to the Department on my arrival
off Galveston.

              The Department will perhaps find some mistakes
in the copies of the numerous letters, which I have not
been able to examine.

I am Very Respectfully etc.
(Signed) E.W. Moore
Capt Comor T Navy


            The first Cutter of this Ship returned from the
Arcas last night and Lieut O’Shannessy reports the
Schooner a total wreck, having gone to peices[sic] [.] [H]e also
reports many of her timbers much decayed.

(sigd) E.W.M.

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Edwin W. Moore to Louis P. Cooke, December 24, 1841. Texas Navy Papers, Archives and Information Services Division, Texas State Library and Archives Commission.


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